Serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT), now called Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), is a liver enzyme that is vital for energy production. It is mainly concentrated in the liver and kidneys, while trace amounts may be found in the heart and other muscles.[1] When the liver is damaged, SGPT leaks out of the cells and into your blood. Normal SGPT level ranges from 7 to 56 units per liter of blood. High levels of SGPT (or ALT) in the blood may indicate liver problems and damage, but they may also be elevated due to strenuous activity. You may be at risk of high SGPT if you abuse alcohol, use certain medications, or have a liver condition such as viral hepatitis or liver cancer. If you’ve ruled out all serious causes and you’re concerned about consistently high SGPT levels, the right diet and lifestyle modifications – and medical treatment, if desired – can bring your numbers down to normal. Start with Step 1 below to lower your SGPT.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Making Diet Modifications

  1. 1
    Get more vitamin D. A damaged liver allows SGPT to seep into the blood. According to a recent study, vitamin D prevents liver damage, which aids in reducing SGPT levels – those with high levels of vitamin D are less vulnerable to liver disease than those with low levels of vitamin D.[2] Therefore, it’s a good idea to include at least 1 fruit and vegetable in each major meal to have a daily dose of vitamin D, staving off liver disease.
    • Good sources of vitamin D are green leafy vegetables, cod liver oil, fish, fortified cereals, oysters, caviar, tofu, soy milk, dairy products, eggs, mushrooms, apples, and oranges.
  2. 2
    Eat a nutrient-rich, plant-based diet. Eating organic foods helps regulate the liver, allowing it to cleanse itself of toxins and create new cells to stop the leakage of SGPT into the blood. These foods are often rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, in addition to being low in fat – in other words, they're great for your entire body. Focus your diet on fresh, whole foods that you’ve prepared yourself. Stay away from products that have gone through unnecessary processing, ridding them of their nutrients.
    • Make sure your diet has a lot of colors. Green leafy vegetables, broccoli, carrots, squash and a variety of fresh fruits should be staples of your diet, along with nuts, whole grains, low-fat dairy products and lean meats.
  3. 3
    Avoid foods high in fat. Fatty foods make it hard for the liver to process nutrients in general. Some fat in the liver is normal, but if your liver is more than 10% fat, you have a condition called "fatty liver" disease.[3] The presence of these fatty cells can then lead to inflammation in the liver and damage to surrounding liver tissue. If the liver is damaged, the damaged liver cells release SGPT into the bloodstream, increasing your levels.
    • It is best to avoid fatty foods such as oily foods that are deep fried, meat fats, pork and chicken skins, coconut oils, butter, cheese, processed foods, sausages, bacon, junk foods and carbonated drinks.
  4. 4
    Avoid foods high in salt or sodium. Excessive amounts of salt in the body, especially in the liver, cause swelling and fluid retention. This makes it harder for the liver to filter waste. This, over time, can lead to liver damage, allowing SGPT from the liver to seep into your bloodstream, raising your levels.
    • Foods to be avoided are salt, bouillon cubes, baking soda, soy sauce, salad dressings, bacon, salami, pickled foods, and other processed foods. Avoid adding salt to your dishes whenever possible.
    • Since salt is prevalent everywhere, try to do more of your cooking at home to control your intake. The average adult needs only 2300mg (1 teaspoon) a day.[4]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Making Lifestyle Modifications

