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One special supplemental issue to Pediatrics, the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, was published in October, 2008 which includes 14 articles based on findings from the Infant Feeding Practices Study II (IFPS II).

To study the longer term outcomes of infant feeding practices, another special Pediatrics supplement is published on Sept 1, 2014. The studies included in 2014 Pediatrics supplement examine association between early feeding practices and dietary and health outcomes at age six years by linking the data from IFPS II to its Year Six Follow-Up (Y6FU).

Organization of Report on the Infant Feeding Practices Study II (IFPS II)

About 300 web tables were created to describe the preliminary findings from IFPS II. Generally speaking, the tables were constructed by the order of questions in each questionnaire and grouped under a total of 9 different chapters. Chapter 1 presents the topics covered in the prenatal survey conducted during the last trimester of pregnancy, Chapter 2 presents the topics covered in the neonatal survey conducted during the 1st month after birth, and Chapters 3 − 9 present the topics covered in multiple surveys with each chapter focusing on a different theme. Since many topics in the post-neonatal surveys were repeated across surveys, tables in Chapter 3 − 9 generally show results from the same questions over time. In order to keep each table in one place only, the repeated prenatal or neonatal data were pulled out from Chapter 1 and 2 and included in the longitudinal tables in later chapters.

The report follows the order listed below, and readers can locate the table of their particular interest directly by clicking the hyperlink in the outline of web tables content.

Raw Data

Raw Data for Infant Feeding Practices Study II and its Year 6 Follow-Up are available for interested researchers.

Download the Surveys

Each of the survey instruments used in the Infant Feeding Practices Study II is available in PDF format.

Table Contents

In general, there is approximately one table per question in the study. For questions that are repeated in multiple questionnaires, a single table includes data from each of these time points. The data generally come directly from the questionnaire, so in case of any difficulties in understanding a particular table, it is recommended to check the original wording of the question because a better understanding of exactly what was asked in the questionnaire will be helpful in interpreting the results.

Table Title

The title of each table is self-explanatory and uses to the extent possible the original wording of the survey question. Because it is very redundant for each table title to include a common phrase of ‘Infant Feeding Practices Study II’, this phrase was removed from the table titles. Similarly, we did not define the time frame for the prenatal tables over and over again as it was already described that the prenatal survey was conducted during the third trimester of pregnancy. For example, even though the time frame was not indicated in Table 3 of Chapter 1 (‘Percent of pregnant women covered by any kind of health insurance or any kind of health care plan by selected demographics’), the time frame this table refers to is the last trimester, when the prenatal survey was conducted.

Samples generally reflect all women who completed a given questionnaire. When the table refers only to a subgroup, we indicate in the title “among …” to specify the subgroup. For example, the title of Table 16 of Chapter 1 ‘Average weeks of maternity leave pregnant women think that they are eligible for under each category by selected demographics, among those who work for pay’ indicates that the sample for this table only includes those pregnant women who answered ‘yes’ on P16 (‘Did you work for pay at any time from the 3 months before you became pregnant up to present time?’).

Table Column/row Headings

Column headings are normally the response categories and contain the percent of answers and the denominators for the percentages. For questions which women could choose all that apply, we tried to translate ‘mark all that apply’ into mutually exclusive categories, such as ‘1 only’, ‘2 only’, ‘1 and 2’ unless the number of columns became too many to manage in the table.

Row headings contain different categories of socio-demographic characteristics if the table is stratified. For complex tables, the table was not broken down by the socio-demographic characteristics, and row headings could represent the subgroup of the responses. When N is for multiple rows in the same column rather than for multiple columns in the same row, it was placed at the bottom of the other rows instead of the first row (e.g, Table 37 in Chapter 3).

Table Values

The metric of table values appear in the table title, such as percent reporting the reason; thus they are not conveyed in the table itself. All the table values are reported to one decimal place to give a visual distinction between the values and the sample size (Note: some feeding tables in chapter 3 list the sample size beneath the median and put them in parenthesis).

A total of 100% is listed as the last column/row if the categories listed are mutually exclusive and thus will add up to 100. If categories are not mutually exclusive, the table has no column or row for the total value of 100%. In this case, a note that percentages do not add up to 100% is indicated in the footnote.

Table Footnotes

Table footnotes are used to 1) list variables used to construct the table (to help locate the original question in the questionnaire or the corresponding data in the SAS dataset; 2) indicate that numbers do not add up to 100% when respondents could check multiple answers; 3) define created variables; 4) explain the specific time period covered or the specific data included in the table.

Sociodemographic Variables Used to Stratify the Web Tables

  1. Mother’s age (4 categories) is from the prenatal questionnaire (P9).
  2. Parity (2 categories) is also from the prenatal questionnaire (P41_1).
  3. Maternal education (3 categories) comes from the Panel Demographic Questionnaire if the mother is the female head of household. If she is not the female head of household, her education information comes from a separate demographic survey that was sent to the study participants who were not panel members.
  4. Poverty index (3 categories) is a constructed variable and defined as a ratio of household income to the poverty thresholds by household size produced by the latest available data from the US Census Bureau.
  5. WIC participation (2 categories): Two WIC variables are used to stratify the web tables, one for the prenatal tables and one for the postnatal tables. The prenatal WIC variable is based on participation by the mother (but not other children) as indicated by P6. The postnatal WIC variable is based on participation by either the mother or the infant and is built by aggregating across all the questionnaires if the mother or infant participated in WIC at any time from month 1 to month 12.
  6. Race/ethnicity (3 categories) includes non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, and Hispanic of all races. Non-Hispanics who are neither white nor black are not included in the race break out. If race of the mother is unknown because the mother was sent but did not return the separate demographic survey, the race of female household head from the Panel Demographic data was used as a proxy.
  7. Region (4 categories) is based on the mailing address and is categorized as Northeast, Midwest, South, and West using the Census region definitions.
  8. Infant age as shown on longitudinal tables reflects the age when the survey was sent to the mother, not the age of the infant when she actually filled out the survey (which could be several weeks later).

