Ideally a job interview should go smoothly and professionally. However, there are some exceptions. Sometimes an interviewer can behave in an unprofessional or even inappropriate manner. And sometimes you might be asked questions that are illegal or discriminatory. If you have had a negative experience in a job interview, a letter of complaint can alert the company so that they can improve their interview practices.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Preparing to Write a Letter of Complaint

  1. 1
    Memorize illegal interview questions. Many countries and municipalities regulate the kinds of questions that can legally be asked of job applicants. Your age, race, religion, ethnicity, health status, family status, sexual identity, and arrest record might all be protected categories that cannot be used against you in a job interview.[1] However, as many as 20% of interviewers have asked an illegal question of a job applicant.[2] Be sure that you are aware of your municipality's regulations, ideally in advance of a job interview. Illegal questions might include:
    • Do you have any children? Do you plan to have any soon?
    • You have an interesting last name--where is it from?
    • Do you have any illnesses you want to tell me about?
    • Have you ever been arrested? (Your conviction record can be asked about but your arrest record cannot.)
  2. 2
    Look up sexual harassment regulations. Sexual harassment is when someone uses physical, verbal, or or psychological means to intimidate, threaten, or offend another person. Sexual harassment can be caused by or directed at any gender.[3] In an interview context, common kinds of sexual harassment include:
    • Implying that you can only get a job by providing sexual favors.
    • Asking you on a date during the interview.
    • Inappropriate touching.
  3. 3
    Consult your local Equal Employment Office or Labor Rights Office. Many states and countries provide agencies whose job is to protect employees and job applicants from discrimination and harassment.[4] You might be able to resolve the matter using their templates and paperwork.[5] Many of these offices also provide free hotlines to answer important questions about whether or not you have experienced discrimination and whether you should pursue legal action.[6]
    • They might be able to help you sort out what is illegal activity in a job interview (such as refusing to give you a second interview because you have children) or whether your interviewer was merely rude and unprofessional (such as if your interviewer was late and rolled his eyes at you).
    • In some countries, there are questionnaires that job interviewees can give to a potentially discriminatory interviewer.[7] These questionnaires might not give you redress, though they might help alert a company to internal discrimination.
  4. 4
    Look up the company's policies. Some companies have an internal grievance procedure for job interview complaints.[8] This might save you the trouble of composing a letter yourself, or it might provide guidance about what you should include in the complaint letter.
    • See if the company has a copy of the Employee Handbook posted on its website. The grievance procedure would likely be laid out in the handbook. The Human Resources section of the company website might also have this information posted.
  5. 5
    Write down important details of the interview as soon as possible. If you feel like a job interview was discriminatory or unprofessional, write down your memories as soon as you can. Write it all down while it is still fresh in your mind, before the details begin to fade. Even if you are not sure whether you will file a complaint, having written documentation will keep your options open. Details to write down include:
    • Date of the interview(s).
    • A timeline of events.
    • Names of the person(s) you wish to complain about.
    • Names of potential witnesses.
    • Specific examples of the discriminatory or unprofessional behavior.
  6. 6
    Determine what you want to achieve from a complaint. Would you like to be interviewed again, by a different search committee member? Would you like an apology? Would you like monetary compensation? Would you like the offensive interviewer to be sanctioned by his or her supervisor? Do you want to involve the courts? Ask yourself what you hope to accomplish by complaining about the incident. This might help you determine whether a letter of complaint is sufficient or whether you require legal representation in order to achieve what you require.
    • For example, legal grievances often need to be filed within 6 months of the incident. Rather than getting bogged down in letter-writing, you might want to go straight to a lawyer.[9] If, however, you simply want the company to be aware of a problem with their interview practices, a letter of complaint might be sufficient.
  7. 7
    Protect yourself from retaliation. Retaliation against employees and job applicants who complain of discriminatory practices is illegal. However, retaliatory incidents have been known to happen even if they are prohibited by law. Steps you can take to protect yourself from retaliation include:
    • Document every encounter you have with the company. Include specific dates, times, and persons involved.
    • Make copies of all textual communication. Letters, emails, and text messages should all be backed up in hard copies and digitally.
    • Consult an employment attorney. An employment attorney may be able to help you navigate difficult situations without compromising your current job. This might be especially important if you wish to complain about a job interview within your current place of employment, such as an interview for a promotion. Because you are more vulnerable in this position, you might need extra legal assistance to protect your job.
  8. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Composing a Professional Complaint Letter

