If you're packing up your wardrobe to move, you're probably wondering what to do with all the shoes in your closet. While they may be a bit of an afterthought, packing your shoes properly is important to prevent scuffs and damage. Whether you're moving across town or across the country, don't worry. We'll walk you through everything you need to know to keep your shoes safe until they reach your new spot!


Get rid of shoes you don’t wear.

  1. Toss or donate old shoes so they don’t take up extra space. Rather than bringing along shoes that are worn out, outdated, or the wrong size, set them aside before you start packing. If the shoes are still in good shape, see if you can donate them to a consignment shop or charity, or try to sell them yourself. If they’re in rougher shape, then throw them away in the trash.[2] [3]
    • You can use apps like Facebook Marketplace, Depop, eBay, or Poshmark to sell shoes that are still in good shape.
    • Keep in mind how much space you have for your shoes during packing and in your new place. That way, you can figure out how many pairs of shoes you need to cut out.

Separate shoes you need to wear.

  1. Keep out shoes for work and regular wear so they aren’t a pain to unpack. If you need to wear specific shoes for work or if you have shoes that you wear every day, you don’t want to dig through the box with the rest of your shoes to find them. Put your everyday shoes in a different place so you can pack them away in a small “go box” in your vehicle to access quickly.[4]
    • For example, you may keep dress shoes for work, sneakers for regular wear, and a warm pair of slippers in your go box.
    • You can also separate any designer shoes that can get damaged or scuffed easily so you can protect them better in another box.
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Clean and dry your shoes.

  1. Get rid of any dirt and moisture to prevent mold during transit. Use a brush to dust off any loose dirt on your shoes. Wet a rag with some soapy water and gently wipe the surface clean for any stubborn stains or spots. Then, leave your shoes to dry out completely before you start packing them. If there’s any moisture, it could easily turn into mold after you pack your shoes up.[5]
    • You can also apply some antibacterial spray on and inside your shoes to help kill any fungus.
    • While you can pack your shoes when they’re dirty, it could make your new place messy once you unpack.

Wrap the pair of shoes in packing paper.

  1. Prevent any scuffs with a thin protective layer. Rip off a large square of packing paper and lay it flat on a table. Set one of your shoes on the paper on its side and wrap the paper on top of it. Then, place the other shoe on the paper so the soles point away from one another. Wrap the paper tightly around the second shoe and tape it closed.[7]
    • If you don’t have packing paper, you can use bubble wrap instead.
    • Try to avoid using newspaper to wrap your shoes since the ink could transfer onto them and leave stains.

Put your shoes in shoeboxes if you have them.


Store your shoes in a large box or plastic tote.

  1. Use separate containers for different styles. A small or medium box should work fine, but it depends on how many shoes you have. Boxes are easy to get from moving supply stores or hardware stores, but they could potentially get water damage. Plastic totes are usually smaller, but they’re a great water-resistant choice.[9]
    • Be cautious storing leather or suede in plastic totes long-term since it’s not a breathable container and could cause your shoes to dry out or crack.
    • In a pinch, you can use a hardshell suitcase instead.
    • If you have flats, you could store the pairs individually in a hanging closet door organizer. Fold the organizer in half to keep your shoes from falling out. However, this won’t offer as much protection during the move.

About This Article

Hunter Rising
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Hunter Rising. Hunter Rising is a wikiHow Staff Writer based in Los Angeles. He has more than three years of experience writing for and working with wikiHow. Hunter holds a BFA in Entertainment Design from the University of Wisconsin - Stout and a Minor in English Writing. This article has been viewed 7,704 times.
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Co-authors: 3
Updated: July 18, 2022
Views: 7,704
Categories: Moving and Removals