We’ve all seen the “Hey Siri, how do you say seal in French?” TikTok—but does this hilarious video actually have any truth to it? You’ve come to the right article. From definitions to pronunciations, we’ve covered everything you need to know about this funky French word. We’ve even outlined some other French words that also mean “seal,” so you can flex your new French know-how in your next conversation.

Section 2 of 4:

How do you say the word seal in French?

  1. The word “phoque” is pronounced as “fok.” The word “phoque” (fok) sounds extremely similar to a popular English expletive word, but with an “oh” vowel sound instead of an “uh.”[2] The popular TikTok highlighted these similarities, transforming the word “phoque” into something of a pop culture phenomenon among young English speakers.
    • Example: “Le phoque est très mignon” (leh fok eh treh mi-nyon) translates to “The seal is very cute.”
    • TikTok users aren’t the only ones poking fun at this uniquely-pronounced word! In a well-known episode of Family Guy, Peter quizzes Chris on his French by making him say a bunch of crude phrases disguised with pictures of seals.[3]
Section 3 of 4:

Variations of the Word Phoque

  1. 1
    A “bébé phoque” is a baby seal. The viral TikTok is right about this, too—a baby seal is called a “bébé phoque” (bébé fok), which is pronounced as “bébé fok.”[4]
  2. 2
    A “maman phoque” is a mother seal. In the TikTok, the user makes a joke that a mother seal is a “mother phoque-er.” Obviously, this isn’t the correct translation—you’d actually say “maman phoque” (maman fok), which translates to “mother seal.”
    • For example, “maman phoque et bébé phoque” (maman fok eh bébé fok) translates to “mother seal and baby seal.”[5]
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Section 4 of 4:

Other Ways to Say “Seal” in French

  1. 1
    "Joint" is the word for a seal on an opening. You know the rubber seal that goes around your refrigerator door, or the seal along the bottom of your door? In French, you’d call either of these a “joint” (jwin).[6]
  2. 2
    "Sceau" refers to a physical stamp or seal. Have you ever seen those fancy symbols or icons that are sometimes used on fancy documents? In French, this is often called a “sceau” (so). A famous example of this is the “The Grand Seal of France,” also known as “Le Grand Sceau de France” (leh ɡran so duh frans).[7]
    • “Cachet” (ka-shè) is another word for seal or stamp in French.[8]
  3. 3
    "Sceller" (sé-lé) is the French verb for “to seal something shut.” You’d use this verb to describe physically sealing something, like a door or a window.[9] When conjugated, the root of the verb is pronounced like “sell.”
    • Example: “Je scelle la porte” (je sell la pawrt) translates to “I seal the door.”
    • The verb “colmater” (kol-ma-té) also means “to fill in.”[10]
    • The verb “fermer hermétiquement” (férmé ér-mé-tik-man) can also mean “to tightly seal.”[11]
  4. 4
    "Cacheter" means “to seal up.” The verb “cacheter” (ka-she-té) also means “to seal.” Similarly, the verb “décacheter” (dé-ka-she-té) means “to unseal.”[12]
    • Example: “Je cachette l’enveloppe” (je ka-shèt l’an-ve-lop) means “I seal the envelope.”
  5. 5
    "Régler" means “to settle” something, like a decision. In a story, the author might say that a character “seals” their fate after making an important decision. This type of “sealing” translates to “régler” (ré-glé), the French verb for settling on a choice.[13]
    • Example: “Elle règle son destin” (èl règl soh dés-tin) translates to “She decides her destiny.”
    • You can also use the verb “conclure” (kon-klur) to talk about finalizing or “sealing” an agreement with someone, like an author signing off on a book deal. As an example, “Je conclus l'accord” (je kon-kloo l’a-kor) translates to “I make the deal.”
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About This Article

Janice Tieperman
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Janice Tieperman. Janice is a professional and creative writer who has worked at wikiHow since 2019. With both a B.A. and M.A. in English from East Stroudsburg University, she has a passion for writing a wide variety of content for anyone and everyone. In her free time, you can find her working on a new crochet pattern, listening to true crime podcasts, or tackling a new creative writing project. This article has been viewed 19,396 times.
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Co-authors: 4
Updated: February 24, 2023
Views: 19,396
Categories: Pronouncing French