It’s easy to forget that racism exists, especially if you don’t experience it yourself. However, racism has deep roots in our society, and we all have to work together to dig them up. Fortunately, you have the power to create positive change in yourself, in others, and in society itself. Don’t give up the fight against racism because together we can overcome.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Becoming Anti-Racist

  1. 1
    Educate yourself about racial issues and other cultures. Racial stereotypes and systemic injustices have deep roots in history, so it’s important to understand how society got to where we are. Learn as much as you can about historical issues, current events, and cultural differences. For instance, learn about topics like Black Wall Street, Jim Crow laws, lynching, and redlining in real estate. Remember, knowledge is power.[1]
    • Read books, articles and blogs written by people of different races and ethnicities, including fictional stories. Additionally, watch movies and documentaries.
    • In addition to reading and watching films about other cultures, you might attend cultural events that are open to the public, like a Chinese Lunar New Year Festival or an Indian Festival.
    • Read the news, and not just from a single source. Absorb as many perspectives as possible. Carefully consider the bias behind each source.
  2. 2
    Listen to the experiences and feelings of ethnic minorities. It’s really hard to understand how racism affects people if you don’t experience it. Be open to learning from the first-hand experiences of others. Believe their stories and try to understand how they feel.[2]
    • For example, you might hear things like, "I don't shop at that store anymore because a clerk always follows me around just because I'm Black," "My supervisor only promotes White people, and it's not fair," or "I'm tired of people accusing me of being aggressive because of the way I speak. This is my normal voice."
    • If you’re not an ethnic minority, don’t dismiss their experiences or talk about an experience you had that you think is similar.
    • You might be tempted to say things like, “Are you sure it was because you’re Black?” or “I’ve never had a problem there.” Never say anything like that. Those sentences are harmful to the other person and shut down the dialogue. Just listen and try to understand.
  3. 3
    Recognize your own privilege so you can fight systemic racism. You might have trouble seeing your privilege at first, especially if you’ve experienced a difficult life. However, privilege doesn’t mean your life has been perfect, you haven’t worked hard, or you haven’t experienced hardships. Privilege means that you’ve experienced some benefits that others don’t get because of things like your skin color, nationality, religion, or gender. Even though you might not have asked for privilege, acknowledge when you have it.[3]
    • For example, you may be stopped by the police less often in some areas if you have a light complexion. This is privilege.
    • Learn about privilege so you can better understand how you may benefit from it.
  4. 4
    Confront your own biases. Like most people, you probably learned about stereotypes and prejudices from the people around you. While it’s not your fault that you were taught biases, it’s still your responsibility to overcome them. Examine your beliefs and actions to figure out what your biases might be. Then, you can start to address them.[4]
  5. 5
    Abandon the idea that a “colorblind” society is possible. You might think that the best way to overcome racism is to stop talking about race and to act like everyone is the same. At first, this seems like a really great idea. However, in practice a colorblind society actually perpetuates racism because it doesn’t address the actual issues and denies the reality of people of color. Challenge people who promote this idea because it’s continuing the problem.[5]
    • As an example, you might hear someone say, “I don’t see color.” Not only is this impractical, they’re ignoring the fact that racist issues continue to happen around them.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Confronting Racist Speech and Actions

