It seems like everyone has a Facebook Page these days, so it can be hard to know exactly how to stand out from the crowd. You can make changes to your Page that will make its content more appealing to your audience and give them more opportunities to interact with you and your page. You can also work on sharing your Page in productive ways that will bring it more attention to help boost your content's popularity.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Cultivating Your Page

  1. 1
    Post often. Facebook uses algorithms to decide when and how often content shows up in other people’s feeds. Because of the way these algorithms are constructed, most of your content will get the most interaction shortly after its published. Frequently posting from your Page ensures that you’ll show up in other people’s feeds regularly.[1]
  2. 2
    Post the right content. You shouldn’t post just anything in order to increase the frequency of your posts. The FB algorithm prioritizes Pages with media over pages and posts with plain text. Posting interactive media gives your Page’s update a better chance of showing up in your followers’ timelines more often.
  3. 3
    Post the right amount of content. You should divide your posts roughly in half by content that is purely interactive and content that connects them to you more directly. This helps you avoid inundating your followers with requests for them to support you directly and instead keeps them interested in the Page itself.
    • Some good examples of interactive content are Facebook questions (where your followers can answer), memes, pictures, and videos. You shouldn’t use just any example of these types of content, though. They should all relate to the values of your company or brand.
    • Blog posts, infographics, tutorials, and event invitations or announcements are good examples of content that connects your followers with you more directly.[2]
  4. 4
    Create a Facebook contest. An easy way to generate traffic and promote your page for free is to host a Facebook contest. There are a lot of different ways to run a Facebook contest, but the easiest is to ask people to like or comment on your post to be entered.
    • Facebook has some guidelines for using the site for contests, so make sure you’re following them.[3]
    • Facebook does not permit you to use personal timelines for contests, which basically means you can’t ask your followers to share something to enter (or get additional entries).
  5. 5
    Use the Page Insights feature. If you have a Facebook Page, you’ll get a free Facebook Insights Page. The Insights Page can tell you a lot about who looks at your page, when, and for how long.[4] Once you know your audience, you can create tailored content and time your posts to reach the most people possible.[5]
  6. 6
    Create a community. If you really want to make your Facebook Page famous, you have to make followers feel connected – getting them to interact with your content isn’t enough. Reply to your followers’ messages and posts in a timely manner (within 24 hours, if you can) and make sure that the content you share reflects the beliefs and views of your Page.[6] [7]
  7. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Sharing Your Page

  1. 1
    Promote your Page on your personal Facebook profile. If you have a personal Facebook in addition to your Page, be sure to regularly link to your Page from your personal timeline. This reminds your friends that you have that Page, and if they like or share content from it, their friends will see it, too.[8]
  2. 2
    Use Facebook ads. Facebook ads are not free, but people who have used them regularly claim that they can increase traffic to their Page in such a way that the ads basically pay for themselves. Creating ads can be pretty time intensive, though, so make sure you’re committed to this before you try it.[9]
    • You’ll need to consider what type of editing software you want to use for the ad, what your target audience is, how much you’re willing to spend, and what you want the ad to say. Facebook will ask you to input all of this information in the Ads Manager for your page.[10]
  3. 3
    Promote your Page on other social media. If you want your Facebook Page to become famous, you can’t just promote in on Facebook! Use other social media – Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram – to share your Page.
    • Linking to specific Facebook content – a contest, a video, a photo – can help generate traffic for that particular post.
    • You can also include your Facebook Page information in your other social media profiles by linking to it in your Twitter or Instagram bio. This gets more people to your Page in general.[11]
  4. 4
    Ask others to share. A good way to expose your Page to more people is by asking the followers you already have to share the Page. You can do this by promoting certain hashtags related to your current content, or asking followers to tag your Facebook Page in photos related to it (for example, if you hosted an event). This way you might be able to reach all of your followers’ followers.[12]
  5. 5
    Share other pages. Most people who use social media to promote their businesses or websites or blogs are happy to help out other social media users. Share other Pages that you like or are interested in, and chances are they’ll share your Page right back.[13]
    • You can also make this arrangement more official by asking other Pages to do a share swap – specifically say “I’d love it if we could help each other out by sharing one another’s Pages! I’m willing to share two of your posts a week if you’re willing to share two of my posts a week. What do you think?”
  6. 6
    Embed plug-ins on your website. Some people might find your website – if you have one – before they find your Facebook Page. Embedding some of Facebook’s plug-ins on your website can help increase traffic to your Facebook Page and make it famous.
    • CTAs (calls to action) are a good place to start. A CTA plug-in allows your readers to like or follow your page with one click from your website.[14]
    • You can also integrate the comments feature using a plug-in on your website. This allows users to comment on a Facebook post about certain content right from your website, if you have one.[15]
  7. 7
    Share your Facebook Page name on your print media. You can also share your Facebook Page by kicking it old school. Make sure the url for your Facebook is printed on any hard copy media you have – posters, business cards, newsletters, etc. This way, even if someone hasn’t looked you up online, they still know how to find your Page on Facebook.[16]
  8. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How do I reach a bigger audience on Facebook?
    Christina Bachelor
    Christina Bachelor
    Marketing & Advertising Specialist
    Christina Bachelor is a Marketing and Advertising Specialist and the Co-Founder and CEO of Bach Enterprises in Los Angeles, California. She specializes in navigating social media landscape, building long-lasting branded partnerships, and producing digital content. Christina holds a BA in Accounting from The University of Florida and an MA in Accounting from The University of Southern California. She has created numerous partnerships with notable brands including Toyota, Lyft, Postmates, EA Games, and Trident. Christina was the Executive Producer of “Dead House” for Kevin Hart’s Laugh Out Loud Network and the Co-Executive Producer for “Where’s the Money” starring King Bach, Logan Paul, Kat Graham, and Terry Crews. Christina also co-founded the RuJohn Foundation, which is a non-profit organization with a mission to provide the necessary tools for education to rural and inner-city schools throughout Jamaica and the United States.
    Christina Bachelor
    Marketing & Advertising Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Start interacting with other people's posts by commenting and sharing. Even though Facebook is a mass communication platform, people like to interact with other users who will interact back!
  • Question
    How do I get more likes, comments, and shares?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Post things that are interesting to other people.
  • Question
    Why can't I receive messages from Facebook?
    Samwel Ouma Omondi
    Samwel Ouma Omondi
    Community Answer
    Facebook doesn't send you messages, these come from Facebook users. If there is a technical problem, you can get help from the Facebook Help Centre.



About This Article

Christina Bachelor
Co-authored by:
Marketing & Advertising Specialist
This article was co-authored by Christina Bachelor. Christina Bachelor is a Marketing and Advertising Specialist and the Co-Founder and CEO of Bach Enterprises in Los Angeles, California. She specializes in navigating social media landscape, building long-lasting branded partnerships, and producing digital content. Christina holds a BA in Accounting from The University of Florida and an MA in Accounting from The University of Southern California. She has created numerous partnerships with notable brands including Toyota, Lyft, Postmates, EA Games, and Trident. Christina was the Executive Producer of “Dead House” for Kevin Hart’s Laugh Out Loud Network and the Co-Executive Producer for “Where’s the Money” starring King Bach, Logan Paul, Kat Graham, and Terry Crews. Christina also co-founded the RuJohn Foundation, which is a non-profit organization with a mission to provide the necessary tools for education to rural and inner-city schools throughout Jamaica and the United States. This article has been viewed 147,625 times.
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Co-authors: 14
Updated: November 13, 2022
Views: 147,625
Categories: Facebook