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Outline of Web Tables Content

Chapter 1. Prenatal Survey
Table Title Variables Used
1.1 Percent of pregnant women receiving prenatal care from each type of health care professional (HCP) by selected demographics P3A-E
1.2 Percent of pregnant women who went for their first prenatal visit at each gestational age to receive care from a health care professional (HCP) by selected demographics P3E, P4
1.3 Percent of pregnant women covered by any kind of health insurance or any kind of health care plan by selected demographics P5
1.4 Percent of pregnant women having each category of prepregnancy body mass index (BMI) by selected demographics P7, P8FT, P8IN
1.5 Percent of pregnant women smoking each number of cigarettes per day during pregnancy by selected demographics P10
1.6 Percent of each number of people excluding mother herself smoking inside her house most days by selected demographics P11
1.7 Percent of pregnant women who had gestational diabetes with current pregnancy by selected demographics P12
1.8 Percent of pregnant women and other family members who had each health condition P13A1-5, P13B1-5, P13C1-5, P13D1-5, P13E1-5, P13F1-5, P13G1-5
1.9 Percent of pregnant women who have changed their diet in each way since they learned that they were pregnant P14A-K
1.10 Percent of pregnant women giving each reason for eating less of selected foods, among those who ate less of these foods after learning they were pregnant P15A1-4, P15B1-4, P15C1-4, P15D1-4, P15E1-4, P15F1-4, P15G1-4, P15H1-4, P15I1-4, P15J1-4, P15K1-4
1.11 Percent of pregnant women who worked for pay at any time since 3 months before they became pregnant by selected demographics P16
1.12 Percent of pregnant women having each level of satisfaction from their paid work by selected demographics, among those who work for pay P17
1.13 Percent of pregnant women contributing each proportion of their family income with the money they earn from work by selected demographics, among those who work for pay P18
1.14 Percent of pregnant women working currently at the time of prenatal survey under each condition by selected demographics, among those who work for pay P19
1.15 Percent of pregnant women usually working for each number of hours per week at their current job by selected demographics P16,P19, P20
1.16 Average weeks of maternity leave pregnant women indicate they are eligible for under each category by selected demographics, among those who work for pay at any time from the 3 months before they became pregnant up to prenatal survey P21_1-3
1.17 Percent of pregnant women who think their current place of employment has each level of breastfeeding support by selected demographics, among those who work for pay at any time from the 3 months before they became pregnant up to prenatal survey P22
1.18 Percent of pregnant women planning to work for pay during their babies’ first year by selected demographics P23
1.19 Percent of pregnant women planning to return to work each number of weeks after the baby is born by selected demographics P23, P24
1.20 Percent of pregnant women planning to work for each number of hours per week by selected demographics, among those who plan to work for pay during their babies’ first year P25
1.21 Percent of pregnant women preferring to work for each number of hours per week when they return to work by selected demographics, among those who plan to work for pay during their babies’ first year P26
1.22 Percent of pregnant women planning each baby care arrangement while they are working by selected demographics, among those who plan to work for pay during their babies’ first year P27A-E
1.23 Percent of pregnant women planning each feeding method for their baby in the first few weeks by selected demographics P28
1.24 Percent of pregnant women planning to first feed their baby formula or any other foods besides breast milk at each infant age by selected demographics, among those who plan to breastfeed in the first few weeks P28, P29
1.25 Percent of pregnant women planning to continue breastfeeding after they return to work by selected demographics, among those who plan to breastfeed P30
1.26 Average months of child’s age when pregnant women expect to completely stop breastfeeding by selected demographics, among those who plan to breastfeed P31
1.27 Percent of pregnant women feeling each level of confidence that they will be able to breastfeed until the baby is the age they desire by selected demographics, among those who plan to breastfeed P32
1.28 Percent of pregnant women who would feel each level of comfort nursing their baby in the presence of close women friends by selected demographics, among those who may breastfeed in the first few weeks P33A
1.29 Percent of pregnant women who would feel each level of comfort nursing their baby in the presence of men and women who are close friends by selected demographics, among those who may breastfeed in the first few weeks P33B
1.30 Percent of pregnant women who would feel each level of comfort nursing their baby in the presence of men and women who are not close friends by selected demographics, among those who may breastfeed in the first few weeks P33C
1.31 Percent of pregnant women who consider each feeding method as the best way to feed a baby by selected demographics P34
1.32 Percent of pregnant women having each level of agreement with each statement about breastfeeding P35A-F
1.33 Percent of pregnant women who believe that selected people think that her baby should be fed by each method in the first few weeks P36A-E
1.34 Percent of pregnant women indicating each level of importance for the opinions of selected people in her decision about how to feed her baby P37A-E
1.35 Percent of pregnant women having each number of friends and relatives who breastfed their babies by selected demographics P38
1.36 Percent of pregnant women having each number of friends and relatives who never breastfed their babies at all by selected demographics P38, P39
1.37 Percent of fathers or mothers of current baby who were ever breastfed when they were infants by selected demographics P40A, P40B
1.38 Percent of pregnant women who have had each number of other babies by selected demographics P41_1, P41_2
1.39 Percent of pregnant women ever giving birth by cesarean by selected demographics P41_1, P42
1.40 Percent of pregnant women who stopped breastfeeding their other baby in each age category by selected demographics P41_1, P43, P44
1.41 Percent of pregnant women who have heard of each problem related to food by selected demographics P45A, P45B, P45C
1.42 Percent of pregnant women who linked each kind of food to Listeria by selected demographics, among those who have heard of this problem P46A1-9
1.43 Percent of pregnant women who linked each kind of food to mercury by selected demographics, among those who have heard of this problem P46B1-9
1.44 Percent of pregnant women who linked each kind of food to dioxins or PCB’s by selected demographics, among those who have heard of this problem P46C1-9
1.45 Percent of pregnant women who have obtained information from each source about their diet or about feeding babies for the current pregnancy P47A1-3, P47B1-3, P47C1-3, P47D1-3, P47E1-3, P47F1-3, P47G1-3, P47H1-3, P47I1-3, P47J1-3
1.46 Percent of pregnant women who have recently seen, heard, or read anything about breastfeeding or about infant formula from each place by selected demographics P48A1-2, P48B1-2, P48C1-2, P48D1-2, P48E1-2, P48F1-2
1.47 Percent of pregnant women who have recently seen each ad about breastfeeding P49A-G
1.48 Percent of pregnant women who have recently heard each type of radio ad featuring a man singing about breastfeeding by selected demographics P50A-D