  1. 1
    Look up the contact information of the company's head of Human Resources (or HR). Human Resources Departments are present at most large companies, and it is their job to make sure that hiring practices are in line with federal and state law. If something illegal has taken place, they are required to take action.[10] If something illegal has not taken place, they might still wish to be made aware of it to make sure the company does not get itself into hot water.
    • If the company is too small to have a separate HR Department, or if you are making a complaint against the HR Department, find the name of the interviewer's direct supervisor instead.
  2. 2
    Use a business letter template to compose the letter. Your complaint will be taken more seriously if it is composed according to the business letter format. There are numerous guidelines online and in style manuals that will allow you to format the letter correctly.[11] However, the most important aspects of the business letter format are the following:
    • Type the letter using a standard, 12-point, black font. Do not handwrite your letter if at all possible. Instead use a typewriter or computer. Use a standard, legible font in the color black. You want your letter to appear as professional as possible.
    • Have 1-inch margins.
    • Put today's date at the top of the letter.
    • Type your name and address at the upper left of the paper.
    • Type the name and address of the letter's recipient immediately below your address. Make sure you skip a line in between your contact information and the recipient's contact information.
    • Use last names and proper titles. Do not refer to anybody using only their first names. Instead, use their full names along with their titles. For example, do not refer to "John" in your letter. Instead, refer to "Mr. John Doe" or "Mr. Doe."
    • Make sure all paragraphs are flush left, without indentations.
    • Skip a line in between each paragraph.
    • Use professional salutations and closings. "To Whom It May Concern:" is an appropriate salutation. "Sincerely" is an appropriate closing. Keep your language formal, and do not be too friendly or effusive.
    • Make sure the letter is signed, unless you wish to remain anonymous.
  3. 3
    Begin the letter with a brief thank-you. It can be effective to begin the letter with a brief thank-you for the opportunity of interviewing in the first place. Even though you are writing with a complaint, remember that the HR representative is likely not the cause of the problem but rather the source of a possible solution. A small conciliatory gesture at the beginning of the letter might help them listen to your complaint more closely.[12]
    • For example, you might write, "Firstly, I would like to thank your company for the chance to interview for a position. It was an exciting opportunity, and I was grateful for it."
  4. 4
    State the facts of the interview. The HR representative will likely not be aware of who you are or when you were interviewed. Be sure that you provide all the relevant details in the letter, including:
    • The position you interviewed for.
    • The date and time of the interview.
    • The person(s) who interviewed you.
    • A timeline of events.
    • Other parties you met who might corroborate the events of your letter.
  5. 5
    State your concerns about how the interview went. Explain in clear but professional language that the interview was deeply concerning to you. State exactly what happened and do not spare any details. If you wish to file a formal complaint, state this is no uncertain terms. Use as many specific details and direct quotations as you can to emphasize your case and to supply HR with information for their investigation. However, you should avoid blaming language if at all possible. Instead, stick to the facts. For example, you might write things like:
    • "I wish to call your attention to some concerning events during the interview. My interviewer, Ms. Jane Doe, Assistant Sales Manager, asked me several inappropriate and discriminatory questions. She asked me whether I was a Muslim and whether I would have to take time off for prayers. She then asked me the origins of my last name and told me that my last name 'sounded weird.' These questions took place about 10 minutes into the interview, and I was excused immediately after these questions, at 2:45p.m."
    • "I write to file a formal complaint about my treatment during the interview for Retail Manager. The interview was conducted by Mr. John Doe, Head of Personnel. Over the course of the interview, Mr. Doe made several comments about my outfit. He said that my shirt 'was flattering' but that I should wear more makeup in order to 'show off my pretty eyes.' During this time, he repeatedly touched my elbow and shoulder. The interview concluded at 1:30, at which point Mr. Doe asked if he could walk me to my car. In the elevator, he asked me whether I was single and whether I enjoyed martinis, implying that accepting a date with him would guarantee me a job."
  6. 6
    Refer to specific laws and policies that have been violated, if any. After stating the facts of the case, cite the particular laws and policies that might have been violated during your interview. For example, were you asked questions that violated federal anti-discrimination law? Or were you asked questions that go against the company's honor code or internal regulations? Be specific about what violations you believe might have occurred.
  7. 7
    Conclude the letter with possible next steps. Depending on whether you are filing a formal complaint or whether the matter is less formal, you might wish to conclude the letter by indicating how you believe the grievance procedure should continue from here. You might wish to consult an employment attorney or your local equal opportunity office about what solutions are possible (and legal). Consider carefully whether you are pursuing a legal case: if so, you might be limited in what you can write here. For example, you might write:
    • "I hope to have the chance to re-interview for this position in a non-discriminatory fashion, as outlined in your Company Handbook. I also hope that Mr. Doe is properly sanctioned according to your company policies. I look forward to hearing from you about possible solutions to this matter."
    • "I no longer wish to work for this company. However, I wanted to alert you to these serious problems in your interview practices. An apology from Ms. Doe would also be appreciated, as would the guarantee that her conduct in future interviews will be more professional."
  8. 8
    Send the letter through the post or over email. It is acceptable for you to send the letter as a hard copy through the mail. You may also email the letter as an attachment to Human Resources. In either case, be sure that you have clearly labeled the name and address of the Human Resources director to whom you wish to send the letter.
    • If you are sending an email, use a clear subject heading such as "Formal Complaint about Job Interview, October 13, 2015."
  9. 9
    Keep copies of all correspondence for your records. Be sure to print off extra copies of your letter and keep them in a safe place. If you do not hear from Human Resources about your letter, you will have proof that you contacted them in a timely way. That will help your case if you decide to pursue legal options at a later point.[13]
    • Alternatively, you can provide notice of discrimination to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or EEOC in two ways.
    • You can submit information online by visiting the EEOC portal at US EEOC. Create a username and complete the online inquiry to determine whether the EEOC is the right agency to handle your complaint.
    • Or you can file a charge of discrimination with the local EEOC office. You must complete a form and file it with the local EEOC branch.
  10. Advertisement


  • Don't use threats, unprofessional language, or an angry tone.
  • Accusations of discrimination or harassment are very serious. Consider talking with an employment attorney before making a formal complaint to ensure that your accusations will be taken seriously.

About This Article

James Fett
Co-authored by:
This article was co-authored by James Fett. James Fett is a Lawyer based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. With over 35 years of experience, he specializes in alternative dispute resolution, civil litigation, civil rights, class actions, commercial litigation, employment litigation, and labor & employment. James earned a J.D. from The University of Michigan Law School as well as an MBA and BA from The University of Michigan. In 2001, he was awarded a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition, and the Washtenaw Trial Lawyers Association named him Lawyer of the Year in 1996. He’s also been named a Michigan Super Lawyer by Law & Politics Magazine and one of the ten Most Outstanding Lawyers of the Year by Michigan Lawyers Weekly. This article has been viewed 67,066 times.
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Updated: February 20, 2023
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