Is there a special someone that makes your heart skip a beat, but you don't know how to talk to her? Many people deal with the same thing. Read on to for simple steps that will really impress girls and not come over as at all rude. Get started at step number one below.


  1. 1
    Make sure that you actually know the girl. It's apparently virtually impossible to impress girls you don't know. Talk to girls you know in a friendly and casual way. You don't have to make it obvious that you like any girl you're trying to impress, just try just being friends first. While talking, be confident. Most likely, she's nervous too! Most girls will appreciate a guy that takes the lead. That way, they don't have to stutter and mumble their way into a conversation.
  2. 2
    Try to be nice in appearance. Don't dress like a slob in a baggy chili stained sweatshirt and sweat pants, but don't wear a suit and tie everyday either.[1] It's also important to smell good. Wear a scent that isn't too strong, and don't spray it on too heavy. There's nothing worse than the girl you like being covered in your cologne after she talks with you.
  3. 3
    Don't overdo the jokes. Some girls are more confident than others, and some will take them well and some won't. If a girl you know that you are trying to impress is on the less than confident side, don't attempt a joke about her appearance. She might take you seriously and think you're a jerk. Also, make sure that your jokes are actually funny! If you are talking about that hard math test, don't relate it to your friend's pet turtle. It's not only be a mood killer, but just plain awkward.
  4. 4
    Find something that you both have in common. Maybe you're both book or band geeks, or love the same movie. If a girl you are trying to impress is into something that you're not, try to be open minded about it. For example, if she likes painting, grab a brush and try it with her. You could also try something new to both of you! If you both have never tried photography, take a class together. Something you thought of before as stupid or boring could actually turn out to be really fun. Another thing to try would be dancing classes. Dancing is classically romantic, and taking a class will set the mood without being too obvious.
  5. 5
    Remember important information like birthday's, holidays and promises to hang out. It's pretty embarrassing to show up without a present or at least something to say when it's a special day.
  6. 6
    Be her biggest cheerleader. Go to her sporting events, recitals, concerts, art shows and performances. It's important to encourage her hobbies and interests by attending to show that you care.
  7. 7
    Give a girl you are trying to impress presents. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just a stuffed animal, or a card. Maybe you don't have a lot of money to spend. That's okay! Just a heartfelt letter can be enough. Don't make a big deal of it either. Just slip something in her locker, or send her a text or an email. Even a cheery, "Happy birthday!" the next time you see her will make her pleased that you remembered.
  8. 8
    Don't show off. It comes off as annoying, or even conceited when guys constantly brag.[2] It doesn't hurt to mention something about your football practice the other day, but don't constantly say things like, "Since I'm the star on the football team, this will be no problem!"
  9. 9
    Remember to be yourself. When guys always follow whatever the new trend is, they start to be less like themselves and more and more like other people. It's good for the world to have differences because if everyone in the world were the same, life would be really boring! Don't be someone you're not just to impress her. If she doesn't like you for you, she's not the right girl for you.
  10. 10
    Try to be involved in a lot of different things. Sports are fun and healthy activities to be involved in, and help make you a well rounded person. But remember that it's good to be involved in more than just sports. There are a wide range of activities to choose from including music, theatre, dancing, photography, visual arts, singing, playing an instrument, book clubs, environment clubs, wood shops, writing workshops and countless others. Being involved will show your girl that you know how to live life to the fullest!
  11. 11
    Get good grades in school. It's good to remember to stay focused on schoolwork because it will benefit you in the future. Girls also enjoy studying with guys, and it's a good way to spend quality time with the girl you like.
  12. 12
    Try to be generally polite. Don't talk with your mouth full, and remember to use a napkin. When meeting her parents, say please and thank you. Don't burp, pass gas, sneeze or cough, don't do it in front of her. If you absolutely have to, leave the room for a moment. Sometimes this happens accidentally, and that can be really embarrassing! Just say excuse me and move on. Try to avoid making a joke unless she laughs. Then it's okay. Otherwise, It's just rude and disgusting.