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Chapter 2. Neonatal Survey
Table Title Variables Used
2.1 Average length of babies in inches at birth by sex and selected demographics N1, N2
2.2 Percent of mothers or their babies enrolled in the WIC program during the neonatal period by selected demographics N3A-C
2.3 Percent of mothers who attended classes that discussed breastfeeding during pregnancy with current baby or any other baby by selected demographics N4A-C
2.4 Percent of mothers who had each type of health care professional (hcp) as their birth attendant by selected demographics N5
2.5 Percent of mothers who had somebody other than the medical staff with them during labor by selected demographics N6A-D
2.6 Percent of babies delivered by each method by selected demographics N7
2.7 Percent of mothers who had each medication during labor or delivery by selected demographics N8A-G
2.8 Percent of mothers who gained each number of pounds during pregnancy by selected demographics N9
2.9 Percent of mothers who met or did not meet the Institute of Medicine (IOM)’s recommendations for gestational weight gain by selected demographics P7, P8FT, P8IN, N9
2.10 Percent of mothers who spent each number of nights in the hospital or birth center after their baby was born by selected demographics N10
2.11 Percent of babies given a pacifier while in the hospital or birth center by selected demographics N11
2.12 Percent of mothers who believed their own doctor favored each type of feeding method by selected demographics N12A
2.13 Percent of mothers who believed their baby’s doctor favored each type of feeding method by selected demographics N12B
2.14 Percent of mothers who believed that the staff of hospital or birth center favored each type of feeding method by selected demographics N12C
2.15 Percent of mothers considering each infant age interval as the recommended exclusive breastfeeding duration by selected demographics N13
2.16 Percent of mothers who received a gift pack or diaper bag from the hospital or birth center by selected demographics N14
2.17 Percent of mothers who received each item in a gift bag or diaper bag from the hospital or birth center by selected demographics N14, N15A-C
2.18 Percent of mothers who received a gift pack from any place besides the hospital or birth center by selected demographics N16
2.19 Percent of mothers who received free samples of infant formula through the mail by selected demographics N17
2.20 Percent of mothers who ever breastfed or try to breastfeed their current babies after they went home from the hospital or birth center by selected demographics N18
2.21 Percent of mothers giving each rating of importance to each reason for not breastfeeding, among mothers who never breastfed their babies N19A-S
2.22 Percent of mothers who breastfed their baby for the first time in each time period after their delivery by selected demographics N18, N20
2.23 Percent of mothers who had help from someone who showed them how or talked to them about breastfeeding while they were in the hospital for delivery by selected demographics N18, N21
2.24 Percent of mothers who got their first help with breastfeeding in each time period after the baby’s birth by selected demographics, among mothers who had help with breastfeeding N22
2.25 Percent of mothers who received help from each kind of person by selected demographics, among mothers who had help with breastfeeding N23A-I
2.26 Percent of mothers indicating each level of helpfulness for the help they received from a doctor, midwife, nurse, or lactation consultant by selected demographics, among mothers who received help from these people N24
2.27 Percent of babies who stayed in their mother’s room day and night while they were in the hospital or birth center except for doctor visits, bathing, or other treatments by selected demographics, among babies who were ever breastfed N25
2.28 Percent of babies brought to their mother for feeding during the night while they were in the hospital or birth center by selected demographics, among breastfed babies who did not stay with their mother all the time N26
2.29 Percent of babies fed in the hospital by each feeding schedule by selected demographics, among breastfed babies who did not stay with their mother all the time N27A-D
2.30 Percent of mothers who fed their baby by each schedule during the first few days after birth by selected demographics, among mothers who ever breastfed N28
2.31 Percent of babies fed water, formula, or sugar water at any time while in the hospital or birth center by selected demographics, among babies who were ever breastfed N29A-C
2.32 Percent of mothers whose milk came in on each number of days after birth by selected demographics N18, N30
2.33 Percent of mothers who rated their feelings about breastfeeding during the first week they were breastfeeding in each way by selected demographics, among mothers who ever breastfed N31
2.34 Percent of mothers given information about breastfeeding support groups or services before going home from the hospital or birth center by selected demographics, among mothers who ever breastfed N32
2.35 Percent of mothers who were feeding heir baby by each method when they left the hospital or birth center by selected demographics, among mothers who ever breastfed N33
2.36 Percent of mothers who had pain while breastfeeding at any time in the first 2 weeks by selected demographics, among mothers who ever breastfed N34
2.37 Percent of mothers who had each level of pain while breastfeeding at any time in the first 2 weeks, among mothers who experienced any pain during this time period N35A-C
2.38 Percent of mothers who had each problem breastfeeding their baby during the first 2 weeks of breastfeeding, among mothers who ever breastfed N36A-R
2.39 Percent of mothers who asked for help or got help from a health professional, a lactation consultant, or a breastfeeding support group by selected demographics, among mothers who had problems breastfeeding their baby N37, N38
2.40 Percent of mothers indicating that the breastfeeding help they received solved the problems or made them better by selected demographics, among mothers who got any help N39
2.41 Percent of babies given any herbal or botanical preparation or any kind of tea in the past 2 weeks of neonatal survey by selected demographics N43
2.42 Percent of mothers who attended a breastfeeding class or breastfeeding support group by selected demographics, among breastfeeding mothers N55
2.43 Percent of babies who usually let go of the breast themselves by selected demographics, among breastfed babies N57
2.44 Percent of mothers who would feel each level of comfort nursing their baby in the presence of close women friends by selected demographics, among breastfeeding mothers N59A
2.45 Percent of mothers who would feel each level of comfort nursing their baby in the presence of men and women who are close friends by selected demographics, among breastfeeding mothers N59B
2.46 Percent of mothers who would feel each level of comfort nursing their baby in the presence of men and women who are not close friends by selected demographics, among breastfeeding mothers N59C
2.47 Median child’s age in months when mothers expect to completely stop breastfeeding by selected demographics, among breastfeeding mothers N62
2.48 Percent of mothers feeling each level of confidence that they will be able to breastfeed until the baby is the age they desire by selected demographics, among breastfeeding mothers N63
2.49 Percent of mothers who rated their current feelings about breastfeeding in each way by selected demographics, among breastfeeding mothers N64
2.50 Percent of mothers who had each level of feelings about various aspects of breastfeeding their new baby, among breastfeeding mothers N65A-E
2.51 Percent of babies who had jaundice at any time since birth by selected demographics N67
2.52 Percent of babies whose jaundice was treated by each method by selected demographics, among babies who had jaundice N68A-G
2.53 Percent of babies who spent each number of nights in the hospital for the most recent problem since discharge after the birth by selected demographics N69, N70
2.54 Percent of babies who had any serious, long term medical problems by selected demographics N71

