Headed to the classroom? Level up your lessons with these simple tips and suggestions

Teaching English as a second language for beginners is super rewarding, but it can definitely feel a little daunting when you’re stepping into the classroom for the first time. In the world of ESL, how you teach is just as important as what you teach—the key is knowing where to start. We’ve put together all of the building blocks for your English lessons, so both you and your students can have a fun and productive class.

Things You Should Know

  • Start by teaching your students the fundamentals, like numbers and the alphabet. Build on those skills with phonics, parts of speech, and basic grammatical skills.
  • Create a productive learning environment by speaking to your students in simple language, like “Repeat after me” or “Finish this sentence.”
  • Use games to help reinforce certain topics and keep your students engaged in the classroom.
Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Essential Lesson Components

  1. 1
    Alphabet and numbers
    Starting with lessons about the alphabet and teaching number-related lessons provides your students with a great foundation for future learning. It may help to give your students a short test (like filling in the blanks of a partially-completed alphabet) to see what their base skill level is.[1]
    • The Beginning Alphabetics Tests & Tools (BATT) pamphlet can be a very helpful resource for teaching your ESL students about the alphabet.
    • It may help to have your students learn the alphabet up to a certain point. You can start at "A" and go to "M," if you want. Have your students finish the alphabet at a pace you are both comfortable with. The point is to push your students without pushing them too hard.
    • Try using flashcards with a word that begins with each letter of the alphabet to reinforce your lesson. Keep in mind that learning the alphabet might be easier to speakers whose native language uses the Latin or English alphabet.
    • When it comes to numbers, start by teaching your students to count up—it can help to use your fingers for this. From there, work toward counting down, as well as counting in larger chunks (like counting in 10s and 5s).[2]
  2. 2
    Teaching pronunciation is an extremely important part of your ESL lessons. Focus on sounds that are particularly hard for English as a second language students to grasp, like:
    • TH: The "TH" (like in "theater" or "thing") does not exist in certain languages. As a result, it's relatively hard for some ESL students to pronounce.[3]
    • R: The "R" sound is also difficult for many ESL learners, as it’s often pronounced differently across different languages. For instance, French individuals make the “R” sound using their throat.[4] Meanwhile, native Spanish speakers “roll” their “R” sounds.[5]
    • L: The "L" sound is another difficult one for ESL learners, as some languages (like Chinese) don’t have the “L” sound in their alphabet.[6]
    • H: The "H" sound can be tricky for some ESL learners, since it can be tough to tell when it needs to be pronounced.[7]
  3. 3
    Teaching nouns will be one of the easiest things for your students to learn. Start with common objects in your classroom, before moving on to common objects—good examples are words like car, house, tree, road, and more. Continue on to objects your students will encounter in their daily lives, like food, electronics, and more.
    • It may help to describe the difference between singular and plural nouns, as well as explain how proper nouns need to be capitalized. Pictures are a great way to help your students understand nouns, as well as fill-in-the-blank exercises.[8]
    • Take some time to talk about English pronouns as well. These include: I, you, he, she, we, they, and them.
  4. 4
    It helps to teach adjectives right after you teach nouns because adjectives are used exclusively with nouns. Explain how adjectives change or describe other nouns, and provide some examples.[9]
    • For a fun lesson, show your students an interesting picture and invite them to describe it with adjective-filled sentences.[10]
  5. 5
    Teaching verbs will be a huge step in your student’s sentence construction skills. Explain how verbs describe an action, and provide some examples, like jump, run, or become.[11]
    • Spend extra time teaching irregular verbs. The word go is a great example of this, as the past tense of go is went, while the past participle of go becomes gone.[12]
    • Flashcards and role-playing games are just a couple of effective ways to teach verbs in the classroom.[13]
  6. 6
    Explain how adverbs allow you to add extra details to your sentence, and how your students can use adverbs to clarify how or to what degree they did something. They can also use adverbs to add more detail when using adjectives to describe a noun.[14]
    • If a word ends in -ly, it's likely an adverb.[15]
  7. 7
    Tenses and articles After you’ve covered nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs you need to move on to teaching tenses and articles to your students. Without understanding how to use the proper tense and where to use articles, your students will not be able to put whole sentences together.
    • Tenses explain when something has happened or occurred. Make sure to explain past tense, current tense, and future tense.
    • Articles are adjectives that provide extra information about a noun. Articles include: a, an, and the.
    • Make sure your students master tenses and articles, as they are an essential part of sentence writing.
  8. 8
    Common phrases
    One great way to teach English is to encourage your students to practice and use common phrases. This is important, since your students won’t understand the meaning of many common phrases just based off of the literal meaning of the words. Begin with a few common phrases like never mind, no doubt, or make believe. It might also help to provide your students with a list of common phrases to work with and think about.
    • Tell your students to repeat those phrases (and use them) until they feel comfortable using them in conversation.
  9. 9
    Basic sentence construction
    After you've taught the alphabet, verbs, and more, you should begin to teach your students basic sentence construction. This is important, as it will provide a foundation to their writing ability, as well as aid them in reading. Focus on the main patterns that sentences in English are constructed around:
    • Subject-Verb: These sentences have the subject followed by a verb. For instance, "The dog runs."
    • Subject-Verb-Direct Object: These sentences have the subject first, followed by a verb, which is then followed by an object. For instance, "John eats pizza."
    • Subject-Verb-Complement: These sentences have the subject first, a verb, and then an complement (like an adjective, noun, or pronoun). For instance, "The puppy seems healthy."
    • Subject-Verb-Indirect Object-Direct Object: These sentences have the subject, a verb, an indirect object, and then a direct object. For instance, "She gave my mom a casserole."
    • Subject-Verb-Direct Object-Object Complement: These sentences have a subject, a verb, a direct object, and end with an object complement (like an adjective, noun or pronoun). For instance, "My sister made the cat frustrated."[16]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Best Classroom Practices

