Ever wondered how those players can spray paint onto walls and floors but you can't? Wonder why they can spray paint ANY picture they want and you are stuck with the stupid bullseye picture? Don't wonder any more and read this article!


  1. 1
    Go into OPTIONS on the main screen.
  2. 2
    Below your name, there is a drop down box, this box is the pre-set sprays available for you to pick.
  3. 3
    Pick which ever of these you want then click "OK" / "Apply".
  4. 4
    If you want one of your own, find an image on Google or other image search program and copy/paste it into Paint or you can create you own.
  5. 5
    THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART: Make sure you save it into your C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<your steam="" account="" name="" here="">\counter-strike source\cstrike or other variant depending on your computer set up.
  6. 6
    Just make sure it's DEFINITELY in the \Steam\SteamApps\<your steam="" account="" name="" here="">\counter-strike source\cstrike file or else its extremely hard to upload your picture.
  7. 7
    Lastly go back to OPTIONS and click Upload rather than the drop down key, this will then open up a screen showing a list of files, these being: csource and two others
  8. 8
    Click on cstrike and then the picture you placed into the cstrike folder.
  9. 9
    Wait for it to upload then click "Upload" then "APPLY/OK".
  10. 10
    Go into whichever server you want and press the button you binded to "SPRAY."
  11. 11
    Congratulations you just sprayed you first spray/ tag.
  12. Advertisement


  • DO NOT use any pornographic or offensive sprays! Anything that anyone can get offended by can and most likely will get you banned from that server.

Things You'll Need

  • Paint or other picture editing programs.
  • Counter Strike: Source . . . obviously.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 17 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 64,568 times.
12 votes - 60%
Co-authors: 17
Updated: July 4, 2019
Views: 64,568
Categories: Counter Strike