Oojami Ring Toss is a variation of the traditional quoits ring toss game. The game consists of 5 colored rope rings and a small portable wood base with pegs to toss them onto. It’s a fun, competitive game that the whole family can play, perfect for a backyard BBQ or a day at the park. The concept of the game is simple—play one-on-one or in teams of two players and toss the rings onto the pegs to score points. The first player or team to reach the agreed upon number of points wins. Feel free to modify the gameplay to suit your liking and the abilities of all players. After all, this game is all about having fun!

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Setting up the Game

  1. 1
    Pick a flat, open outdoor area to set up the game. Choose somewhere like a backyard, front yard, or park where you will have plenty of room to play. Make sure you won’t be in anyone’s way while you play the game.[1]
    • For example, if you want to play in a backyard during a BBQ, choose an open area out of the way of the cooking and socializing action.
    • You could play in a driveway or a cul-de-sac as an alternative, just be sure that there aren’t cars coming and going.
    • Oojami Ring Toss is meant to be an outdoor game, but you could set the game up inside on a rainy day, if you have a large indoor space like a rec room. Make sure to move anything delicate or breakable out of the way if you want to play inside, so you don’t accidentally damage something with a wild ring toss.
  2. 2
    Assemble the ring toss base and screw the pegs on. Lay the 2 flat wooden pieces across each other, so that the piece with the numbers 5, 10, and 25 slots into and sits on top of the piece with the numbers 15 and 20. Screw the colored pegs into the holes in the flat base pieces.[2]
    • It doesn’t matter which color of peg you screw into which hole. However, if you plan to play the game frequently, it might be a good idea to stick with the same color and point combinations every time you play, so you don’t get confused when you’re aiming.
  3. 3
    Choose up to 5 teams of a maximum of 2 players each. Play 1-on-1 if only 2 people are playing. Assign 2 teams of 2 if 4 people are playing, 3 teams of 2 if 6 people are playing, and so on.[3]
    • The Oojami Ring Toss game comes with 5 rope rings in 5 different colors, which is why it’s best to play with no more than 5 teams, so that every team gets its own ring.

    Tip: If you’re playing with an odd number of people, like 3, you could either play 1 vs. 1 vs. 1, or you could do something like pairing the oldest player with the youngest player to play against the other person.

  4. 4
    Agree on a number of points to play to. Talk to everyone who is playing and mutually decide on a good number of points to play to. Choose around 90 for a shorter game or something like 230 for a longer game.[4]
    • Alternatively, you could agree upon a number of turns to play, after which the team with the highest score wins.
  5. 5
    Use a fair method to determine what order players and teams will toss in. Flip a coin if only 2 people or 2 teams are playing. Have each team toss a ring to decide what order the teams go in if more than 2 teams are playing.[5]
    • You can use any other method that all players think is fair to decide who goes first. For example, the team with the youngest player could start automatically, followed by the rest of the teams in order of age.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Tossing the Rings

  1. 1
    Give a different colored rope ring to each team. Assign each team a different color of ring. Hand them out to get ready to start the match.[6]
    • If you’re playing 1-on-1 or with just 2 teams, you can give each team 2 colored rope rings and set the last ring aside. That way, you won’t have to collect the rings after every round of throws.
  2. 2
    Stand 3 m (9.8 ft) away from the pegs. Pick a throwing position 3 m (9.8 ft) away from 1 side of the base. Have all the players stand behind this throwing position.[7]
    • You could mark a throwing line with a stick or other object to ensure that you always toss the rings from the same position.

    Alternative: Feel free to let younger players throw from a closer distance or play the game from further back if you have a skilled group of players.

  3. 3
    Try to toss the rings around the pegs, starting with the first player. Have everyone who isn’t tossing step back and give the tosser plenty of room to throw. Toss the ring underhand or like a frisbee to try and get it to land around 1 of the pegs.[8]
    • There are no official rules about how you have to throw the rings. Each player is free to develop a technique that works for them.
  4. 4
    Take turns tossing the rings, following the determined order of throwers. Move on to the next player or team in the sequence. Step back out of the way and give them room to toss the ring.[9]
    • If you’re playing in teams, alternate between players on that team for each toss.
  5. 5
    Collect the rings after they have all been thrown and keep playing. Wait until each player or team tosses all their rings. Send someone over to the pegs to collect all the rings, then repeat the sequence of play.[10]
    • For example, if you are playing with 2 teams with 2 rings each, wait until all 4 rings are thrown to go collect them.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Keeping Score

  1. 1
    Score the points corresponding to the peg that a ring lands on. The middle peg is worth 25 points in Oojami Ring Toss. The surrounding pegs are worth 5, 10, 15, and 20.[11]
    • Generally, you should always aim for the middle peg to get the highest number of points. However, if you find that a certain peg is easier for you to get the ring around, you can consistently go for that one to try and score points faster.
  2. 2
    Add up each team’s or player’s points after each turn. Keep track of the point totals mentally or write them down on a piece of paper. This will determine when a player or team wins the game.[12]
  3. 3
    Stop the game when 1 player or team reaches the chosen point total. Continue playing in the same order and adding up each player’s or team’s score after each toss. Stop the game immediately when 1 team or player reaches the total number of points that you agreed on during the game’s setup.[13]
    • For example, if you agreed to play to 90 points in a 1-on-1 game, and player 2 gets 95 points when player 1 has 80, player 2 wins.

    Alternative: If you want to make the end of the game more challenging, make it a rule that you have to reach the point total exactly, rather than just get that number of points or higher. That way, if you are playing to 230 and a player or team has 225 points, they have to get a ring around the 5-point peg in order to win the game.

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  • Don’t play ring toss on a busy street or in a driveway where cars are coming and going.

Things You’ll Need

  • Oojami Ring Toss set

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Co-authors: 3
Updated: August 4, 2021
Views: 11,646
Categories: Party Games