  1. 1
    Speak to your students with simple language. Think about the simplest and easiest way you can communicate with your students, whether that’s teaching a lesson or providing instructions. Your pupils will have an easier time grasping what you’re trying to say if you use basic sentences.
    • For instance, “Turn to page 63” is much easier to understand than “Please open your textbooks and flip to page 63 in Chapter 4.”
  2. 2
    Encourage students to speak more English in the classroom. One great way to facilitate learning is to encourage students use English instead of their first language.[17] This helps use their knowledge of English and further develop them. It also provides teaching moments for instructors and learning opportunities for students.
    • This tactic is best used when students have already learned the basics (basic questions, greetings, the alphabet, and numbers).
    • This tactic works well with the “repeat after me” and/or “answer me” approach. For instance, you can make a statement or ask a student a question. It will give them the opportunity to answer in English.
  3. 3
    Provide verbal and written instructions. When explaining an activity or giving directions about homework, classwork, or a project, give both verbal and written instructions.[18] Providing both verbal and written instructions allows your students to hear words and see them in print at the same time, which aids in word association and pronunciation.
    • Print off directions to an activity and distribute them to students before you explain an activity. If you are teaching online, email directions to your students before you explain it to them via video.
  4. 4
    Do drill exercises to help your students learn. Ask your students to listen as you say a certain word, and then ask them to repeat it back to you. Continue using this exercise in the classroom to help your students understand new topics and concepts.[19]
    • You can use drills in all sorts of different ways, like asking students a question and expecting them to answer with a specific response.
  5. 5
    Check in with your students to make sure they understand everything. Take time in class to see how your students are faring with the lesson, like asking them to give a thumbs up or thumbs down sign. Steer clear of questions like “Do you understand?” or “Does anyone have questions?” These don’t give you good insight into how your students are really feeling.[20]
    • If you’re teaching in a classroom environment, walk around and talk to students to see if they are having trouble.
    • If you’re teaching online, send messages or emails to students and ask them if they need help.
    • Make yourself available as much as you can when students are doing in-class activities or other activities.
  6. 6
    Utilize a variety of teaching styles in the classroom. Teaching English as a second language to beginners is a lot more effective when you use various types of teaching. Diversity in learning is important since each student is different and learns differently. Here are a few ideas you might try:
    • Speaking with a variety of intonations
    • Using gestures as you teach
    • Supplementing lessons with visuals and sketches[21]
  7. 7
    Break lessons into small pieces. When teaching beginners or very young students, break the lesson into several pieces of about 10 minutes–this helps ensure that you don’t lose your students' attention or overwhelm them.
    • You don’t need to stay at exactly 10 minutes. Feel free to go a few minutes over if it will aid your lesson.
    • After each mini-lesson, switch to a totally different sort of lesson. This will help refresh students and keep their attention.
    • Change your mini lessons daily. Try to incorporate as many different lessons as possible to keep your students' attention and to challenge them. However, don't add too much new information at once, as your students may get overwhelmed. Instead, change your strategy often but stick to the same material until your students understand it.
  8. 8
    Remind your students that it’s okay to make mistakes. Learning a new language can be intimidating—but a few words of encouragement from you can go a long way. Explain the struggles you had as you learned English growing up, and feel free to share some mistakes that you made along the way.[22]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Fun Teaching Strategies