  1. 1
    Stop drinking alcoholic beverages. Alcohol is very harmful to the liver and, with prolonged drinking, can shut the liver down entirely. When alcohol is ingested it goes directly to the bloodstream. All the blood is then received and filtered in the kidney. It is now the liver's job to filter all the toxic waste in the body, including toxins from alcohol. This, over time, can create serious liver damage.[5] The more damaged your liver is, the more SGPT can leak out of its cells and into your blood.
    • Alcohol consumption has been a major contributor to liver diseases such as fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, and hepatitis. Exercise self-discipline to avoid aggravating diseases caused by too much alcohol consumption. This will help in decreasing SGPT from leaking into your blood stream.
  2. 2
    Get daily exercise. Simple exercises such as brisk walking, jogging, and swimming can improve your overall health in addition to helping your liver stay healthy. Staying active excretes toxins in the body through sweating. It also helps burn fats, keeping you trim. Exercise will produce more lean muscles, healthy organs – including your liver – and keep your body in tip-top condition. The fewer toxins your liver has to clean up, the more energy it can dedicate to strengthening its cells.
    • At least 30 minutes of daily exercise can make a difference in your liver’s health. When toxins are excreted it reduces the amount of work that the liver will be doing, thus preventing increased SGPT levels.
  3. 3
    Quit smoking. Smoke from cigarettes contains toxins like nicotine and ammonia. When you are exposed to these toxins, they stick to your skin and will be absorbed, giving the liver another workload to filter, getting rid of all the toxins in your body. It’s best to avoid secondhand smoke, too, as this has similar effects.
    • Not only is it bad for your SGPT levels, but it’s bad for your heart, lungs, kidneys, skin, hair and nails, too. It also causes those around you undue discomfort. If your SGPT levels aren’t enough, do it for these reasons instead.
  4. 4
    Prevent exposure to other harmful chemicals, too. Smoke from air pollution contains fumes, gasoline, and ammonia, amongst other harmful chemicals that have dissipated in the air. If you live or work around an environment where you are constantly exposed to these toxins, reduce your exposure as much as possible. These toxins may leak through your skin, causing liver damage and raising your SGPT levels.
    • If you must be around toxic fumes, wear long sleeves, pants, a mask, and gloves at all times. The more precautions you take, the healthier you’ll be – especially in the long-term.
  5. 5
    Work on losing weight if you are overweight or obese. If you struggle with weight issues, you may be at risk of developing fatty liver, which can lead to elevated SGPT levels.[6] Talk to your doctor about safe and effective ways to manage your weight, or ask them to refer you to a registered dietitian.
    • For most people, the safest and most effective way to lose weight is to exercise and eat reasonable portions of healthy, unprocessed foods. Talk to your doctor about what types of diet and exercise are healthy and appropriate for you.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Getting Medical Treatment