  1. 1
    Practice responding to racist comments and actions. You might feel really shocked and speechless when someone speaks or behaves offensively. It’s hard to explain your perspective in the moment. Prepare for these moments in advance by writing out your ideas. Then, practice explaining them to another person so you’re ready to speak up.[6]
    • Let's say you hear someone say, "There goes the neighborhood," when they see a Hispanic family moving in across the street. You might say, "What do you mean by that?" After they try to explain what they said, you might say, "Why are you making assumptions about that family?" This forces them to explain their inappropriate comments and allows you to present a different side. You might say, "I'm excited to have new neighbors and want to get to know them. Will you join me in welcoming them?"
    • Stand in front of a mirror or film yourself while you’re practicing.
    • If you can, try role-playing with a trusted ally. This way you can both practice being a voice against racism.
  2. 2
    Address people’s behavior, not their belief system. People will likely get offended if they think you’re condemning their beliefs. Even if you think their beliefs are problematic, try to focus on just their actions. Explain how their behavior affects others, and encourage them to stop.[7]
    • For instance, let’s say your uncle makes a lot of racist jokes. Try to focus on getting him to stop making the jokes rather than trying to expose him as a racist. You could say, "I know you're trying to be funny, but these jokes are really outdated and offensive."
    • Similarly, let’s say you work at a company that tends to hire only White people. Promote the importance of diversity in the workforce and push upper management to change their hiring practices. Say something like, "I've noticed we have a lot of similar perspectives at the top, but studies show that a diverse team comes up with better, more innovative ideas. I'm sure if we hired more candidates who represent different parts of the market, we'd be able to grow the business."
  3. 3
    Call out racist comments when you hear them. You can help stop racism in its tracks by shining a light on it. Speak out if you hear someone say something offensive. Ask the person to clarify their statements. Then, try to open a dialogue about what they said so you can help create change.[8]
    • You might say, “What do you mean by that?” “Can you explain that joke?” or “Why do you think it’s okay to say these types of things?”
  4. 4
    Intervene when you witness racial bias or violence if you feel safe. Witnessing racism in-person can be very scary, especially if violence is involved. Don’t put yourself in harm's way, but try to help. Support the person who’s the target of racism if you can. You might also call for help or record the incident, depending on the situation.[9]
    • Standing beside or in front of the person who is the target may help de-escalate some situations and shows the person they have an ally. Be careful if you think you might get hurt.
    • You might call the police if you witness someone threaten a person or act violently. If you see a police officer behaving violently, you might try recording the incident.
  5. 5
    Document injustices so you have evidence. Keep a cell phone camera handy, and take video footage of any oppressive acts that you encounter. Do not be afraid to videotape law enforcement officers if you feel that they are physically or verbally oppressing a civilian. If you hear racist statements, try to record them or write them down in a journal so you have a record.[10]
    • If you can't take videos, take photos or record audio instead. At the very least, pay close attention. A solid eyewitness account is better than nothing.
    • Show your evidence to friends and people in power. If you think it’s appropriate, post your experiences on social media.
  6. 6
    Keep your cool so you don’t escalate the situation. You’ll likely feel very upset after witnessing or experiencing racism, but acting in anger will undermine your message. React with intention, and advocate nonviolently. Try to stay calm and maintain perspective in the face of deep injustice. [11]
    • You might take a deep breath or count to 10 before responding so you can control your emotions.
    • Consider that anger often arises in response to anger. Ask yourself whether, by reacting angrily, you will actually solve the problem – or only feed the cycle of anger.
  7. 7
    Report racism if it happens at work or school. Whether you’re the victim or a witness to racism, consider speaking out. You might be afraid of making the situation worse, but change can’t occur if you don’t call attention to the problem. Talk to a person in authority that you trust. Tell them what’s been going on and show them any evidence or documentation you have.[12]
    • At school, you might talk to a teacher, counselor, or principal.
    • At work, you may consult your supervisor, human resources manager, or the company owner.
    • Say something like, “I’ve witnessed Mike telling racist jokes on at least 5 occasions. It’s creating a hostile working environment with our team, but he refuses to stop.” You might also show them a record you kept of what Mike said, when, and where.
  8. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Promoting Equality and Positive Change

