If you can't seem to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling that you have a hair stuck in your throat, there are a few tricks you can try. You can safely swallow a few hairs or eat soft mouthfuls of food to dislodge the hair. Or address other health issues that might just give you the feeling of having something stuck in your throat. These issues can include smoking, acid reflux, and allergies.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Dislodging the Hair

  1. 1
    Try to swallow the hair. If you suspect that you have one or two hairs stuck in your throat, try to just swallow them. The hair will travel through your digestive tract like food does and your body will excrete them. Your body will not break down the hair because it's made of keratin, a dense protein.[1]
    • If it feels like the hair is long, see if you can use your clean fingers to pull the hair out of your throat.
  2. 2
    Eat soft foods. You may be able to get the hair out of your throat by swallowing a large mouthful of food. Choose foods that are soft and gentle on your throat. For example, eat a few bites of banana or soft bread.[2]
    • You should only try to swallow a bite that fits comfortably in your mouth. If you try to swallow too big of a bite, you could choke.
    • The hair will travel through your digestive tract with the food, if you managed to swallow it.
  3. 3
    Contact an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist. If you can't get the hair out of your throat and the sensation is bothering you, schedule an appointment with an ear, nose, and throat specialist. If you're experiencing any other signs of a sore throat, like painful swallowing or pus on your tonsils, you should be thoroughly examined.[3]
    • The specialist may need to run tests or get x-rays. Ensure that you give a complete medical history and explain all of your symptoms.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Addressing Other Issues

  1. 1
    Gargle with warm saltwater. You might feel like you have hair stuck in your throat although there really isn't anything there. Other issues can cause the uncomfortable feeling. To soothe your throat, fill a glass with warm water and stir in salt until it dissolves. Gargle with the salt water to make your throat feel better.[4]
    • Studies also suggest that gargling can prevent or reduce common cold symptoms.
  2. 2
    Stop smoking. Toxins and particles from smoking can irritate the lining of your throat. This irritation might feel like hair that's trapped in your throat. Try to cut back on how much you smoke every day to reduce throat irritation and smoker's cough.[5]
  3. 3
    Treat your acid reflux. If you have acid reflux, acids from your stomach move back up into your throat. This acid can irritate your throat, especially if it reaches your vocal cords. When this happens, the acid can make it feel as though something is stuck in your throat. Ask your doctor about the best treatments for your acid reflux.[6]
    • If you're also experiencing hoarseness, coughing, or you clear your throat often, you may have a type of reflux called laryngeal pharyngeal reflux.
  4. 4
    Take allergy medication. If you're having an allergic reaction to something you've eaten, you may have trouble swallowing, feel like there's something stuck in your throat, or your tongue might feel hairy. Follow your allergy treatment plan or contact your doctor immediately.[7]
    • The doctor may recommend that you take an antihistamine to block the allergen.
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About This Article

Jessica Gibson
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Jessica Gibson. Jessica Gibson is a Writer and Editor who's been with wikiHow since 2014. After completing a year of art studies at the Emily Carr University in Vancouver, she graduated from Columbia College with a BA in History. Jessica also completed an MA in History from The University of Oregon in 2013. This article has been viewed 671,950 times.
124 votes - 55%
Co-authors: 6
Updated: April 29, 2022
Views: 671,950
Categories: Throat Health
Article SummaryX

To remove hair from your throat, first, see if you can swallow it, which is the easiest and safest way to get it out. Alternatively, eat some soft foods, like bananas or bread, to carry the hair down your throat. You can also try pulling the hair out of your throat with your fingers, especially if it’s a long hair. If the sensation is really bothering you, or if it becomes painful, make sure to see a doctor for treatment. To learn how to address other throat issues, like acid reflux, read on!

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