
See also: rebaté


the rebates of this cinema film include both the clear portions, with sprocket holes, and the all-black portion of the both edges


From Old French rabatre < batre. See also abate.


  • (US) IPA(key): /ˈɹiːbeɪt/, /ɹəˈbeɪt/


rebate (plural rebates)

A rebate (rabbet) for joining wood
  1. A deduction from an amount that is paid; an abatement.
  2. The return of part of an amount already paid.
  3. (photography) The edge of a roll of film, from which no image can be developed.
  4. A rectangular groove made to hold two pieces (of wood etc) together; a rabbet.
    • 2014 September 11, Jeff Howell, “Home improvements: The dangers of abestos roofs [print version: Where can I find help – at the double?, 6 September 2014, p. P13]”, in The Daily Telegraph (Property):
      For your existing windows, the glazing rebates will also have to be deepened to provide the extra gap.
  5. A piece of wood hafted into a long stick, and serving to beat out mortar.
  6. An iron tool sharpened something like a chisel, and used for dressing and polishing wood.
  7. A kind of hard freestone used in making pavements.


Further reading


rebate (third-person singular simple present rebates, present participle rebating, simple past and past participle rebated)

  1. (transitive) To deduct or return an amount from a bill or payment
  2. (transitive) To diminish or lessen something
  3. To beat to obtuseness; to deprive of keenness; to blunt; to turn back the point of, as a lance used for exercise.
    • Shakespeare
      But doth rebate and blunt his natural edge.
  4. (transitive) To cut a rebate (or rabbet) in something
  5. To abate; to withdraw.
    (Can we find and add a quotation of Foxe to this entry?)






  1. third-person singular (ele and ela, also used with você and others) present indicative of rebater
  2. second-person singular (tu, sometimes used with você) affirmative imperative of rebater




  1. Third-person singular (él, ella, also used with usted?) present indicative form of rebatir.
  2. Informal second-person singular () affirmative imperative form of rebatir.



  1. First-person singular (yo) present subjunctive form of rebatar.
  2. Third-person singular (él, ella, also used with usted?) present subjunctive form of rebatar.
  3. Formal second-person singular (usted) imperative form of rebatar.
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