Solid shampoo has a similar consistency to bar soap and you lather it directly onto your hair. Shampoo bars can last for up to 80–90 washes and 45 days, but they turn mushy if they’re left in water or stored incorrectly. When you’re done using the shampoo bar, be sure to set it somewhere so it stays dry so you don’t waste any of it. Since shampoo bars are solid, they’re very easy to travel with since you can put them in a standard soap case.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Keeping a Shampoo Bar at Home

  1. 1
    Opt for a soap dish with slats or grooves to help water drain out. Avoid using a soap dish that has a flat bottom since it will hold standing water and make the shampoo bar turn mushy. Set the soap dish on the side of your tub or a shelf in your shower so it’s level. Place the shampoo bar on the raised section of the soap dish so it doesn’t rest in any water.[1]
    • You can buy soap dishes from home goods stores or online.
    • There are many styles of soap dishes, such as plastic, ceramic, and bamboo, so choose one with a design and color you like.

    Tip: If the soap dish feels wet before you put down the shampoo bar, wipe it dry with a washcloth or paper towel.

  2. 2
    Set the bar on a shower rack to help air circulate around it. Look for a rack that either hangs from the showerhead or one that attaches to the shower wall with suction cups. Make sure the rack hangs level, or else the shampoo bar could easily slip off of it. Put the bar directly on one of the grated sections of the rack so water can drain and air can blow around it.[2]
    • Many shower racks also have shelves or hooks so you can store other bottles of soap and hang washcloths.
    • Since the shampoo bar gets smaller as you use it, it may become too small to hold on a shower rack.
  3. 3
    Hang the soap in a mesh or cotton bag if the pieces are too small for a rack. Look for a thin mesh or cotton soap saver bag at a specialty soap and cosmetics shop or online. Put the shampoo bar pieces into the bag and pull the drawstring tight so they can’t fall out. Secure the back to the shower curtain rod or from a hook in your tub so water can drip out.[3]
    • If you don’t have a cotton or mesh bag, you can also use a clean sock.
    • If the bag gets dirty, put it in your washer on the delicate cycle.
  4. 4
    Cut the shampoo bar into quarters so you can cycle between dry pieces. Set the shampoo bar on a cutting board and use a sharp chef’s knife to cut the piece in half. Cut the 2 pieces in half again so you have 4 pieces that are the same size. Keep 3 of the pieces on a shelf or in a cabinet so they stay dry. After using 1 piece, let it dry out completely and use a different piece if you need to wash your hair again.
    • This works great if you don’t want to travel with a full-sized shampoo bar or if it doesn’t fit in a travel case.
  5. 5
    Keep the shampoo bar out of sunlight and direct streams of water. Make sure your soap dish or shower rack doesn’t receive direct sunlight during the day since it can cause the oils in the shampoo bar to melt. Place the shampoo bar away from the showerhead or tub spout so water doesn’t collect on it and cause it to dissolve.[4]
    • If the shampoo bar gets wet, try patting it dry with a clean towel and setting it aside so it can dry completely.
  6. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Traveling with the Bar

  1. 1
    Allow the shampoo bar to dry out as much as possible. Leave the shampoo bar on a soap dish or rack immediately after using it and leave it alone until you need to pack it. Pack the shampoo bar last so it has the most time to dry. If it still feels wet, pat it dry with a washcloth so there isn’t any water left on it.[5]

    Tip: Keep a spare shampoo bar at home so you don’t have to wait for the one you’ve recently used to dry.

  2. 2
    Seal the bar in a plastic or metal soap case. Opt for a soap case that has drainage holes if you can find one. Open the soap case and place the shampoo bar on the bottom half of the container. Push the lid down so it snaps shut so the bar doesn’t fall out while you’re traveling. Place the case in a toiletry bag or inside your luggage to keep it protected.[6]
    • You can buy soap cases from home goods stores.
    • If your shampoo bar came in a reusable tin, you can use it while you’re packing.
  3. 3
    Bring a soap dish with you when you travel to help dry out the bar. Set the soap dish in the tub or on a shelf in the bathroom wherever you’re staying. Make sure you use a dish that has slats or grooves so water can drain out and keep the shampoo bar raised above it. After using the shampoo bar, immediately put it on the soap dish to dry.[7]
    • Avoid putting the shampoo bar directly back in the case since it may leave standing water inside.
  4. 4
    Dry off the inside of the soap case if it gets wet. If you had to store the shampoo bar in the case before it could dry, try to remove it as soon as possible so it doesn’t dissolve. Wipe the bottom of the case with a paper towel or washcloth until it’s dry to the touch. Put the bar back in the case so the driest side faces down so the case doesn’t get wet again.[8]
    • If you let the shampoo bar dry before storing it, you shouldn’t have to dry out the case.
  5. Advertisement


  • Avoid leaving the shampoo bar in the sun or in a direct stream of water since it will dissolve and be wasteful.[9]

Things You’ll Need

Keeping a Shampoo Bar at Home

  • Grooved or slatted soap dish
  • Shower rack
  • Mesh or cotton bag

Traveling with the Bar

  • Plastic or metal soap case
  • Grooved or slatted soap dish
  • Paper towel

About This Article

Hunter Rising
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Hunter Rising. Hunter Rising is a wikiHow Staff Writer based in Los Angeles. He has more than three years of experience writing for and working with wikiHow. Hunter holds a BFA in Entertainment Design from the University of Wisconsin - Stout and a Minor in English Writing. This article has been viewed 13,251 times.
5 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 2
Updated: February 5, 2020
Views: 13,251
Categories: Shampoo