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Chapter 3. Infant Feeding
Table Title Variables Used
3.1 Percent of babies who were fed each food in the past 7 days by infant age N40A-I, M2A1A-S, M3A1A-S, M4A1A-S, M5A1A-S, M6A1A-S, M7A1A-R, M9A1A-R, MXA1A-R, MWA1A-R
3.2 Median number of feedings of each food in the past 7 days by infant age, among babies who consumed each food N40A-I, M2A1A-S, M3A1A-S, M4A1A-S, M5A1A-S, M6A1A-S, M7A1A-R, M9A1A-R, MXA1A-R, MWA1A-R
3.3 Percent of babies who were fed any breast milk in the past 7 days by infant age and selected demographics N40A, M2A1A, M3A1A, M4A1A, M5A1A, M6A1A, M7A1A, M9A1A, MXA1A, MWA1A
3.4 Percent of babies who were exclusively breastfed in the past 7 days by infant age and selected demographics N40A-I, M2A1A-S, M3A1A-S, M4A1A-S, M5A1A-S, M6A1A-S, M7A1A-R, M9A1A-R, MXA1A-R, MWA1A-R
3.5 Percent of babies who were fed each type of cereal in the past 7 days by infant age N42A-C, M2A2A-C, M3A2A-C, M4A2A-C, M5A2A-C
3.6 Percent of babies who were usually fed any milks, meals and snacks at each number of times in a 24 hour period in the past 7 days by infant age M6A2, M7A2, M9A2, MXA2, MWA2
3.7 Percent of babies who were given the following in vitamin or mineral drops or pills at least 3 days a week in the past 2 weeks by infant age N45A-E, M2A3A-E, M3A3A-E, M4A3A-E, M5A3A-E, M6A3A-E, M7A3A-E, M9A3A-E, MXA3A-E, MWA3A-E
3.8 Percent of babies who used a pacifier in the past 7 days by infant age and selected demographics N66, M2A4, M3A4, M4A4, M5A4, M6A4, M7A4, M9A4, MXA4, MWA4
3.9 Percent of babies who were put to bed with a bottle of formula, breast milk, juice, juice drink, or any other kind of milk at each frequency in the past 2 weeks by infant age M2A5, M3A5, M4A5, M5A5, M6A5, M7A5, M9A5, MXA5, MWA5
3.10 Percent of mothers who added each item to their baby’s bottle of formula or pumped breast milk at each frequency in the past 2 weeks by infant age M2A6A-E, M3A6A-E, M4A6A-E, M5A6A-E, M6A6A-E, M7A6A-E, M9A6A-E, MXA6A-E, MWA6A-E
3.11 Percent of mothers who chewed up food and then gave to their baby in the past 2 weeks by infant age and selected demographics M4A7, M5A7, M6A7, M7A7, M9A7, MXA7, MWA7
3.12 Percent of babies who drank all of their bottle or cup of formula with each frequency by infant age, among formula fed babies M2A7, M3A7, M4A9, M5A8, M6A8, M7A8, M9A8, MXA9, MWA8
3.13 Percent of babies who were encouraged with each frequency to finish a bottle or a cup if they stopped drinking before the formula was all gone by infant age, among formula fed babies M2A9, M3A9, M4A11, M5A10, M6A10, M7A10, M9A10, MXA11, MWA10
3.14 Percent of babies who drank each number of ounces of formula at each feeding in the past 7 days by infant age, among formula fed babies N46, M2A8, M3A8, M4A10, M5A9, M6A9, M7A9, M9A9, MXA10, MWA9
3.15 Percent of babies who were fed each formula group in the past 7 days by infant age, among formula fed babies N47_1-6, M2A10_1-6, M3A10_1-6, M4A12_1-6, M5A11_1-6, M6A11_1-6, M7A11_1-6, M9A11_1-6, MXA11_1-6, MWA11_1-6
3.16 Percent of babies who were fed each type of formula in the past 7 days by infant age, among formula fed babies N48A-D, M2A11A-D, M3A11A-D, M4A13A-D, M5A12A-D, M6A12A-D, M7A12A-D, M9A12A-D, MXA12A-D, MWA12A-D
3.17 Percent of mothers describing the iron content of the formula they usually fed their babies with by infant age, among formula fed babies N49, M2A12, M3A12, M4A14, M5A13, M6A13, M7A13, M9A13, MXA13, MWA13
3.18 Percent of babies who usually fed from both breasts at each feeding by infant age and selected demographics, among breastfed babies N56, M2A13, M3A13, M4A15, M5A14, M6A14, M7A14, M9A14, MXA15, MWA14
3.19 Percent of babies who usually let go of the breast themselves by infant age, among breastfed babies N57, M2A14, M3A14, M4A16, M5A15, M6A15, M7A15, M9A15, MXA16, MWA15
3.20 Percent of mothers whose average breastfeeding lasted for each length of time by infant age, among breastfeeding mothers N58, M2A15, M3A15, M4A17, M5A16, M6A16, M7A16, M9A16, MXA17, MWA16
3.21 Median longest interval in hours between breastfeeding or expressing breast milk in a regular 24 hour period by infant age and selected demographics, among breastfeeding mothers N60, M2A16, M3A16, M4A18, M5A17, M6A17, M7A17, M9A17, MXA18, MWA17
3.22 Percent of babies fed expressed or pumped breast milk in the past 7 days by infant age and selected demographics, among breastfed babies N61, M2A17, M3A17, M4A19, M5A18, M6A18, M7A18, M9A18, MXA19, MWA18
