You work hard for a decent and good life and spend handsome amounts of money to keep yourself comfortable when you’re at home. Chief among the comforts that furniture can give you is a king-sized mattress in a box that lets you sleep like a baby. You wake up in the morning and stretch out, kissing your comfortable mattress and congratulating yourself for money well spent. Charged up during the night, you are now ready for a full day of work without exhaustion or tiredness creeping in.

Part 1
Part 1 of 1:

Unpacking And Setting Up Your Mattress In A Box

  1. 1
    Put the mattress box on the bed frame. It’ll require two people to carry the mattress in a box so it is advised to not try carrying it on your own. Gently place the box on your bed and start unpacking!
    • After the mattress in a box is delivered, enlist the help of a friend to help unpack the mattress.
    • Before opening the box, put it on the bed frame with extra room on the bed so the mattress can be comfortably removed.
  2. 2
    Remove the mattress from the box. You only need a pair of sturdy scissors to cut the mattress box and plastic seal, no other tools are required.
    • Get a pair of safety scissors and cut open the box and slowly remove the compressed mattress.
    • Let your friend hold the box while you slide the mattress out of it.
    • Take the empty mattress box out of the room so it doesn’t take up space and hinder you.
  3. 3
    Remove the protective outer bag. The mattress is wrapped in a plastic sleeve and an airtight seal. The plastic sleeve provides additional protection from shipment and frequent movements.
    • Slowly start pulling away the factory-supplied plastic protective sleeve. It should easily come off.
    • Remove it from the room to prevent clutter and avoid accidents like slipping.
  4. 4
    Remove airtight plastic seal. The inner airtight seal is what is keeping the mattress compressed. Since it is very close to the mattress, being careful on this step is very important.
    • The inner envelope is an airtight plastic seal that you’ll need to carefully cut. Be sure to not puncture the mattress as you do this step.
    • Locate the seam of the mattress’s inner bag and cut along this line to ensure the safety of the mattress.
    • Dispose of the plastic seal
  5. 5
    Start unrolling the mattress. Unrolling the mattress is easy, but you will need a friend’s assistance to help unroll from the opposite side.
    • You and your friend should gently start unrolling the mattress on the bed.
    • The mattress will start to expand as it’s free from its compressed state.
  6. 6
    Start positioning the mattress. Now that the mattress is unrolled, it’s time to put it in the right position. Make sure it is aligned with the bed frame and fits inside of it perfectly to avoid it from sliding or sagging.
    • After placing the mattress along the lines of the bed or foundation, wait for the mattress to expand from its compressed state.
    • The high-end mattress is sensitive to temperature; it will take around 5-8 hours to expand fully. The colder the mattress feels to your touch, the longer it will take to reach the uncompressed state.
    • There may also be slight smell of the newness of the mattress but it’s something that goes away quickly.
  7. 7
    Start bedding the new mattress. Now that the mattress is unpacked, it’s time to setup your bed. The bedding sizes may vary if you’ve upgraded to a bigger bed size. It’s important to use deep pocketed sheets to fully wrap around the edges of the hybrid mattress.
    • After the lux mattress fully expands, you need to put on the bedsheets and bed covers.
    • Tuck the corners and edges of the bedsheet around the base of the mattress. This makes it look neat and clean, waiting for you to dive into it.
  8. 8
    Choose pillows for your bed. Pillows are a vital component to the comfort of your bed and can make all the difference in your sleep. It’s important to pick the right pillows that’ll properly contour your neck curve and relieve pressure from your shoulders.
    • It's time to go shopping for pillows and give your bed a total makeover.
    • Choose pillows that are soft but unyielding, these are best for your sleep quality to improve.
    • Don’t scrimp over the price of the pillows, invest in good quality ones that ensure you the best conditions for a good night’s sleep.
  9. Advertisement


  • Getting a new mattress is a great idea, especially if you have not been sleeping well on the old one. Unpacking and installing the mattress is generally a simple job and these instructions for setting up a mattress in a box will help you. Finally, enjoy sleeping like a baby for a long time.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 9 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 1,157 times.
3 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 9
Updated: January 23, 2023
Views: 1,157
Categories: Model Making