


  • IPA(key): [statʲ]
  • (file)

Etymology 1

From Old East Slavic стати (stati), from Proto-Slavic *stati (to stand, become).


стать (statʹ) pf (imperfective станови́ться)

  1. to stand in a certain location or near someone or something (interchangeable with встать)
    Стань ко мне, а то потеря́ешься.Stanʹ ko mne, a to poterjáješʹsja.Stand near me so you don't get lost.
    Стань со мно́ю, а то потеря́ешься.Stanʹ so mnóju, a to poterjáješʹsja.Stand near me so you don't get lost.
    Ста́ньте побли́же.Stánʹte poblíže.Get closer.
    Ста́ньте лу́чше сюда́, а то вдруг сосу́льки упаду́т.Stánʹte lúčše sjudá, a to vdrug sosúlʹki upadút.Better stand here in case icicles suddenly fall.
    Ста́ньте в о́чередь, молодо́й челове́к! Вы не до́лго в о́череди же бу́дете стоя́ть, потерпи́те.Stánʹte v óčeredʹ, molodój čelovék! Vy ne dólgo v óčeredi že búdete stojátʹ, poterpíte.Stand in the queue, young man! You won't be standing in the queue for long, have some patience.
  2. (with imperfective infinitive) to begin to
    Ста́нут ли гоня́ть они́ кры́с?Stánut li gonjátʹ oní krýs?Will they start chasing the rats?
  3. (with imperfective infinitive) to come to pass
    Он стал писа́ть.On stal pisátʹ.He began to write.
  4. (with imperfective infinitive) to take to
    Он стал пить.On stal pitʹ.He took to drinking.
  5. (in negative, with imperfective infinitive) to be not going to; used to express a determined negative attitude
    Я не ста́ну э́того де́лать.Ja ne stánu étovo délatʹ.I’m not going to do it.
  6. (impersonal, in negative) to pass away
    Его́ не ста́ло.Jevó ne stálo.He has passed away.
  7. (impersonal) to at all costs
    во что бы то ни ста́лоvo što by to ni stáloat all costs
  8. (impersonal) to therefore
    ста́ло бытьstálo bytʹtherefore; consequently; and so
  9. (with instrumental case) to become, to get, to grow
    Он стал лётчиком.On stal ljótčikom.He became a pilot.
    Он стал седы́м.On stal sedým.He became grey-haired.
    Я стал учи́телем.Ja stal učítelem.I became a teacher.
    Всем ста́ло ску́чно.Vsem stálo skúšno/skúčno.Everyone was bored.
Derived terms




стать (statʹ) f inan (genitive ста́ти, nominative plural ста́ти, genitive plural ста́тей)

  1. build
  2. trait, character, type
    Она́ ему́ под стать.Oná jemú pod statʹ.She is a match for him.
  3. need
    С како́й ста́ти?S kakój státi?(colloquial) Why should I/you/he/she/it/we/they? For what reason?; why?


  • Vasmer, Max (1964–1973), стать”, in Etimologičeskij slovarʹ russkovo jazyka [Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language] (in Russian), translated from German and supplemented by Trubačóv O. N., Moscow: Progress
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