This article was co-authored by Angel Eyedealism and by wikiHow staff writer, Jessica Gibson. Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings.
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Scorpios can be intimidating! A woman born between October 23 and November 21 is known for her fiery spirit, daring attitude, and sexual nature. However, if you like a bit of a challenge, Scorpios can become fantastic, devoted lovers if you communicate effectively. We'll show you how to make your texts to a Scorpio woman more seductive.
Send a few flirty texts to show you're interested.
Flirting isn't seduction, but it does set the stage. Plus, several playful back-and-forth messages can make her eager to see you in person. Flirt with her whenever you think of her during the day or in the hours before your date. You might text: [1] X Research source
- "This is the longest day ever. How am I supposed to go 12 hours without seeing you?"
- "I can't get the picture of you out of my mind. How can I function when I'm so distracted?"
- "We haven't even gone on our date, but I'm already regretting having to say goodnight to you."
Keep your texts short and simple.
Scorpios usually prefer to communicate in person. This is because they're really good at reading non-verbal cues. Texting can be trickier. When you do send her a message, don't try to have a long, in-depth conversation. Instead, use texting to set up a date or flirt before you meet up. After all, it's a great way to pique her interest before seeing you in person. You could say:
- "We're still on for 8 pm, right? I can't wait to see what you've got in store for me."
- "You still buying me a coffee? I'm all yours after 5."
- "I think it's my turn to pick tonight's movie unless you'd rather do something else tonight?"
Create an air of mystery.
Don't reveal too much or pry when you text her. A Scorpio doesn't want you revealing your deepest thoughts or asking about hers when you're texting. Instead, she wants to be intrigued and curious about you, so keep your cards close to your chest.[2] X Research source
- For example, instead of texting, "Tell me about what happened in your last relationship," or telling her about your ex, send a message like, "You'd be surprised to learn where I've traveled." Then, don't reveal any more.
- You could also say, "I tend to follow my passions. Right now I'm focusing on my music."
- Try texting her, "I've always been drawn to unique women and you're no exception."
Send her a bold, confident message to get her attention.
Try to come across as secure and interested in her. She'll be able to tell if you're nervous or not trying very hard. For instance, never text a Scorpio, "Hey" or any message that tells her you're not making a clear move. Scorpios are impressed by bold initiative, so don't be afraid to be direct with her.
- So, instead of just saying, "What's up?" cut to the chase. You might want to ask her out or ask her opinion about something.
- You might text, "I'd really like to take you out for dessert," or "Will you go to a concert with me?" so she sees you taking the initiative.
Keep your messages passionate.
Connect with a Scorpio on a deeply romantic level. Your texts will set the stage for when you can meet in person. A Scorpio woman loves intense relationships where she feels swept off her feet. Don't be afraid to send charming messages like:[3] X Research source
- "You have no idea how wild you make me feel."
- "I love the way you feel lying in my arms."
- "Let's stay in tonight. I want you for myself."
Use a text to ask her out on an interesting date.
Scorpios love being surprised so come up with a fun activity. She'll really appreciate that you're creative and thinking of ways to keep her interested in the relationship. You might text her to meet up for drinks at a local speakeasy or offer to cook dinner for her at your place.[4] X Research source
- Tailor the date specifically to her interests. If she's athletic, surprise her with tickets to a game. If she loves trying new food, take her out to a food cart she'd really enjoy. For example, text something like, "You + me + Moroccan food?"
Try sexting her to make her want you.
Scorpios are known for being one of the sexiest signs! If you send her a naughty text, chances are, she'll reply back with one of her own. You'll show her that you have a playful sexy side which she's sure to appreciate.[5] X Research source
- For instance, text, "What's the most sensitive part of your body? Let me guess," or "I thought about you all last night. Was I on your mind?"
- Have fun with this! Send her sexy photos you know she'd approve of.
Be genuine with your messages.
Nothing turns off a Scorpio like dishonesty, even if you're being kind. Pay her sincere compliments and be completely open with your feelings. Remember, Scorpios are passionate and they love deeply. If she trusts you, she'll invest in your relationship. Send a message like:[6] X Research source
- "You are such an amazing person—you make me feel all lit up inside."
- "I have never been obsessive about someone the way I am about you."
- "I wanted to be with you since the moment I first saw you."
Make her chase you a little with your texts.
Keep her interested by getting her to work for your attention. It's no surprise that a mysterious woman likes a little intrigue herself! If she texts you a question, for instance, give her a brief reply that leaves her wanting more. She'll be looking forward to your next date so she can figure you out.[7] X Research source
- For example, if she texts something like, "Want to do something this weekend?" you could reply with, "I may have something going on," or just leave it at, "I'm not sure yet." This leaves her curious about your plans and she'll probably want to be part of them.
Don't pressure or boss around a Scorpio woman.
Let your relationship unfold naturally! There's no need to rush a Scorpio woman. In fact, trying to speed up the relationship can actually make her more hesitant to get involved. Take your time and don't be afraid to keep your texts casual until you've gotten to really know one another.[8] X Research source
- You should also give her some space. Avoid texting her things like, "Where are you? Who are you with?" She'll back off quickly if she feels like you're trying to control her.
Give her time and space to reply.
Scorpios put a lot of thought into their texts. If you don't hear anything back from her right away, don't worry! She's most likely coming up with the right response. Remember, Scorpios usually prefer in-person communication, so texting can be a little awkward for her.[9] X Research source
- Use your judgment to decide if you should text her again. You might wait a few days before sending a gentle message like, "I hope I didn't say something wrong. Maybe we could meet up soon?"
- The exception to this is if she thinks you've lied or been dishonest with her. Silence might be her way of letting you know she's unhappy.
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