3.23 Median number of feedings of expressed or pumped breast milk in the past 7 days by infant age and selected demographics, among babies fed pumped breast milk in the past 7 days N61, M2A17, M3A17, M4A19, M5A18, M6A18, M7A18, M9A18, MXA19, MWA18
3.24 Percent of babies who drank all of their cup or bottle of pumped milk by infant age, among babies fed pumped breast milk in the past 7 days M2A17, M2A18, M3A17, M3A18, M4A19, M4A20, M5A18, M5A19, M6A18, M6A19, M7A18, M7A19, M9A18, M9A19, MXA19, MXA20, MWA18, MWA19
3.25 Percent of babies who were encouraged to finish a cup or bottle if they stopped drinking before the pumped breast milk was all gone by infant age, among babies fed pumped breast milk in the past 7 days M2A17, M2A19, M3A17, M3A19, M4A19, M4A21, M5A18, M5A20, M6A18, M6A20, M7A18, M7A20, M9A18, M9A20, MXA19, MXA21, MWA18, MWA20
3.26 Percent of mothers indicating each reason for feeding their babies solid food for the very first time, among babies fed solid food M5A21A-L, M9A21A-L
3.27 Percent of each kind of food fed to babies that was commercial baby food in the past 7 days by infant age, among babies fed any food or drink besides breast milk or formula M5A22A-D, M6A21A-D, M7A21A-D, M9A22A-D, MXA22A-D, MWA21A-D
3.28 Percent feeding fruit juice that was fortified with calcium with each frequency by infant age, among babies fed any food or drink besides breast milk or formula M5A23, M6A22, M7A22, M9A23, MXA23, MWA22
3.29 Percent of mothers introducing new foods to their babies with each frequency in the past 2 weeks by infant age, among babies fed any food or drink besides breast milk or formula M5A24, M6A23, M7A23, M9A25, MXA27, MWA24
3.30 Percent of mothers whose babies ate restaurant food at a restaurant for each number of times in the past 7 days of month 10 survey by selected demographics, among babies fed any food or drink besides breast milk or formula MXA25
3.31 Percent of mothers whose babies ate food delivered or carried out from a restaurant for each number of times in the past 7 days of month 10 survey by selected demographics, among babies fed any food or drink besides breast milk or formula MXA26
3.32 Percent adding salt to the foods fed to babies with each frequency in the past 2 weeks by infant age, among mothers who had fed any food or drink besides breast milk or formula M9A26, MXA28, MWA25
3.33 Percent of mothers who used iodized salt for the baby’s food by infant age and selected demographics, among mothers who added salt to their baby’s food in the past 2 weeks M9A27, MXA29, MWA26
3.34 Percent of mothers who gave their babies each kind of cow’s milk in the past 7 days by infant age, among mothers who fed any food or drink besides breast milk or formula M9A24A-H, MXA24A-H, MWA23A-H
3.35 Percent of mothers who breastfed their babies as long as they wanted to by breastfeeding duration and selected demographics, among mothers who completely stopped breastfeeding and pumping milk for their baby during the study M_B4
3.36 Percent of mothers who completely stopped breastfeeding and pumping milk in each infant age group by selected demographics, among breastfeeding mothers BFDURATN
3.37 Percent of mothers indicating each reason for stopping breastfeeding by infant age at weaning M_B6A-FF
3.38 Percent of mothers who thought various people wanted them to stop breastfeeding , among mothers who completely stopped breastfeeding and pumping milk for their infant in each age group M_B7A-G
3.39 Percent of mothers who rated their breastfeeding experience in each way, among mothers who completely stopped breastfeeding and pumping milk for their infant in each age group M_B8
3.40 Percent of mothers who rated their likelihood of breastfeeding a subsequent child, among mothers who completely stopped breastfeeding and pumping milk for their infant in each age group M_B9
3.41 Percent of mothers who would feel comfortable nursing their baby in the presence of close women friends prenatally and at various infant ages in months by selected demographics, among mothers who intended to or breastfed their baby P33A, N59A, M2D3A, M5D2A, M7D2A
3.42 Percent of mothers who would feel comfortable nursing their baby in the presence of men and women who are close friends prenatally and at various infant ages in months by selected demographics, among mothers who intended to or breastfed their baby P33B, N59B, M2D3B, M5D2B, M7D2B
3.43 Percent of mothers who would feel comfortable nursing their baby in the presence of men and women who are not close friends prenatally and at various infant ages in months by selected demographics, among mothers who intended to or breastfed their baby P33C, N59C, M2D3C, M5D2C, M7D2C
