Being polite may get you far in life, but sometimes you need to be direct about a problem. If you need to write a criticizing letter to a person or business, it can be tough to find the balance between staying civil and making sure your point is loud and clear. Brainstorm a bit to straighten out what the problem is, how it happened, and exactly how you want it fixed. Then, write your letter clearly and directly so that it lets the other person know how you feel. Try that, and you’ll share your thoughts without losing your temper.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Brainstorming Your Letter

  1. 1
    Identify exactly why you’re upset, and what you want to do about it. Only venting your anger can lessen the effectiveness of your letter. If you want someone to take action based on what you write, you need to be specific. Ask yourself questions like the following, and jot down your answers:[1]
    • What event or action made me upset? (For instance, your city removed stop signs on a residential street)
    • When did it happen? (Two weeks ago)
    • Why is it a problem? (Since then, cars have been speeding by, making it dangerous for children to play in the area)
  2. 2
    Decide how you want the problem to be fixed. Being clear about what you want the other person to do or change can help correct the problem. Otherwise, they might just see a bunch of angry comments and dismiss your concerns.[2]
    • For example, if you’re upset because you haven’t received a rebate for a phone you were promised, it can help to tell the recipient to get it to you as soon as possible.
    • Your letter will be more successful if it focuses on solving the problem.
  3. 3
    Find a specific person to write to. If you have a complaint with a specific person you’ve been in contact with, then this is taken care of. But if you want to write a criticizing letter to a business, government office, or other large organization, you might not know where to send the letter.[3]
    • Writing to a specific person rather than a generic email like makes it much more likely that the problem will be taken care of.
    • Research the business's/organization's website, or search for it online. Try to find a personal email address, like, relevant to your complaint.
    • If you’ve been in contact with someone who has caused a problem, you can try writing to someone over their head. Ask for their supervisor’s contact information.
  4. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Organizing the Letter

  1. 1
    Write a brief introduction that summarizes your criticism. Be as direct as possible while still being respectful. Write a sentence or two that states the basic problem, and why you’re writing. For example:
    • "Dear Milton: I’m writing about the sign you installed in front of your store on July 7th. It is larger than city regulations allow, and it disrupts the visual appeal of Main Street. I would like to see the sign removed immediately.”
  2. 2
    Follow up with a paragraph explaining what went wrong. Keep this paragraph brief as well, but explain your criticism clearly. Try just rehashing the events or actions that led to the issue:[4]
    • "On July 7th of this year, I noticed that you installed the sign in front of your store. It was immediately clear that the sign was too large. As I watched from my window, I could see that pedestrians and cyclists had difficulty maneuvering around the sign, which juts into both the sidewalk and street areas. In some cases, this becomes dangerous, such as when people must step into the street to get around the sign.”
  3. 3
    Specify what you want to happen in the next paragraph. Like the rest of the letter, this needs to be direct. A general statement like “you should fix this issue” doesn’t offer a clear plan of action, and they’re more likely to ignore your criticism. For a higher chance of success, write exactly what you want to happen. [5]
    • If your criticism is the starting point in a negotiation, aim high, then expect to negotiate down.
    • You can offer a couple of options for fixing the problem.
    • For example: “City regulations state that storefront signs on Main Street must be no larger than 2 by 3 feet. Yours is 4 by 3 feet. I ask you to either remove the sign, or replace it with one that is no bigger than 1 by 2 feet, like those in front of neighboring businesses.”
  4. 4
    Give an exact timeframe for dealing with the issue. If you don’t say exactly when the issue needs to be fixed, the recipient will likely put your letter at the bottom of their “to do” list. Write when you would like to see action, and what the consequences will be for not responding. For example:[6]
    • "Snow season is just around the corner, which will make it even more difficult for pedestrians to maneuver around your storefront sign. Please replace or change the sign by October 27th. If you do not take action by that time, I will have to register a formal complaint with the Downtown Development Authority.”
  5. 5
    Format your letter. To make sure your letter is taken seriously, pay attention to its appearance. Use a professional font, like Times New Roman, at a legible size (12 point). Put the date at the top of the letter, then open it with a greeting like "Dear Thomas" (if you know the person) or "The Honorable Senator Franklin" (in more formal circumstances).
  6. 6
    Include your contact information. Make sure that your letter includes your contact info (either at the top or bottom): your full name, email, phone, and physical address. That way, the recipient can get in touch if necessary .[7]
  7. 7
    Enclose or attach copies of any related documents. If there are materials that help explain your complaint, include those so the recipient can review. For example, if you’re criticizing a company for a defective product, show them your sales receipt and warranty. However, only send copies of these documents – keep the originals for yourself in case you need them latter. [8]
    • If you do send enclosures or attachments, mention so in your letter: “Please see the attached sales receipt and warranty to verify my purchase and coverage.”
  8. 8
    Proofread for tone and grammar. Once your letter is all put together, read it carefully to check for typos and other issues. At the same time, check to make sure that your tone doesn't come across as vicious. It will help to have someone else read and let you know what they think.
    • For instance, consider revising a sentence like "I can't believe that your company sells this kind of trash. This product isn't worth one cent, let alone $200 of my hard-earned money."
    • Try rewriting it as "I am upset by the low quality of this product. I don't believe that it meets the standards of your company."
  9. 9
    Keep a copy of the letter. You’ll want to have a record of what you sent in case the complaint escalates in the future. Make a copy if you are sending a physical letter. If you are emailing someone, save the letter in your “sent” box, or cc the letter to your own email address so you receive a copy.[9]
  10. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Keeping Your Letter Effective

