Make your wishes come true with the power of positivity and visualization

What if you had the power to get everything you’ve ever wanted by just thinking about it? After gaining immense popularity on social media, the whisper method has introduced many people to the art of manifestation and positive thinking. By picturing yourself whispering your wishes into someone’s ear, it’s an opportunity for you to speak your deepest desires out into the universe in the hopes that they’ll come true. Even though it doesn’t guarantee you’ll get what you want right away, the whisper method is an excellent way to start living your life with a more positive attitude. So how exactly do you do the whisper method? Keep reading to find out!

Things You Should Know

  • Start by figuring out exactly what you want to manifest and thinking about what your specific intentions behind your desire are.
  • Visualize the person directly related to your desire and imagine yourself whispering your desire into their ear 3 times.
  • Bring yourself back to the present and let go of any worries you have about whether your wish will come true or not.
  • Come up with a list of actions you can take to help manifest your desire and keep your desire in mind as you go about your daily life.
Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Deciding on Your Desire

  1. 1
    Figure out exactly what it is you want to manifest. Every person will have a different goal in mind when they practice manifestation. Think about what it is you want and make your desire as specific as possible. Once you’ve come up with a general idea of what you want, whittle it down even further by thinking about where in your life you want this thing to manifest. Here are some examples:[1]
    • I want money in the form of a raise at my job.
    • I want success in my new hobby.
    • I want to feel love by having my crush text me.
    • I want enlightenment by figuring out exactly what it is I want in life.
    • Focus on desires that are realistically attainable within your personal situation. For example, if you’re just starting out in a new job, manifesting taking over the company probably won’t yield immediate results. Instead, focus on more achievable goals like earning a promotion, getting a raise, or finding a really good mentor.[2]
  2. 2
    Make your intention as specific and positive as possible. You know what you want, but now you have to think about why you want it. Make an effort to transform your intentions into something positive. If your reasons for manifesting are negative—such as getting back at an ex or showing up your coworkers—you’ll likely end up manifesting that negative energy into your own life.[3]
    • "I want to get a raise so that I can make my coworkers jealous" could become "I want to get a raise so that I can provide more for my family."
    • "I want my crush to be obsessed with me" could be "I want my crush to see me for who I am, so we can be a positive force in each other's lives."
    • "I want to get this job so I can brag to my sister" could be "I want to get this job so that I can learn more about myself and what I'm capable of."
  3. 3
    Decide who you’re going to be whispering to. What sets the whisper method apart from other manifestation techniques is the fact that you’re meant to whisper your desire to a specific person. So think about who is most closely related to your desire. For example, if you’re manifesting a promotion, your boss is probably a good choice. If you’re manifesting a text from your crush, they’re going to be the one you whisper to.[4]
    • If your desire has something to do with self-transformation, picture yourself as the person you’ll be whispering to.
    • It also doesn’t have to be a person at all. If you’re searching for spiritual enlightenment or something similar, picture yourself whispering into the ear of the universe. This could look like the night sky with stars, or you can come up with a physical body for the universe.
  4. 4
    Practice positive affirmations to help visualize your ideal self. Your ideal self is the person you want to become once your desires have been granted. Come up with some positive affirmations to repeat to yourself that will help you transform into this best version of yourself. If you’re able to imagine how you’ll feel once your desires are granted, you’ll have an easier time manifesting them.[5]
    • For example, if you’re trying to manifest a raise, you probably want your boss to regard you as capable, responsible, and talented. So tell yourself throughout the day “I am capable. I am responsible. I am talented” to help form this positive perception of yourself.
    • A big part of visualizing your ideal self is breaking the stereotypes you may hold about yourself. Remind yourself that who you are goes beyond the expectations society has for you and conjure up the image of who you want to be.[6]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:


  1. 1
    Close your eyes and relax. Get comfortable and prepare yourself for what you’re about to do. Take a moment to get rid of any distractions. For example, turn off your phone or move to a quiet spot. Get rid of any distracting thoughts you may have and focus only on your desire and intention.[7]
  2. 2
    Conjure up the image of your ideal self. Think back to the affirmations you created and the positive emotions that came with them. Now visualize yourself as that ideal version, knowing that that is who you are in this very moment. If it helps, take a few moments to recite your affirmations.[8]
  3. 3
    Visualize your specific person as clearly as possible. Along with their physical appearance, if you know what environment they can usually be found in, picture that in your mind as well. For example, if you’re visualizing your crush and have been to the place they work or a place they frequent often, make that the setting of your visualization. Here are a few things to think about to make your visualization as detailed as possible:[9]
    • What color are their eyes? Their hair?
    • What are they wearing?
    • What kind of expression is on their face?
    • Are they standing? Sitting? Laying down?
  4. 4
    Imagine yourself approaching your person and whispering in their ear. Rather than a physical body, picture yourself more as a ghost or spirit, but retain that image and feeling of your ideal self. Imagine yourself going to your specific person’s side and leaning down to whisper your desire in their ear. Whisper your desire 3 times using the exact same words each time. When you say your desire, phrase it so that you’re inserting your name and talking about yourself in the third person. Some examples are:[10]
    • “Call Jane and ask her on a date.”
    • “Dan is exceptional at his job. Give him a pay raise.”
    • “Text John and tell him you’re sorry and that you love him.”
  5. 5
    Exit the scene and let go of your worries. Picture yourself returning to your body once you’ve finished and let go of any worries or anxieties you may have about whether your desire will be manifested. Open your eyes, take a deep breath, and let yourself come back to reality before going about the rest of your day.[11]
    • A central concept of manifestation is releasing your desires to the universe and having faith that the universe will provide.
    • This doesn’t mean to completely forget about your desire. Keep your desire and intentions in mind as you go about your daily life, but pair it now with the positive thought that it will come true.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Strengthening Your Manifestation

  1. 1
    Create a list of actions you can take to help your manifestation come true. Manifesting is about collaborating with the universe to bring good things into your life. Come up with a list of steps you can take to reach your goals yourself and work on incorporating them into your daily routine. If you’re being active in working towards your goal, the likelihood of being able to manifest your desire will be much greater.[12]
    • For example, if you’re manifesting a career change, start networking with people in your desired field, updating your resume, and practicing for an interview.
    • If you’re trying to manifest a text from your crush, make an effort to get to know them in person or interact with them more on social media.
  2. 2
    Fill yourself with positive energy and thoughts. The whisper method, much like other manifesting techniques, is based on the law of attraction. This law states that energy provides manifestation, so if you go about your life full of very positive energy, good things will come to you. Some things you can do to make your life more positive include:[13]
    • Surrounding yourself with positive people and minimizing interactions with negative people
    • Using more positive language in your daily life
    • Curating your social media feed to get rid of toxic people or messages
    • Keeping a gratitude journal
    • Conjuring up positive images and emotions before going into a difficult situation
  3. 3
    Believe in yourself and your abilities. A crucial part of the whisper method is your ability to visualize your ideal self and the end result you’re hoping for. If you believe in yourself and believe in the power you hold through manifestation, good things will come to you. Practice saying positive affirmations to yourself and take pride in your personal strengths.[14]
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About This Article

Jennifer McVey, Cht
Co-authored by:
Spiritual Director
This article was co-authored by Jennifer McVey, Cht and by wikiHow staff writer, Ali Garbacz. Jennifer McVey is a Spiritualist, Seer, and the Spiritual Director of Spiritual Answers and Solutions. With more than 22 years of experience, she specializes in manifesting, ghosts and spirit attachments, hypnotherapy, channeling, and spiritually based life coaching. Jennifer has also published 13 Affirmation Image and six Word Search Puzzle books in spirituality and self-help and has produced over 600 audio sessions.
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Co-authors: 2
Updated: February 22, 2023
Views: 703
Categories: Personal Goals