Bedroom style grows old over time. When you're changing from childhood to adolescence, it's even more pressing to create a style that evokes the person you are now, to ring in the changes and celebrate the things you love most. Redoing your bedroom is a fun project that can be done on a budget or splurged on, depending on the funds available to you. Either way, you can end up with a room that better reflects who you are now and the way things work best for you.

Part 1
Part 1 of 7:


  1. 1
    Look at your budget. For a better quality, efficient, and modern room you will need a bunch of money that ranges from $250-$600 Canadian dollars (around $180-$450 USD).
  2. 2
    Complete any errands so that you have a whole day to work on your room.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 7:

Clearing the clutter

  1. 1
    Before you do anything, go through all of your stuff. Sort everything into four piles: keep, trash, give away and to decorate with. Keep everything you want to keep, trash junk, recycle papers, give stuff away to family/friends, and donate the other stuff to Goodwill or the Salvation Army. This is a pretty essential step because it will help declutter your room as well as get rid of clothes that you don't want. Empty your room of any unwanted toys, games, etc. so you don't have to re-clean your room after.
  2. 2
    Bring all of your furniture out and bring it into a separate room so it is out of the way. This could include your bed, dresser, desk, drawers...
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Part 3
Part 3 of 7:

Adding new color

  1. 1
    Paint the walls a new color. The best quality paints can typically be found at home improvement stores such as Lowe's or Home Depot. Color really helps change a room. If you don't want to repaint your room, your parents won't allow you to paint your walls, or if you can't afford paint, that's okay. Move on to the next step. If they will, then get stuck in!
    • Pick a color that you like and that goes well with a lot of other things that are in your room.
    • If you want, you can paint all of your walls the same color, but it can be even more interesting to paint a few different colors; this will provide variety. Or, go nuts and paint each wall a different color, and have no theme whatsoever. Do whatever you like! Whatever you do, let your personality shine.
    • If you and your parents are struggling to decide what color to paint your room, compromise. Do your parents want you to paint your room light pink, but you want to paint it black (or vice versa)? Compromise by painting your room light pink and use black as an accent.
    • Tape the paint samples to the wall when you get them, so you can get an idea of how they would look in your room.
    • Look at the wall that your 'future bed' will be and make it a darker shade, if you want to give your room some definition.
    • You could also apply wallpaper to one wall of the room as a cool accent.[1]
Part 4
Part 4 of 7:

Rearranging the furniture

  1. 1
    Get some new furniture if you can afford it. Do you really want that ABC dresser in your room? No way! Go out and get some new furniture. You'll need a bed (of course), a dresser, a bookcase, a bedside table, and a desk. Try buying all of your furniture in the same color so that your room doesn't look too crazy (unless that's your intention).
    • Look in thrift stores for bargain furniture finds. Just check there is no insect infestation before dragging it home though; if you're not sure, take a flashlight along and do a close inspection. This is more of an issue in some places than others, so ask your parents for advice.
    • Consider repainting old furniture for a completely new look that matches your color scheme.
    • To brighten and modernize your room a little, don't just buy a bed, dresser, desk, etc., but a small couch and bedside table too. Look at the color of the furniture that you want to buy and think of how it would look against the color of your room.
  2. 2
    Buy some chairs. When your friends come over and hang out, you don't want them to sit on the floor. Buy some chairs so that you and your friends have a comfy spot to sit. You can buy some beanbag chairs, or a moon chair. Even an ottoman would work well, especially if it has storage space inside. Try to keep your furniture within your color scheme.
  3. 3
    Consider donating your old furniture to a good home. Give it to a charity, or if you want some profit, sell it online on websites such as Amazon, eBay or one of a small number of third-party sellers online.
  4. 4
    Don't just place it in a spot that crams everything, but space it out a little. Put the bedside table by your bed, the couch on the opposite side of your desk, etc.
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Part 5
Part 5 of 7:

Improving the floor

  1. 1
    Get some rugs to brighten up the floorspace. If you have a carpeted floor, this may not be as necessary, but a cool rug or two is never a bad thing to have in your room. If you have hardwood floors, rugs are a really good thing to put beside your bed so that when you get up in the morning your feet don't freeze on the hardwood floor. Remember, choose rugs that express your personality, and have fun with the designs and patterns.
    • Buy a fuzzy rug, some flourishing curtains for the windows, a lamp for the bedside table, and more!
Part 6
Part 6 of 7:

Adding accessories

  1. 1
    Get some stuff for your bed. Buy some bed sheets and pillows for your bed. If you want a really girly-looking bed, buy some blankets and a bunch of toss pillows to put at the head of your bed. If you want a more simplistic look, just stick with the bed sheets. Do whatever you want. Just because you're a girl doesn't mean that you have to be a 'girly-girl'.
    • Buy some funky blankets with some adjoining cushions for your bed.
    • Shop for a variety of different pillows. As the seasons change, you can switch out the pillows on your bed![2]
  2. 2
    Add a few mirrors. Mirrors aren't just for girly-girls. If you love makeup, a good mirror will be handy when you're putting your makeup on. You can buy a full-length mirror so that you can see your outfits, too. Buy a mirror that has a cool frame, such as a mosaic with different colors of glass.
  3. 3
    Get a cork board. Cork boards are really cool because you can display photos of your family, you, your friends, your pets, as well as other things like concert tickets and postcards. If your cork board is ugly, paint it a color that goes with your room, but not a very dark color, or put some cool fabric over it. You can also buy cork boards with fabric over them already.
  4. 4
    Make your room yours! Put up posters of your favorite bands and celebrities. Put up pictures of your family and friends. Put in stuff that you like and that gives your room personality! Art projects, sketches, whatever you want. If you're the artist type put up your drawings, or paintings. Make it yours; after all, it is your room.
  5. 5
    Add cool lighting. Add lamps and maybe some dangling lights, such as butterfly or fairy lights. Fairy lights can be improved by sticking on motifs in the intervals between the lights.
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Part 7
Part 7 of 7:

Ensuring adequate storage

  1. 1
    Make sure you have some storage space. Use space in your closet or make another spot in your room for keeping your stuff out of the way. Buy some storage bins and slide them under your bed. This keeps all of your stuff organized.
  2. 2
    Make good use of shelves. Shelves are a must to display stuff like sports trophies, pictures, books, etc. Buy some shelves and have them put up in a place that you like, such as over your bed or near your desk.
  3. 3
    Put away all of the childish things in your room. They can be donated, go into storage or be disposed of. Unless they mean a great deal of value to you, having such things hanging around can cause you to keep living in the past; now is the time to move on. If you have anything you wouldn't use again or isn't special to you, donate it to a charity shop.
  4. 4
    Relax. Play some slow music from your iPod on your stereo, and pour a cool glass of lemonade. Grab a book or magazine and sit back and relax on your bed.
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How do you arrange a small bedroom with furniture?
    Kanika Khurana
    Kanika Khurana
    Interior Designer
    Kanika Khurana is an Interior Designer and the Owner of Kanika Design. With over 12 years of experience, Kanika specializes in remodeling, refurnishing, and color consulting. Kanika holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from San Francisco State University, a Redesign and Home Staging Certification, and an Associate Degree in Business Administration from Cañada College.
    Kanika Khurana
    Interior Designer
    Expert Answer
    Stay away from bulky furniture, unless your room has really high ceilings. Unfortunately, bulky furniture can really bring the room down.
  • Question
    I have so many things in my room I won't use, and aren't sentimental to me, but my mum will get offended if I throw any of them out. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Put them into storage and say that you still want them, they're just taking up space in you room.
  • Question
    Can I make my room totally different without painting anything or changing the furniture?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Move furniture around, get a different bedding set for your bed and/or add decorations from other parts of the house.


  • When picking paint, be sure that you pick colors you'll be okay with for a while. Your parents already let you paint your room once, so they more than likely will not allow you to do it again two weeks after you painted it already.
  • Pick a bedspread that can go with many colors (plain black, or black and white print) Or pick a color that goes with your wall color.
  • Before you start to redo your bedroom, be sure that you get your parents/guardian's permission to paint the house, or even redo your room, as they may not let you. If they don't allow you too, then accept their decision, and avoid becoming mad at them.

Things You'll Need

  • Materials (paint, furniture, etc.)
  • Lots of money (If you want new furniture, it can be expensive)
  • Posters or artwork if you wish


  1. Kanika Khurana. Interior Designer. Expert Interview. 9 October 2020.
  2. Kanika Khurana. Interior Designer. Expert Interview. 9 October 2020.
  3. Kanika Khurana. Interior Designer. Expert Interview. 9 October 2020.

About This Article

Kanika Khurana
Co-authored by:
Interior Designer
This article was co-authored by Kanika Khurana. Kanika Khurana is an Interior Designer and the Owner of Kanika Design. With over 12 years of experience, Kanika specializes in remodeling, refurnishing, and color consulting. Kanika holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from San Francisco State University, a Redesign and Home Staging Certification, and an Associate Degree in Business Administration from Cañada College. This article has been viewed 359,496 times.
9 votes - 82%
Co-authors: 112
Updated: November 10, 2022
Views: 359,496
Categories: Home Decorating