This is a useful piece of literature for anyone who has to wake up early to a good start in order to catch a bus to school. Having to wake up early isn't all that gruesome when you follow these simple steps.


  1. 1
    Set up your alarm clock before you need to wake up. This gives you time to relax and not feel rushed when getting ready in the morning. Rushing=Stress.
    • 5 minutes before if you don't struggle to get out of bed.
    • 10 minutes before if you have average difficulty.
    • 20-30 minutes if you have a lot of difficulty waking up.
  2. 2
    Place your alarm clock across the room. This means you have to wake up to disarm it to snooze, so you'll probably give up on snooze by the time you get to it (this however isn't enough for everyone).[1]
    • If your family members are light sleepers, make sure that having your alarm on for a long time will not wake them up. Everyone will be annoyed if your alarm goes off for five minutes because you can't find it.
    • If you hide the alarm or put it in a hard to reach place, make sure the sound isn't muffled. You still need to be able to hear the alarm.
  3. 3
    Leave the blinds or shades open. When the light hits your retinas, it suppresses the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps you to sleep. It also helps you to get exposure to the light so you can wake up easier.[2]
    • If you are an insomniac, it is recommended that you do not do this as melatonin is needed to help you sleep better.
  4. 4
    Turn on all the lights! This ensures that you wake up quickly and prevents you from going back to sleep. In the dark, you are never more tempted to snuggle back up in you sheets.
  5. 5
    Wash your face with cold water immediately after you get out of bed or have a cold shower. This ensures that your face is refreshed and this is yet another way to not fall right back asleep. Not to mention that this is also part of keeping good hygiene.
  6. 6
    Drink a glass of ice water. In the morning, after sleeping for hours, your body gets dehydrated and makes you feel more tired.
  7. 7
    Plug in your headphones and play upbeat songs as you get dressed in the morning. This will brighten your mood and you will tend to forget that it is 5 in the morning.
  8. 8
    Eat breakfast! Be sure you eat something or take something with you on the bus. One tends to be grouchy on an empty stomach. Eating breakfast has also been shown to help people lose weight.[3]
    • Eat an apple. Apples provide natural sugars and help your stomach to digest.
    • Drink orange juice in a clear glass. Orange juice has natural sugars just like apples. The colour orange is found to be stimulating and may help you to perk up in the morning.
    • Drink coffee after 9:30 am if you are a coffee drinker. Your body naturally produces higher amounts of cortisol (a stress hormone that regulates energy) between 8 and 9am. If you drink coffee before that, your body will produce less cortisol, giving you less overall energy throughout the day.[4]
  9. 9
    Massage yourself. Massage areas such as the top of your head, the point between your thumb and index finger, below the centre of your knee cap, and below the ball of your foot. Massaging those areas will help you feel less fatigued.
  10. 10
    Go for a morning run. This will increase your energy levels and endorphins. It also helps you to get the needed sunlight!
  11. 11
    Use peppermint toothpaste. The scent of peppermint helps you to feel alert and focused.[5]
  12. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How do you develop a routine to go to sleep earlier?
    Jessica Elliott, ACC, CEC
    Jessica Elliott, ACC, CEC
    Certified Executive Coach
    Jessica Elliott is a Certified Executive Coach and multi-passionate entrepreneur. She's the founder of LIFETOX, where she hosts mindful experiences and retreats, and J Elliott Coaching, which she provides executive consulting for professionals, teams, and organizations. Jessica has had over fifteen years experience as an entrepreneur and over five years of executive coaching experience. She received her ACC (Associate Certified Coach) accreditation through the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and her CEC (Certified Executive Coach) accreditation through Royal Roads University.
    Jessica Elliott, ACC, CEC
    Certified Executive Coach
    Expert Answer
    Working on your PM routine, such as adding stretching or a mini-meditation before bed, will allow you to relax and prepare for sleep. You will likely sleep better if you have a regular PM routine, as your body understands that you're preparing it for sleep. What time you go to bed dictates how early you can wake up - so be mindful of how many hours you truly need to feel rested. Use your ideal wake-up time to understand when you need to be in bed.


  • Be careful if you take warm baths early in the morning - you run the risk of falling asleep and drowning in the tub.
  • These steps may not work for you, but they are worth a shot.
  • Always have a backup plan for waking up. For example, for the first couple days make sure one of your parents is available at that time to wake you up in case you don't.
  • Make sure you have enough time to complete all of these steps.
  • If you have excessive sleepiness, even after all these steps, it would be a very good idea to contact a general physician.
  • Do not fall back asleep after pressing the snooze button, and don't tell yourself that you have five more minutes.

About This Article

Jessica Elliott, ACC, CEC
Co-authored by:
Certified Executive Coach
This article was co-authored by Jessica Elliott, ACC, CEC. Jessica Elliott is a Certified Executive Coach and multi-passionate entrepreneur. She's the founder of LIFETOX, where she hosts mindful experiences and retreats, and J Elliott Coaching, which she provides executive consulting for professionals, teams, and organizations. Jessica has had over fifteen years experience as an entrepreneur and over five years of executive coaching experience. She received her ACC (Associate Certified Coach) accreditation through the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and her CEC (Certified Executive Coach) accreditation through Royal Roads University. This article has been viewed 97,395 times.
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Co-authors: 38
Updated: January 9, 2023
Views: 97,395
Categories: Waking Up

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The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before starting, changing, or stopping any kind of health treatment.
