Blooming Onion is an appetizer served at some restaurants. It consists of one large fried Vidalia onion which is cut to resemble a flower. The name of the dish comes from its menu name at the Outback Steakhouse ("Blooming' Onion"), which claims to be the dish's inventor, although there are competing claims.[1] Whoever invented it, it tastes delicious and makes a fantastic party centerpiece. In this article, you'll learn how to make it at home.


  • 2 cups vegetable oil
  • 1 giant onion, the larger, the better
  • 1-2 eggs, depending on the size of the onion, cracked and mixed
  • 1 cup flour – put some hot water into it, season it with pepper, paprika, oregano, thyme and cumin, chili, and any spices you prefer; stir everything thoroughly


  1. 1
    Cut off the top of the onion and remove the skin. Cut an "X" pattern into the onion, being careful not to cut all the way through the onion. Leave 1/2" of the base of the onion in tact. Continue cutting "X" patterns into the onion by turning the onion 90 degrees, then cut another "X" shape. Keep doing this until you cut at least 10-14 times across the onion. Remember to leave the bottom of the onion intact, otherwise the flower will be destroyed. After cutting the "X" patterns into the top of the onion cut out or pull out the center of the onion.
  2. 2
    Put the onion into an iced water bath for 2 minutes, carefully spread the onion petals apart and away from the center.
  3. 3
    Pour oil into a cooking pot. There should be enough oil to cover the whole onion. Preheat the oil at medium-to-high level heat.
  4. 4
    Dip the onion into the egg (or baste the onion with the egg if preferred). Once coated with egg, dip the whole onion into the flour mixture. Make sure every petal is fully coated – you may need to pat some flour on hard to cover areas.
    • Keep the egg and flour mixtures separate. It helps to put them into separate bowls large enough for you to dip the onion in.
    • In using dry flour, this may prove difficult to ensure the onion is fully coated. If so, try adding some hot water into cornflour until the flour becomes semi-liquid, and then pour your onion into it. A small brush for basting can help.
  5. 5
    Deep fry the onion. At the beginning, the oil must be hot enough to set the onion coating, but within 20 seconds, turn the heat down to the lowest level, or the onion will be burnt. Fry onion for 8-10 minutes.
  6. 6
    When the onion turns a deep brown, take it up, and turn the heat back to the highest heat. When the oil is hot enough, put the onion back for no more than 20 seconds. The higher heat can help to extrude excess oil from the onion and its coating.
  7. 7
    Remove the onion from the oil. Let the fried onion rest on several pieces of paper towel to allow the excess oil to be absorbed. If desired, shake some salt and pepper into the fried onion to season to taste.
  8. 8
    Put the dipping sauce in a small dish. Place this dish at the middle of the blooming onion. Serve immediately.
  9. Advertisement


  • Whenever working with hot oil, take precautions for safety including handling with care, keeping children and pets out of the kitchen, never leaving hot oil unattended and having a suitable fire extinguisher readily available near the cooking zone in case something does go wrong (and know how to use it).

Things You'll Need

  • Cutting board and knife
  • Bowls
  • Basting brush (optional)
  • Frying saucepan or fryer
  • Tongs or other item to lower, hold and remove the onion
  • Kitchen paper towel
  • Plate for serving

About This Article

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23 votes - 83%
Co-authors: 13
Updated: March 4, 2021
Views: 275,346
Categories: Featured Articles | Onions
Article SummaryX

To make a blooming onion, start by cutting off the top of an onion and peeling off the skin. Then, cut 10 "X" patterns into the top of the onion and cut out the center. Next, soak the onion in a bowl of ice water for 2 minutes before carefully pulling the cut petals away from the center. Once you've done that, dip the onion in egg and then flour and deep fry it for 8-10 minutes. Finally, remove the onion from the oil and serve with a dipping sauce. To learn how to deep fry your blooming onion, scroll down!

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