It can be alarming to wake up from a dream where someone dies. What does it mean? You may feel anxious if the dream features the death of a person who's still alive. On the other hand, you might feel comforted if your dream has a cherished loved one who's already died. Although experts don't have clear answers on why people dream, we'll share reasons why you might be having this dream along with plenty of psychology-based interpretations.


You’re worried about losing someone.


You need a sense of closure.


You’re currently dealing with someone who’s dying.

  1. Caregivers frequently experience disturbing dreams.[7] If you're preparing for the death of a loved one, then dying is a subject that weighs heavily on your mind. This stress from preparing to grieve can cause more frequent dreaming.[8] It's not surprising that you may dream about the person dying since you're mentally preparing for that to happen.
    • If you're a caregiver struggling with poor sleep, it can help to unwind and do something relaxing before you go to bed.
    • If it's hard for you to stop thinking about the death of a loved one, set aside time specifically to think about that. Then, shift your mental energy to something completely different.

You’re letting go of a behavior.

About This Article

Kari Samuels
Co-authored by:
Intuitive Counselor & Happiness Coach
This article was co-authored by Kari Samuels and by wikiHow staff writer, Jessica Gibson. Kari Samuels is an international Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach. With more than 21 years of experience, she specializes in intuition, energy healing, numerology, and astrology. Kari assists people in reclaiming their innate intuitive gifts and restore well-being through self-empowerment. She has a popular Youtube channel and has been featured on Hay House Radio and other podcasts. This article has been viewed 168,408 times.
18 votes - 61%
Co-authors: 6
Updated: March 17, 2023
Views: 168,408
Categories: Dreams