3.44 Percent of mothers who said that they expected to completely stop breastfeeding when their infant was each age prenatally and at various infant ages in months, among mothers who intended to or breastfed their baby P31, N62, M2D5, M5D4, M7D4
3.45 Percent of mothers who felt confident that they would be able to breastfeed until the baby’s age they desired prenatally and at various infant ages in months by selected demographics, among mothers who intended to or breastfed their baby P32, N63, M2D6, M5D5, M7D5
3.46 Percent of mothers who worked for pay any time in the past 4 weeks by infant age and selected demographics, among breastfeeding mothers M2D10, M5D9, M7D9
3.47 Percent of mothers indicating each method of feeding their baby breast milk while they were working by infant age, among mothers who worked for pay while breastfeeding M2D11A-F, M5D10A-F, M7D10A-F
3.48 Percent of babies who were fed formula either by mother or anyone else in the past 2 weeks by infant age and selected demographics, among babies who were breastfed M2D12, M5D11, M7D11
3.49 Percent of mothers indicating each reason for feeding their baby formula by infant age, among mothers who were currently feeding their infant both breast milk and formula M2D13A-U, M5D12A-U, M7D12A-U
3.50 Percent of mothers who pumped or tried to pump milk by infant age and selected demographics, among mothers who breastfed at each age M2D14, M5D13, M7D13
3.51 Median infant age in weeks when mothers pumped or tried to pump milk the first time by selected demographics, among mothers who pumped or tried to pump milk in the past 2 or 3 months before completing each survey M2D15, M5D14, M7D14
3.52 Percent of mothers who used each method to pump or express milk by infant age, among mothers who pumped at each age M2D16A-E, M5D15A-E, M7D15A-E
3.53 Percent of mothers who used each number of breast pumps by infant age and selected demographics, among mothers who used a pump at each age M2D17, M5D16, M7D16
3.54 Percent of mothers who used each type of pump most often by infant age, among mothers who used a pump at each age M2D18, M5D17, M7D17
3.55 Percent of mothers who got the breast pump they used most often from each source by infant age, among mothers who used a pump at each age M2D19, M5D18, M7D18
3.56 Percent of mothers whose most often used pump was new when the mother got it or began using it by infant age and selected demographics, among mothers who used a pump at each age M2D20, M5D19, M7D19
3.57 Percent of mothers who learned how to use the breast pump they used most often in each way by infant age, among mothers who used a pump at each age M2D21A-F, M5D20A-F, M7D20A-F
3.58 Percent of mothers satisfied with the performance of the breast pump they used most often by infant age and selected demographics, among mothers who used a pump at each age M2D22, M5D21, M7D21
3.59 Percent of mothers hurt by any breast pumps by infant age and selected demographics, among mothers who used a pump at each age M2D23, M5D22, M7D22
3.60 Percent of mothers hurt by each type of breast pump by infant age, among mothers who were hurt by a pump at each age M2D24A-D, M5D23A-D, M7D23A-D
3.61 Percent of mothers hurt by a breast pump in each way by infant age, among mothers who were hurt by a pump at each age M2D25A-E, M5D24A-E, M7D24A-E
3.62 Percent of mothers who went to a medical doctor, lactation consultant, or other health professional because of injuries from a breast pump by infant age and selected demographics, among mothers who were hurt by a pump at each age M2D26, M5D25, M7D25
3.63 Percent of mothers who had each problem with a breast pump by infant age, among mothers who used a pump at each age M2D27A-H, M5D26A-H, M7D26A-H
3.64 Percent of mothers who called the breast pump manufacturer to get help or to report the injury or problem by infant age and selected demographics, among mothers who had any problems with a pump they used at each age M2D28, M5D27, M7D27
3.65 Percent of mothers who stopped breastfeeding for a while or completely because of breast pump injury or problems by infant age and selected demographics, among mothers who had any problems with a pump they used at each age M2D29, M5D28, M7D28
3.66 Percent of mothers who stopped using the breast pump that injured them or that they had trouble with by infant age and selected demographics, among mothers who had any problems with a pump they used at each age M2D30, M5D29, M7D29
3.67 Percent of mothers who used each method to express milk by infant age, among mothers who stopped using the pump that hurt them at each age M2D31, M5D30, M7D30
