Ű (uppercase, lowercase ű)
- The U with a double acute accent, a letter of the Hungarian alphabet, representing a long Ü.
See also
- (Latin script): Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Sſs Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
- (Variations of letter U): Úú Ùù Ŭŭ Ûû Ǔǔ Ůů Üü Ǘǘ Ǜǜ Ǚǚ Ǖǖ Űű Ũũ Ṹṹ Ųų Ūū Ṻṻ Ủủ Ȕȕ Ȗȗ Ưư Ứứ Ừừ Ữữ Ửử Ựự Ụụ Ṳṳ Ṷṷ Ṵṵ Ʉʉ ᵾ ᶙ ᴜ Uu Ꜷꜷ Ȣȣ ᵫ
- (Letters using acute accent or double acute accent): Áá Ắắ Ấấ Ǻǻ Ćć Ḉḉ Éé Ếế Ǵǵ Íí Ḯḯ Ḱḱ Ĺĺ Ḿḿ Ńń Óó Őő Ớớ Ṍṍ Ǿǿ Ṕṕ Ŕŕ Śś Úú Űű Ứứ Ẃẃ Ýý Źź Ǽǽ
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