  1. 1
    Speak out against racism using your social media platform. The Internet makes it easier than ever to reach, teach, and influence people beyond your normal sphere of interaction. Consider how your online presence feeds or fights the dialogue of racial imbalance. Share articles, videos, and stories on social media. You might even blog or create content to help broadcast your perspective.[13]
    • For example, you might share informational videos about how the practice of redlining prevented investments in predominantly Black communities. Similarly, you could share content about past injustices against ethnic minorities and how those events still affect society today.
  2. 2
    Educate others about human rights issues. Racism denies people their basic human rights, so speak out on human rights issues. Tell others why human rights are important and how they affect every day life. Share posts and videos on social media and discuss your ideas with family and friends.[14]
    • For example, you might share articles and videos about Mexican, Central American, and South American immigrants detained at the border and held in make-shift jails.
    • You might say to friends and family, "I'm concerned about how these immigrants are being treated. Their human rights are being violated."
  3. 3
    Spend your money at businesses that support ethnic minorities. Historically, ethnic minorities did not have the same access to education and career opportunities. While that gap is shrinking, systemic racism still exists. One thing you can do to help is to buy from minority-owned businesses and companies that promote diversity in their workforce. Research a business’s beliefs before you patronize them.[15]
    • Look for lists of Black-owned businesses in your area.
    • Let your money speak for you. Don’t buy from businesses who don’t support equality and diversity.
  4. 4
    Connect with people who are a different race or from a different culture. Seek out relationships with people who have a different background from you. Find the things that you have in common, and seek to understand what divides you. Strive to curate a peaceful and respectful conversation about racism – a conversation that includes and empowers everyone.[16]
    • Take a class, join a club, or go to local events to meet new people.
    • Attend cultural events in your area that are open to the public.
  5. 5
    Volunteer for an organization that advocates for ethnic minorities. You can make a difference in your community by volunteering. Become an advocate for ethnic minorities through a local non-profit or activist group. As another option, volunteer online to help with things like fundraising, writing blogs or articles, designing web content, or running a social media page.[17]
  6. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    If my Chinese friend is always quoting KKK speeches, is he a racist? If he is, what should I do with him?
    Luna Rose
    Luna Rose
    Top Answerer
    Ask him about it. Try saying "I get really uncomfortable when you quote KKK speeches. Why do you do that?" Maybe he didn't realize that it was upsetting, and maybe he doesn't even really know what the KKK is. He might be open to having a dialogue. State your feelings clearly and give him a chance to respond. If he's a good listener, he may take you seriously, and stop doing it. Otherwise, he may have serious racist attitudes. If he refuses to listen to you, you may want to take some distance and stop being his friend. Nobody likes a racist friend, and you don't have to put up with someone who chooses to be mean.
  • Question
    I work as a cashier. Whenever I get black customers my stomach gets really hard, almost like an anxiety attack. I think of racist thoughts, and for some reason I can't stop. How do I do it?
    Luna Rose
    Luna Rose
    Top Answerer
    It sounds like you're having trouble dealing with your thoughts, and it's causing you to suffer (and possibly causing interpersonal problems if people are concerned by your behavior). Talking to a counselor could help you figure out why you're feeling this way and unpack what's going on. In the meantime, try doing a little exposure therapy by starting with something easy. Look at pictures of black babies, and black parents caring for their kids or pets. See black people doing things related to your hobbies (like ballet or painting, if you like those) and their diversity. Next time you see a black person, take a deep breath and remember that the person is probably a good person, just like the pictures and videos. Challenge each racist thought as you think it. A therapist can offer more advice for handling this problem. Finally, remember to be good to yourself. You aren't an awful person. You're working through an issue, and it will get easier with practice.
  • Question
    Can non-white people be racist?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It depends on how you interpret it. Racism involves both prejudice and power. People of color lack power in a racist society. However, that doesn't mean that they can't say or do racist things to other people of color (or themselves). For example, if a Native American person makes their eyes slanty and makes a "ching chong" joke, that would be very racist and inappropriate. Similarly, they can perpetuate racism in their own communities, like saying "So lucky! Your baby's skin is so light! She almost looks white!" Or a black person might say "my nose is so big and ugly," suggesting that they are struggling with internalized racism. Even if people of color don't hold as much power in a racist society, they can say and do things that are wrong, just like any human can.


  • Don’t put yourself in the path of violence. Instead, try to get yourself and anyone around you to safety. Then, report what you saw to an authority or the media, depending on the situation.

About This Article

Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA. Danielle Blinka is a Writer, Editor, Podcaster, Improv Performer, and Artist currently living in Houston, TX. She also has experience teaching English and writing to others. Danielle holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Master of Arts in English with a concentration in writing, and Master of Public Administration from Lamar University. This article has been viewed 127,891 times.
4 votes - 80%
Co-authors: 53
Updated: May 16, 2022
Views: 127,891
Categories: Racism