  1. 1
    Get a blood sample taken. Your level of SGPT is measurable through a blood sample. In case of acute liver damage, SGPT levels rise dramatically as it is now able to leak through cell walls into your blood. However, a rise in SGPT levels must be verified carefully because it may be elevated due to recently performing strenuous activities or exercises.
    • An elevation in SGPT’s level is not a confirmation of a diagnosis of damage to the liver. It must be used together with the other types of liver tests in order to verify whether a patient really suffers from damage to the liver.
    • Different underlying causes might cause different levels of SGPT elevation. For example, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is the leading cause of mild SGPT elevation in the U. S. Fatty liver is a condition associated with obesity and insulin resistance. Mild SGPT elevation can also be associated with strenuous exercise or thyroid disease.
  2. 2
    Stop taking over-the-counter drugs. If your liver is already damaged and you continue to take drugs that your physician did not prescribe, the liver carries the burden of metabolizing these drugs and filtering harmful substances which can further contribute to liver damage. It is best to take only the drugs which your doctor okays you to take.
    • If in doubt, consult with your physician. There are drugs that are hepatotoxic (toxic to the liver). Your doctor may shift you to non-hepatotoxic drugs. Your pharmacist can also advise you about what over-the-counter medications might be harmful to your liver.
    • Medications such as antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can cause elevated SGPT and SGOT levels. It’s wise to talk to your primary doctor about different types of medications to prevent possible liver damage.
    • Be particularly careful about using medications that contain acetaminophen. Acetaminophen is a common component in many OTC medications, including pain medications and cold and flu remedies.
  3. 3
    Consider taking corticosteroids. This medication works by reducing the activity of the body’s immune system. It also decreases inflammation by reducing the production of inflammatory chemicals to lessen tissue damage. These can be taken orally or can be injected through a vein. The most common corticosteroids are Hydrocortisone, Prednisone, and Fludrocortisone.
    • Once the inflammation subsides, the liver cells will start to regenerate, therefore decreasing the release of SGPT into the bloodstream.
    • Talk to your doctor about starting corticosteroids. No medication should be started without a doctor’s approval.
  4. 4
    Take antiviral medications. The liver may have infection caused by a virus, such as what happens in hepatitis. Upon conducting a blood test, your physician will know what virus is the underlying cause of the infection and will prescribe antiviral medications such as Entecavir, Sofosbuvir, Telaprevir and others.
    • This works in the same manner as corticosteroids. Once the infection is eradicated, the liver cells will start to regenerate, therefore decreasing the release of SGPT into the bloodstream.
  5. 5
    Talk to your doctor about taking interferons. These are proteins released by the body’s host cells as a response to the presence of foreign bodies such as viruses, bacteria, tumor cells, or parasites. Taking this medication triggers the protective defenses of the body’s immune system to kill these foreign bodies.
    • SGPT starts decreasing once the infection is eradicated. The liver cells will start to regenerate, regularizing your levels. With new cells, SGPT cannot leak into your bloodstream.
    • Interferons can cause a wide variety of side effects, such as dizziness, hair loss, reduced appetite, exhaustion, difficulty breathing, and flu-like symptoms.[7] Always talk to your doctor about potential risks and side effects before starting any new medical treatment.
  6. 6
    Consider taking herbal supplements. Lifestyle medications paired with herbal supplements may help lower SGPT levels. Talk to your doctor to see if any of these is safe and appropriate for you. Possible supplements to consider are the following:
    • Milk thistle. Prevents and repairs liver damage from toxic chemicals and harmful medications. It’s available in 100mg to 1000mg forms. The standard dosage of milk thistle is 200 mg 2 to 3 times a day.[8]
    • Inositol. Helps the liver in breaking down fats. However, this can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. It’s available in 500mg and 1000mg forms. You can take 500mg thrice daily.
    • Burdock root. Helps in cleansing the liver and prevents further liver damage. It’s available in 500mg to 1000mg forms. You can take 500mg thrice daily.
  7. 7
    Know what your goal SGPT level is. Reference ranges differ from laboratory to laboratory and will depend on the method used. However, normal values can be generally found within specified ranges. The normal range for SGPT levels is 10 to 40 international units per liter.[9]
    • Values are significantly higher (greater than 15 times the upper limit of normal) in cases of hepatitis and is moderately higher (5-15 times the ULN) in cases of severe burns, cirrhosis, obstructive jaundice, and liver tumors. There is a slight increase (less than 5 times the ULN) in pancreatitis, shock, infectious mononucleosis and heart attack.
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About This Article

Janice Litza, MD
Medically reviewed by:
Board Certified Family Medicine Physician
This article was medically reviewed by Janice Litza, MD. Dr. Litza is a board certified Family Medicine Physician in Wisconsin. She is a practicing Physician and taught as a Clinical Professor for 13 years, after receiving her MD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health in 1998. This article has been viewed 1,465,894 times.
204 votes - 93%
Co-authors: 17
Updated: May 27, 2021
Views: 1,465,894
Categories: Liver Health

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The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before starting, changing, or stopping any kind of health treatment.

Article SummaryX

To lower your SGPT, or serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase, increase your vitamin D intake by either taking a supplement or eating foods such as leafy green vegetables, fish, and dairy products. Avoid foods that are high in sodium or fat, like fried foods, bacon, and carbonated drinks, as these can lead to inflammation of your liver. You should also avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, as these can increase the damage to your liver and raise your SGPT levels even more. Keep reading to learn the kinds of medications your doctor may prescribe to lower your SGPT!

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