  13. 13
    Be normal buddies! Treat the girl you like as if she were any other friend at first. Don't be afraid to punch her on the arm, give her a high five, or give her a hug. None of these things have to be "romantic", so there shouldn't be any difference. Once you and your girl start to become closer, than you can start with the romantic stuff.
  14. 14
    Take trying to impress her to the next level. Go ahead and let her realize you like her. Don't go crazy and start bringing her flowers, but try to be subtle. When you two are alone and happy, lightly brush your hand against hers. Look at her face to see if she responds well. If she still looks happy, gently take hold of her hand. Be gentle, and don't make a big deal out of it. If she seems uncomfortable, let go. Most likely, she will be happy that you were brave enough to map the first move, and might be more comfortable seeing you as a romantic partner rather than a friend. If the girl is still responding well, put your arm around her. If she likes that, it's all downhill from there.
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How can I make a great first impression on a girl?
    Stefanie Safran
    Stefanie Safran
    Dating Coach & Matchmaker
    Stefanie Safran is a Dating Coach, Matchmaker, and the Owner of Stef in the City, a Matchmaking and Dating Coaching business focused on an honest and hands on approach. Stefanie labels herself as “Chicago's Introductionista®” as she has over 15 years of experience in the matchmaking industry. Her work has been featured on various media such as: ABC7, NBC5, CBS2, WGN, FOX, The Chicago Tribune, The Chicago Sun Times, The HuffPost, and Refinery29. She holds a MBA in marketing and branding from Loyola University in addition to her BA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
    Stefanie Safran
    Dating Coach & Matchmaker
    Expert Answer
    If you want to give a good impression, you should make an effort to dress up well. You can think of your first meeting with a girl as an interview where you need to look your best.
  • Question
    How can I have an interesting conversation with a girl?
    Stefanie Safran
    Stefanie Safran
    Dating Coach & Matchmaker
    Stefanie Safran is a Dating Coach, Matchmaker, and the Owner of Stef in the City, a Matchmaking and Dating Coaching business focused on an honest and hands on approach. Stefanie labels herself as “Chicago's Introductionista®” as she has over 15 years of experience in the matchmaking industry. Her work has been featured on various media such as: ABC7, NBC5, CBS2, WGN, FOX, The Chicago Tribune, The Chicago Sun Times, The HuffPost, and Refinery29. She holds a MBA in marketing and branding from Loyola University in addition to her BA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
    Stefanie Safran
    Dating Coach & Matchmaker
    Expert Answer
    Look at each other while talking. Let the conversation flow naturally. Do not try to dominate the conversation or talk only about yourself.
  • Question
    What can I do to impress a girl?
    Stefanie Safran
    Stefanie Safran
    Dating Coach & Matchmaker
    Stefanie Safran is a Dating Coach, Matchmaker, and the Owner of Stef in the City, a Matchmaking and Dating Coaching business focused on an honest and hands on approach. Stefanie labels herself as “Chicago's Introductionista®” as she has over 15 years of experience in the matchmaking industry. Her work has been featured on various media such as: ABC7, NBC5, CBS2, WGN, FOX, The Chicago Tribune, The Chicago Sun Times, The HuffPost, and Refinery29. She holds a MBA in marketing and branding from Loyola University in addition to her BA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
    Stefanie Safran
    Dating Coach & Matchmaker
    Expert Answer
    If you go ahead and open the door, get the table, or take care of certain things to make the girl more comfortable. All this will impress her.




  1. Stefanie Safran. Dating Coach & Matchmaker. Expert Interview. 8 May 2020.
  2. Stefanie Safran. Dating Coach & Matchmaker. Expert Interview. 8 May 2020.

About This Article

Stefanie Safran
Co-authored by:
Dating Coach & Matchmaker
This article was co-authored by Stefanie Safran. Stefanie Safran is a Dating Coach, Matchmaker, and the Owner of Stef in the City, a Matchmaking and Dating Coaching business focused on an honest and hands on approach. Stefanie labels herself as “Chicago's Introductionista®” as she has over 15 years of experience in the matchmaking industry. Her work has been featured on various media such as: ABC7, NBC5, CBS2, WGN, FOX, The Chicago Tribune, The Chicago Sun Times, The HuffPost, and Refinery29. She holds a MBA in marketing and branding from Loyola University in addition to her BA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. This article has been viewed 121,823 times.
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Co-authors: 24
Updated: November 27, 2021
Views: 121,823
Categories: Crushes on Girls