3.68 Median number of times mothers pumped milk in the past 2 weeks by infant age and selected demographics, among mothers who pumped milk at each age M2D32, M5D31, M7D31
3.69 Percent of mothers who pumped on a regular schedule by infant age and selected demographics, among mothers who pumped milk at each age M2D33, M5D32, M7D32
3.70 Median infant age in weeks when mothers first began pumping milk on a regular schedule by selected demographics, among mothers who pumped milk on a regular schedule at each age M2D34, M5D33, M7D33
3.71 Percent of mothers pumping each number of ounces of milk per pumping session in the past two weeks by infant age, among mothers who pumped milk at each age M2D35, M5D34, M7D34
3.72 Percent of mothers indicating each reason for pumping milk in the past two weeks by infant age, among mothers who pumped milk at each age M2D36A-I, M5D35A-I, M7D35A-I
3.73 Percent of mothers who collected milk from both breasts at the same time with each frequency by infant age, among mothers who pumped milk at each age M2D37, M5D36, M7D36
3.74 Percent of mothers who stored their milk in the refrigerator for each number of days in the past two weeks by infant age, among mothers who pumped milk at each age M2D38, M5D38, M7D38
3.75 Percent of mothers who usually kept their milk at room temperature for each number of hours in the past two weeks by infant age, among mothers who pumped milk at each age M2D39, M5D39, M7D39
3.76 Percent of mothers who cleaned bottle nipples in each way before using again in the past two weeks by infant age, among mothers who used bottle nipples to feed pumped breast milk at each age M2D40A-E, M5D40A-E, M7D40A-E
3.77 Percent of the following items that were boiled, sterilized in a microwave kit, sterilized with a chemical dip, or washed in a dishwasher with each frequency in the past two weeks by infant age, among mothers who pumped milk at each age M2D41A-B, M5D41A-B, M7D41A-B
3.78 Percent of mothers who heated pumped milk in a microwave oven with each frequency by infant age, among mothers who pumped milk at each age M2D42, M5D42, M7D42
3.79 Percent of mothers who mixed formula with breast milk in the same bottle in the past two weeks by infant age and selected demographics, among mothers who pumped milk at each age M2D43, M5D43, M7D43
3.80 Percent of mothers who mixed formula and breast milk in each way by infant age, among mothers who mixed formula and breast milk in the same bottle at each age M2D44A-C, M5D44A-C, M7D44A-C
3.81 Percent of mothers of 2-month old infants who thought each form of formula was likely to contain germs by selected demographics M2E1A-C
3.82 Percent of mothers whose babies were fed infant formula in the past two weeks by infant age and selected demographics M2E2, M5E1, M7E1, M9E1
3.83 Percent of mothers of 2-month old infants who read each type of direction or statement on the package of the formula they had used most often by selected demographics, among formula feeding mothers M2E3A-E
3.84 Percent of mothers of 2-month old infants who felt the infant formula directions and statements they read were hard to understand by selected demographics, among mothers who had read this information M2E4
3.85 Percent of mothers of 2-month old infants who had difficulty understanding each type of direction or statement on the formula package, among mothers who felt it hard to understand any of this information M2E5A-D
3.86 Percent of mothers of 2-month old infants feeling that all the information they wanted was included in all of the formula directions and statements they read by selected demographics, among mothers who had read any of this information M2E6
3.87 Percent of mothers of 2-month old infants feeling that a piece of information was missing from a formula direction or statement by selected demographics, among mothers who felt that not all of the information they wanted was included M2E7A-D
3.88 Percent of mothers of 2-month old infants who felt the print size for the formula directions and statements was too small or large enough to read easily by selected demographics, among formula feeding mothers M2E8
3.89 Percent of mothers of 2-month old infants who looked at the pictures on the formula container showing how to prepare the formula by selected demographics, among formula feeding mothers M2E9
3.90 Percent of mothers of 2-month old infants who felt the pictures showing how to prepare formula had each level of usefulness by selected demographics, among mothers who looked at these pictures M2E10
