Bringing home a live Christmas tree is a big deal, and the last thing you need is dried pine needles all over your floor. Christmas trees need a lot of water to keep them from drying out. Use a stand that holds plenty of water and refill it every day. A Christmas tree watering system makes keeping water in the stand easy. Take care of your tree to add a little green to your home during the holiday.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Adding Water to the Tree Stand

  1. 1
    Place the tree in a bucket of warm water until you are ready to set it up. If you need to store the tree for a few days, water it by keeping it in a bucket. You don’t need to do anything else but keep the cut end of the trunk submerged. Check the water level daily to ensure the tree has what it needs.[1]
    • For the best results, keep the tree in a cool, shaded area like a garage to prevent it from drying out.
  2. 2
    Cut 12 in (1.3 cm) off of the bottom of the tree to eliminate sap. This only needs to be done if your tree has been out of water for 6 to 8 hours. Saw straight across the cut end of the tree. Taking more off the tree is safe, but cut no less than than 12 in (1.3 cm).[2]
    • Trees cover their cuts with sap. Your tree can’t absorb much water once sap covers the cut. If your tree dries out, this may be the cause.
    • Pre-cut trees need to be cut again to eliminate the sap. If you live within 3 hours of the place, ask the dealer to make the cut when they sell you the tree.
  3. 3
    Measure your tree stand to get a tree that fits it. If you already have a stand, determine its width before attempting to bring home a tree. Some stands have metal components that prevent wider tree trunks from fitting securely in place, which leaves you with a big problem. If the tree doesn’t fit, it may not be able to reach the water inside the stand.[3]
    • Shaving a tree’s trunk with a saw to fit a stand isn’t recommended since it may damage the tree’s ability to absorb water. If you have no other options, it is worth a try, but try to avoid resorting to it.
  4. 4
    Select a deep stand that holds enough water for the tree’s size. As a rule of thumb, a Christmas tree needs 4 cups (950 mL) of water for every 1 in (2.5 cm) of its diameter. An average tree needs about 16 cups (3,800 mL) of water per day. Check your stand to ensure it’s deep enough to hold all the water your tree needs.[4]
    • Many antique stands aren’t deep enough to suit a tree’s needs, so measure them carefully before using them.
    • Wider trees need more water, so take this into consideration when choosing a tree.
  5. 5
    Fill the stand with plenty of water. Lift up the tree’s branches to access the stand. Add the water directly to the stand with a watering can, bucket, cup, or similar object. The water in the stand is all the tree needs, but check the water level to make sure it is well above the bottom edge of the trunk.[5]
    • The water temperature does not matter. Cold, warm, and hot water are all the same to Christmas trees.
    • Try using a funnel to avoid having to fight through numerous branches. For example, glue a few PVC pipes together, then set a funnel on top.
    • Try using a watering system that provides additional water capacity to the stand.
  6. 6
    Avoid adding substances to the tree’s water. Some people swear by water additives, but they aren’t necessary. Tap water is all a Christmas tree needs. Additives like flame-resistant chemicals and water-holding gels may even prevent the tree from absorbing water.[6]
    • There are many home remedies, from sprinkling a little sugar in the water to adding commercial preservatives. They aren’t proven to help, so you don’t need to spend extra money on them.
    • With proper care, a good Christmas tree may last a month or longer.
  7. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Monitoring Water Usage

  1. 1
    Check the water level daily and fill the stand up as needed. The tree will need plenty of water, especially in the first week. Always look into the stand once a day. See where the water level is on the trunk. Fill the stand up to the top with fresh water as needed.[7]
    • Keep the water level above the cut portion of the trunk or else your tree will dry out!
  2. 2
    Touch the needles to see if they feel dry and fragile.[8] For anyone who has ever been around a dried-out tree, evergreen needles leave a familiar mess. Run your hand against the needles. Dried needles will fall off the branches without resistance. These needles are easily breakable and feel dry to the touch.[9]
    • Dried needles are a sign that your tree isn’t absorbing enough water. Check the water level inside the stand and consider cutting the bottom off the tree if sap is an issue.
    • If your tree is very dry and not improving, remove it from the house immediately to eliminate a fire risk.
  3. 3
    Use a humidifier to provide more moisture to your tree. A room humidifier serves as a compliment to regular watering. Set the humidifier in the same room as the tree, then let it run. It will blow moisture onto the tree’s needles, preventing them from drying out.[10]
    • A humidifier isn’t a substitute for regular watering. It helps provide water to the tree, but you still need to check the stand and refill it often.
  4. 4
    Move the tree away from heat sources to prevent water loss. Various heat sources in your home will dry out the tree’s branches as well as the water in the stand. Keep the tree out of direct sunlight and away from heaters and fans as much as possible.[11]
    • Dry trees not only die out faster, but they’re a fire risk as well. Position your tree with caution and remember to check the water level in the stand on occasion.
  5. 5
    Turn off the lights in the room to keep the tree cool and dry. Tree decorations are directly on the branches, so they’re a bigger concern than most other light sources in a room. Strands of lights tend to distribute lots of heat, causing the tree to use up water and dry out faster. Limit your light usage to preserve water.[12]
    • Get newer LED lights. They use less electricity and emit less heat than older decorations.
    • When you’re out of the room or not at home, turn off the lights to prevent the tree from drying out.
  6. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How do I know if my Christmas tree is dry?
    Matt Bowman
    Matt Bowman
    Gardener & Owner, Tradition Market & Garden
    Matt Bowman is a Gardener, Landscaper, the Owner of Georgia Farm to Table, and the Owner of Tradition Property Services in Atlanta, Georgia. With over 20 years experience, he specializes in organic gardening, landscape maintenance, handyman services, homecare services, and supplying Christmas trees. Matt earned a BA in Journalism from the University of Georgia.
    Matt Bowman
    Gardener & Owner, Tradition Market & Garden
    Expert Answer
    You can tell if your Christmas tree is dry by checking the needles. Feel the needles to see if they're dry and fragile. If they are, the Christmas tree is probably dried out.


  • Dry trees are fire hazards. Keep an eye on your tree’s water level to reduce the risk. When your tree dries out, remove it as soon as possible.

Things You’ll Need

  • Tree
  • Saw
  • Stand
  • Water
  • Plastic wrap
  • Watering can or cup

About This Article

Matt Bowman
Co-authored by:
Gardener & Owner, Tradition Market & Garden
This article was co-authored by Matt Bowman. Matt Bowman is a Gardener, Landscaper, the Owner of Georgia Farm to Table, and the Owner of Tradition Property Services in Atlanta, Georgia. With over 20 years experience, he specializes in organic gardening, landscape maintenance, handyman services, homecare services, and supplying Christmas trees. Matt earned a BA in Journalism from the University of Georgia. This article has been viewed 22,544 times.
2 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 9
Updated: March 25, 2023
Views: 22,544
Categories: Christmas Trees
Article SummaryX

To water a Christmas tree, start by getting a tree stand that fits the width of your tree and is deep enough to hold 4 cups of water for every inch of your tree's diameter. Once you have your tree stand, put your tree in it and fill it with water to well above the bottom edge of the trunk. Since water is all your Christmas tree needs, you don't need to put any extra chemicals or additives in the water. Every day, check the water level in the stand and fill it up as necessary so that water is always above the cut portion of the trunk. If your tree has dry needles that easily fall off the branches, check the water level since this is a sign that your tree isn’t getting enough water. You may also consider cutting the bottom off the tree so sap doesn’t get in the way of absorbing the water. For more tips, including how to help prevent your Christmas tree from losing water, keep reading!

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