  1. 1
    Reinforce the topic of the day with games. Games help students learn English by providing a fun and compelling way to think in new and different ways.
    • Try a Jeopardy-type game that uses a point system to get your students to compete against each other.
    • Consider a Family Feud-style game if you want your students to work together in teams.
    • Try a Taboo-style game where your students break into teams and try to describe a word without using the word itself.[23]
  2. 2
    Use visuals to teach language. An important way to teach language is to use visuals in order to build word association. By using visuals to promote word association, your students can make stronger connections between ideas and new words that they are learning in your class. Consider:
    • Pictures and photographs.
    • Post-cards.
    • Video.
    • Maps.
    • Restaurant menus[24]
  3. 3
    Invite your students to use language-learning apps. Targeted language apps are a great way to reinforce what you have taught during instruction time, as students can use them to practice their language skills and to learn new phrases and words. Apps like Duolingo, Babbel, and Drops are all great options to consider.[25]
    • Targeted language apps are available on a number of smartphone operating systems.
    • Some apps provide the opportunity for multiple students to work together to learn.
  4. 4
    Encourage students to practice their language skills on social media. Invite your students to follow English-speaking accounts, as well as engage with these accounts by replying to posts in English. You could also encourage students to make a separate social media account where they can practice posting in English.[26]
    • Try an “idiom of the day” lesson. In this, you can pick common idioms or colloquial phrases, and explain them to your class.
    • Have your students follow popular figures on Twitter and translate their tweets.
    • Start a social media group and have students share news pieces and explain or translate them in English.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    I am teaching secondary schools but the challenge is to make them understand the concept in class. Could the problem be me or the learners?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Don't be too hard on yourself—teaching as well as learning a second language can be difficult! Try to focus on making your lessons as accessible as possible by speaking in simple language, employing a variety of different teaching strategies in the classroom (like gestures and fun visuals), and checking in frequently to see if they understand the lesson topic.
  • Question
    I want to teach my mom how to speak in English. She knows the basics, but she can't speak at all. She doesn't want to learn grammar and all that stuff. Any guidance?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Encourage her to use a language-learning app, like Language Drops or Duolingo. These apps are often structured in fun, bite-sized lessons that might be appealing to your mom.
  • Question
    I am teaching an older woman from Afghanistan to speak English. She knows only a few words. I don't speak her language at all, and there is no translator available. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You could always use pictures to show her the basic words. It might also help if you make a list of basic sentences translated from her language to English. Print the sentences and let her study them.

About This Article

Language Academia
Co-authored by:
Language Tutors
This article was co-authored by Language Academia. Language Academia is a private, online language school founded by Kordilia Foxstone. Kordilia and her team specialize in teaching foreign languages and accent reduction. Language Academia offers courses in several languages, including English, Spanish, and Mandarin. This article has been viewed 633,876 times.
42 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 27
Updated: March 29, 2023
Views: 633,876
Article SummaryX

To teach English as a second language to beginners, start by reviewing the alphabet and numbers up to 100. Then, work on pronouncing more difficult sounds, like "TH," "R," and "L," which can be difficult for new English learners. Move on to learn basic nouns, like classroom objects, food, and things your students will encounter in their daily lives. From there, work on using adjectives to describe the size, shape, and color of nouns. When your students are ready, teach them about verbs and let them use verbs to describe what they're doing. For tips from our educational reviewer on forming sentences and creating lesson plans, read on!

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