
See also: 空儿


emptied; leisure; air; sky; empty; in vain
son; child; diminutive suffix
trad. (空兒)
simp. (空儿)




  1. (Mandarin) Erhua form of (kōng, “empty space”).
    空兒不夠不下洗衣機 [MSC, trad.]
    空儿不够不下洗衣机 [MSC, simp.]
    Zhèi kòngr bùgòu, fàng bùxià xǐyījī. [Pinyin]
    This space is not enough to put a washing machine in.
  2. (Mandarin) Erhua form of (kōng, “spare time; free time”).
    週六空兒改天 [MSC, trad.]
    周六空儿改天 [MSC, simp.]
    Wǒ zhōuliù méi kòngr, gǎitiān ba. [Pinyin]
    I don't have time on Saturday; let's find another day.
    大半天活兒不停空兒會兒 [dialectal Mandarin, trad.]
    大半天活儿不停空儿会儿 [dialectal Mandarin, simp.]
    Wǒ máng le dàbàntiān le, huór jiù bùtíng de lái; kě děi zháo le ge kòngr xiē huǐr! [Pinyin]
    I was busy all day, and the work just keeps coming; I finally could get hold of some time to rest a little!
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