A Roman toga is a simple outfit that provides an authentic look for a toga party or as a fun costume. The toga can be made from a single piece of fabric with minimal cutting and sewing. You can decorate your toga with belts, broaches, or other colored fabrics to create a more elaborate look.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Toga Fabric

  1. 1
    Buy fabric. Traditional togas were made with wool fabric, but you can use cotton to make a good looking toga as well. Roman togas were typically almost white, but children, politicians and important people wore bright white togas with purple accents. You need a large amount of fabric to use for making an authentic Roman toga.[1]
    • Buy a piece of fabric that is four to six yards long. Four yards is a good length to make a child’s toga and six yards is recommended to make an adult male’s toga.
  2. 2
    Mark the fabric to be cut. You need to cut the fabric into a semicircle shape to be able to wrap your toga correctly. Lay the fabric out on a table or the floor. Use a pencil to make a small mark near the edge at the center of the fabric.[2]
  3. 3
    Cut the fabric. Cut an arc from one corner of the fabric to the center mark. Fold the fabric in half, and then lay it back out on the table or floor with the cut side up. Cut the bottom side to match the arc of the top side. Unfold the fabric and the fabric should have one straight edge and one semi circle edge.
    • Your toga should be approximately 18 feet long with a semicircle radius around 7 to 8 feet.
  4. 4
    Hem the ends of the fabric. Fold the edges of the fabric over 1 inch to create a hem. Use straight pins to attach the folded fabric over. Use a straight stitch on a sewing machine or a hand stitch to create a hem around the entire edge of the fabric. The hem will prevent the fabric from unraveling.
    • You can add a decorative edge of colored fabric as you create the hem by sewing a thin colored strip to the edge of the fabric along the curved edge of the semicircle.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Wrapping the Toga

  1. 1
    Drape the end of the toga over your left shoulder. Drape one end of the semicircle over your shoulder in front of you. The long end should be in behind you.
    • The end of the fabric hanging over your shoulder in front of you should come to just above your ankles.
    • The remaining length of the fabric will be behind your body.
  2. 2
    Wrap the long end around the back of your body under your right arm. The toga will wrap around the front of your body to cover your back and right side.[3]
  3. 3
    Hang the remaining end of the fabric over your left shoulder. The toga will now wrap around your entire body. The fabric will be open on the left side, but the bulk of the fabric will come together to cover you completely.
    • Pull any remaining fabric that is hanging on the ground around the left side of your body to the front.
    • The fabric should wrap around your body snugly so it doesn't slip off when you move. Ideally the fabric will still be loose enough to appear full and flowing.
  4. 4
    Tie a rope around your waist to hold the fabric in place. Secure your toga in place with the rope as a belt. The toga should cover your entire body except for your right shoulder.[4]
    • You can attach a safety pin where the fabric overlaps on your left shoulder to help hold the toga in place. Conceal the pin under the fabric to maintain the authenticity of the look.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:


  1. 1
    Add decorative broaches or pins. A large costume jewelry broach can add flair to the toga. Consider golden or jeweled broaches to pin on the left shoulder to help hold the toga in place.
  2. 2
    Use a braided colorful rope as a belt. Braided ropes such as decorative curtain pulls can make a great belt for a roman toga. Double the rope to wrap it around your body twice to get a fuller look.[5]
  3. 3
    Wear sandals. Strappy leather sandals such a gladiator sandals are a good addition to a Roman style toga. Sandals fashioned from rope also provide an authentic look.
  4. 4
    Make a headband. Fashion a headband from thin tree branches by twisting the branches around each other to form a circle. You can also use a decorative fabric like a golden lamé to create a headband by adding some elastic to a thin strip of fabric.
  5. 5
    Wear a velvet shawl. If you are wearing the toga on a cold night, consider adding a purple or golden velvet shawl or stole to cover your shoulders.
  6. 6
    Wear rings. The only jewelry worn by Roman men was rings. Women also wore necklaces bracelets and earrings, however men kept their jewelry more simplistic.[6]
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91 votes - 78%
Co-authors: 9
Updated: July 28, 2022
Views: 85,622
Categories: Historical Costumes