Untying a tight knot can be tricky. In most cases, the trick is to simply push part of the knot through to the other side. You might also be able to push a skewer or a similar instrument through the center of the knot to loosen it. The most important thing to remember when untying tight knots is to be persistent. With enough time and patience, you’re sure to succeed in untying tight knots.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Pushing and Pulling

  1. 1
    Twist one end of the knot. Extending from any knot are two “arms.” Grab one of these arms and start turning it. You can turn it clockwise or counterclockwise. The number of times you’ll need to turn it depends on the tightness of the knot. The arms of very tight knots will need to be turned more than knots that are merely tight.[1]
  2. 2
    Push the turned end through the knot. Once you’ve turned one arm of the knot several times, push it through the heart of the knot using your hands. Start as close as you can to the knot itself, since the further from the knot you begin, the less leverage you will have.[2]
    • If you find that you cannot push the turned end through, twist it in the same direction several more times, then try to push it through.
  3. 3
    Pull the knot apart. Once you’ve pushed a bit of the knotted material through the tight loop, pull it apart from the other side. If the knot is still tight, wiggle the bit you pushed through from side to side. This should enable you to bring it through the rest of the way. As you pull, the whole knot should loosen up even more.[3]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Using Tools

  1. 1
    Take the knot apart with gripping instruments. Use a pair of needle-nosed pliers, forceps, or even a wrench to grip one side of the knot itself (as opposed to its “arms”). Hold onto the knot with your other hand or with a second pair of pliers. Tug gently at the knot.[4] [5]
    • This is done to loosen up the knot. Once it loosens, pull the knot apart with your hands.
    • Do not pull as hard as possible or you might break the knotted material.
  2. 2
    Work something into the heart of the knot. Creating space within the knot will help loosen it. Depending on the nature of the knot, you could use a variety of tools for this. For small, tight knots, try using the fine teeth of a plastic comb or one tong of a fork. On larger knots, you might be able to use a bamboo skewer. Anything pointed and not too sharp will do.[6]
    • Slip the implement of your choice into the knot. Wiggle it back and forth a bit.
    • Without removing the implement you worked into the knot, pull at one portion of the knot to see it if it comes apart.
    • If the knot is still too tight to untie, wiggle the implement you placed in it a bit more, or take it out and try to push something with a slightly wider girth into the space you opened up. Afterwards, try to untie it again.
  3. 3
    Tap on the knot. If you can place your knot on a hard, flat surface, you could attempt to untie it using a hard fist-sized rock or a hammer.[7] Start with a gentle but firm tap using moderate force. After a few taps, test the knot to see if it can be untied. If not, continue, adding force gradually each time you check the knot.[8]
    • Be sure that whatever is beneath the knot will not be damaged by the impact.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Trying Other Tricks to Untie Tight Knots

  1. 1
    Soak the knot. If you’re working on untying a tight knot in a rope, cord, or other fiber-based material, soaking it in water can help the process along. Just fill your sink or a small pot with water and let the knot sit in it for 10 minutes or so. After the time has elapsed, try to untie it. If it remains tight, place it back in the water for another 10 minutes, then check again.[9]
  2. 2
    Bite the knot. For knots in a medium-gauge cord or rope, bite the knot between your teeth. Work your jaw from side to side a bit. The pressure from your clenched teeth should loosen the knot enough that you can untie it with ease. You might even be able to feel it expanding between your teeth.[10]
  3. 3
    Walk around a bit. If the tight knot you’re interested in untying is in your shoelaces, go for a walk or run. The combination of forward motion and stomping on the ground will naturally loosen the shoelace knot over time.[11]
    • The amount of time you will need to spend walking or running before your tight knot is loosened sufficiently varies depending on the severity of the knot. Very tight knots will take longer to loosen than knots that are merely tight.
    • Start by walking about for 10 minutes or so, then testing the knot in your shoelace. If it is still tight, walk a bit more.
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Co-authors: 4
Updated: August 22, 2022
Views: 71,924
Categories: Knot Tying