  1. 1
    Don’t write the letter when you’re really angry. If something happened to upset you, it’s often best to to cool off before responding. This gives you a chance to let your emotions settle, and to focus on the issue to be resolved.[10]
    • Give yourself 24 hours or so to think before writing the letter, especially if the issue is ongoing.
    • If you can think clearly about what the problem is and how you want it to be fixed, you should be ready to write the letter.
  2. 2
    Use “I” rather than “you” statements. “I” statements put the emphasis on your complaints and problems about the issue rather than your personal feelings about the recipient of the letter. This keeps them from feeling attacked, and makes it more likely that your issue will be resolved. [11]
    • For instance, if you’re writing to criticize a coworker’s performance, avoid statements like: “You never seem to get your reports on time, and you don’t seem to care about the rest of us.”
    • Instead, try writing: “I find it difficult to run data analysis efficiently when I don’t get your reports by the deadline.”
  3. 3
    Keep it brief. It's important to avoid using a criticizing letter as an opportunity to let go of every pent-up frustration you. Just focus on identifying one issue that needs to be resolved and be direct about it.[12]
    • Try to keep your letter to just a few paragraphs.
  4. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    Should I be upset if I get a criticizing letter?
    Erin Conlon, PCC, JD
    Erin Conlon, PCC, JD
    Executive Life Coach
    Erin Conlon is an Executive Life Coach, the Founder of Erin Conlon Coaching, and the host of the podcast "This is Not Advice." She specializes in aiding leaders and executives to thrive in their career and personal lives. In addition to her private coaching practice, she teaches and trains coaches and develops and revises training materials to be more diverse, equitable, and inclusive. She holds a BA in Communications and History and a JD from The University of Michigan. Erin is a Professional Certified Coach with The International Coaching Federation.
    Erin Conlon, PCC, JD
    Executive Life Coach
    Expert Answer
    In most cases, we react to the messenger, not the message. You're likely a little irked that the author has the gumption to critique you, but I'd encourage you to try and take their critiques for what they are. If there's anything valuable you can pull out of the criticism, you should! In most cases, people are really just trying to help, even if it really doesn't feel that way.
  • Question
    How can I write a letter of disappointment?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Make sure specify exactly what happened, how you felt about it (disappointed), and why. Most people launch into how upset they are without specifying first exactly what happened. If this is a repeat issue, state that as well. Finally, conclude with some suggestions for how the relationship could be repaired/improved.

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Co-authors: 27
Updated: May 6, 2022
Views: 233,858
Categories: Letter Writing
Article SummaryX

If you need to write a criticizing letter, try to strike a balance between being civil and making your point. Use “I” instead of “you” statements to keep the emphasis on the issue rather than blaming or attacking the recipient. For example, instead of writing “You never seem to care about getting reports done on time,” try “I find it difficult to run data efficiently if I don’t have reports by the deadline.” Start your letter with 1 or 2 sentences politely stating the problem. Next, write a brief paragraph that focuses on what went wrong. Follow this with a direct explanation of what you’d like to see happen next to fix the issue. Include your contact information so the recipient can get be in touch if needed. To learn how to add supporting documents to your letter, keep reading!

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