This article was co-authored by Angel Eyedealism and by wikiHow staff writer, Jessica Gibson. Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings.
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If you've fallen for a Capricorn man, you may be struggling to read his feelings. Capricorn's a very private sign, so how can you tell if he loves you? Since Capricorn doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve, you'll have to watch for specific behaviors. Keep reading for our comprehensive guide to understanding a Capricorn man's heart.
He’s passionate when it's just the two of you.
A Capricorn might not be into PDA, but he's affectionate in the bedroom. Just because your guy shies away from holding hands in public or kissing in front of others doesn't mean he's not attached to you. He'd rather have a sensual evening just the two of you where he can express exactly how much he loves you.
- Your guy will probably spend a lot of time on foreplay—Capricorns are slow to warm up! To help him get in the mood, send him flirty texts throughout the day or jump in the shower together before you hit the bedroom.
He's dedicated to you.
A Capricorn in love is loyal because he doesn't want to be with anyone else! You'll definitely get the impression that you're the only one for him. You may feel like you've been a couple forever! He'll act as though he's in a committed relationship because he's completely taken with you.
- For instance, if he gets asked to go out of town, he'll clear it with you first, or he'll treat your family like his own, getting them gifts and attending family functions.
He takes the relationship slow.
Capricorns don't like to rush romance, so you may have started as friends. As an earth sign, they're very protocol-driven. Your Capricorn probably asked you out and took you on classic dates—dinner, movie, walks in the park. While this seems kind of predictable, he likes to take it slow because he's genuinely interested in figuring out if you two are compatible.
- A Capricorn man in love won't rush the relationship. Don't be surprised if you're good friends for a while before he advances the relationship.
He plans detailed dates.
Capricorns are super detail-oriented, and dates are no exception. Once you two have gone on the classic dates and he feels like he knows you, he'll plan special outings. For instance, if you love cocktails, he'll research local speakeasies to find one you've never been to, or if you love a certain cuisine that you can't find around town, he'll whip up a special meal that he knows you'll love.
- Although he can seem a bit controlling at times, he'll let you surprise him if he really cares about you. You might offer to plan a date. He'll really appreciate if you take the time to plan the evening.
He’s romantic.
Capricorns give gifts or do thoughtful things to show they care. Capricorn may not be the most thrilling or exciting astrological sign when it comes to love; they're prudent and conservative. However, if he loves you, he'll show you old-school romance. He may hand you a bouquet and formally ask you to be his girlfriend or boyfriend for instance.
- Just because he's romantic doesn't mean he's mushy or overly sentimental! He's got classic taste, so you'll feel like you're being wined and dined by a gentleman.
He makes space for you.
Your man sets aside room to let you know he wants you around. Capricorns are creatures of routine and order, so it's kind of a big deal if he tells you that he's made room for your things at his pad. Sharing his personal space means you're truly a part of his life. For instance, he may clear out a few dresser drawers specifically for you to use.
- Let him know you really appreciate this gesture. He'll love knowing that you "get" him.
He introduces you to his friends and family.
Capricorns keep their social circle small, so it's significant if he lets you in. You two probably spent a lot of time alone early in your relationship, but if he's fallen for you, he'll ask you to meet his family and hang out with his friends. This is because he thinks you're a good fit and he wants you in his life.[1] X Research source
- He'll also expect to meet the important people in your life, so be prepared to introduce him to your nearest and dearest.
He makes you a priority.
A Capricorn man schedules regular dates because he wants you around. It's not surprising that organized Capricorn loves routine. He'll make you part of his life by carving out time to be with you. Whether it's always meeting for dinner on Thursdays or spending weeknights at his place, you'll create a routine that works for you as a couple.
- If he can't get together in person, your Capricorn does a great job of calling or messaging throughout the day.
He’s protective or jealous.
Your Capricorn guy can seem possessive of you because he's territorial. Once he feels committed to you, he feels like it's his job to look out for you, so he may not like it if someone's trying to chat you up. He might ask you what you were talking about or he may join the conversation and introduce himself as your boyfriend.
- It's completely fine to set boundaries with your Capricorn, especially if you think he's becoming controlling or demanding.
He’s open and intimate with you.
Capricorn only shares his feelings with someone he cares about deeply. As he becomes more comfortable and committed, you'll find that he opens up emotionally. He might not be as sentimental as some signs, but he'll let you know that he loves you.[2] X Research source
- A Capricorn's idea of romance might be opening a joint bank account or him offering to pay for a spur-of-the-moment trip.
He's vulnerable.
He takes the next step in your relationship because he's committed to you. Capricorns usually appreciate routine and structure—they don't like being surprised or being in situations where their feelings can get hurt. This means it's a big deal if he suddenly starts putting himself out there when it comes to you.
- For instance, he may be the one to suggest that you move in together, or he may ask you to help him make big life decisions like taking a job offer in another city.
He helps you achieve your goals.
Capricorns are the planners of the zodiac, so he wants to be there for you. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of hard work and discipline. This means your Capricorn man is practical about the people he loves. You might find that he's ready to jump into a project you're working on, or he'll offer you advice about plans you're making.
- To make him feel appreciated, ask him for his help with something you're working on or ask for his advice. For instance, you could say you need his help with a few conference details you're planning and you'd love his opinion about how to structure events.
He's committed to making the relationship work.
Capricorns show their dedication by sticking around when it gets tough. They really value the stability that comes from being part of a couple. If you two hit a bumpy patch, your Capricorn will be willing to talk, compromise, or attend therapy.
- Capricorns are one of the most responsible signs of the zodiac. Your guy will feel like your relationship and happiness are his duty.
He swallows his pride.
A Capricorn can admit that he's wrong since he respects and values you. Since Capricorns are usually so set in their ways they can come off as a bit stubborn. Your Capricorn is actually really into you if they make a point of apologizing or seeing things from your perspective. It shows that they care about your opinion and they value you.
- For instance, he might say, "I'm sorry if I got upset when you changed our plans the other night. Sometimes, I have a hard time being flexible, but I'm really glad we went out. That concert was incredible."
He shares his dreams and goals.
If he loves you, you'll have deep conversations about your future plans. Although it takes a little time for him to reach this point, he'll have no trouble talking about getting married or having a family. Capricorn is a cardinal sign, so he's used to being the one who plans and comes up with ideas. The fact that he wants to include you in them is huge!
- Your guy will probably try to figure out if you're as committed to him as he is to you. Once he feels like you're on the same page, he'll feel even more connected.
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