3.91 Percent of mothers of 2-month old infants who attributed each level of importance to following the label directions that say to feed or refrigerate the prepared formula immediately or discard the formula by selected demographics, among formula feeding mothers M2E11
3.92 Percent of mothers of 2-month old infants who looked at the list of ingredients on infant formula cans by selected demographics, among formula feeding mothers M2E12
3.93 Percent of mothers of 2-month old infants who compared brands of infant formula by selected demographics, among mothers who looked at the ingredient list M2E13
3.94 Percent of mothers of 2-month old infants who looked for any specific ingredients or formula characteristics in the ingredient list or on any other part of the label by selected demographics, among formula feeding mothers M2E14
3.95 Percent of mothers who were told by a doctor, health professional, or birthing class how to prepare formula by infant age and selected demographics, among formula feeding mothers M2E16, M5E2
3.96 Percent of mothers who were told by a doctor, health professional, or birthing class how to store prepared bottles of formula by infant age and selected demographics, among formula feeding mothers M2E17, M5E3
3.97 Percent of babies whose formula was mixed with each type of water in the past 2 weeks by infant age, among formula fed babies M2E18A-D, M5E4A-D, M7E2A-D, M9E2A-D
3.98 Percent of babies whose water to mix formula was boiled by infant age, among babies whose formula was mixed with water M2E19A-B, M5E5A-B, M7E3A-B
3.99 Percent of babies whose bottle of formula was heated in a microwave oven with each frequency by infant age, among babies fed infant formula in the past 2 weeks M2E20, M5E6, M7E4, M9E3
3.100 Percent of babies whose bottle nipples used to feed formula were cleaned in each way and at each frequency in the past 2 weeks by infant age, among formula fed babies M2E21A-E, M5E7A-E, M7E5A-E, M9E4A-E
3.101 Percent of mothers who cleaned their hands in each way before preparing formula and at each frequency in the past 2 weeks by infant age, among formula feeding mothers M2E22A-E, M5E8A-E, M7E6A-E, M9E5A-E
3.102 Percent of babies whose bottles of prepared formula were usually kept at room temperature for each time period in the past 2 weeks by infant age, among formula fed babies M2E23, M5E9, M7E7, M9E6
3.103 Percent of mothers who gave each reason for their decision to use the formula they fed their baby in the past 7 days by infant age, among formula feeding mothers N50A-J, M2E24A-J, M5E10A-J, M7E8A-J, M9E7A-J
3.104 Percent of mothers who discussed their choice of formula with the baby’s doctor by infant age and selected demographics, among formula feeding mothers N51, M2E25, M5E11, M7E9, M9E8
3.105 Percent of mothers who switched the formula they fed their baby each number of times in the past 2 weeks by infant age, among formula feeding mothers N52, M2E26, M5E12, M7E10, M9E9
3.106 Percent of mothers who stopped using a formula in each group in the past 2 weeks by infant age, among mothers who switched formula at each age M2E27_1-6, M5E13_1-6, M7E11_1-6, M9E10_1-6
3.107 Percent of mothers who switched formula because they thought the baby had a problem with the formula being used by infant age and selected demographics, among mothers who switched formula at each age N53, M2E28, M5E14, M7E12, M9E11
3.108 Percent of babies who had each type of problem with formula by infant age, among babies whose formula was switched due to some problems N54A-H, M2E29A-H, M5E15A-H, M7E13A-H, M9E12A-H

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Chapter 4. Infant Health
Table Title Variables Used
4.1 Percent of babies who had the following problems in the past 2 weeks by infant age M2A20A-N, M3A20A-N, M4A22A-N, M5A25A-N, M6A24A-N, M7A24A-N, M9A29A-N, MXA30A-N, MWA27A-N
4.2 Percent of babies who received each type of medicine in the past 2 weeks by infant age M2A21, M3A21, M4A23, M5A26, M6A25, M7A25, M9A28, MXA31, MWA28
4.3 Percent of babies who were given any herbal or botanical preparation or any kind of tea in the past 2 weeks by infant age M2A22, M3A22, M4A24, M5A27, M6A26, M7A26, M9A30, MXA32, MWA29
4.4 Percent of mothers indicating each reason for giving the herbal or botanical preparation or teas to their babies by infant age, among mothers who gave their baby such preparations M2A24A-I, M3A24A-I, M4A26A-I, M5A29A-I, M6A28A-I, M7A28A-I, M9A32A-I, MXA34A-I, MWA31A-I
4.5 Median number of stools baby usually had in a 24 hour period by infant age M2A25, M3A26, M4A27, M5A30, M6A29, M7A29, M9A33, MXA36, MWA32
4.6 Percent of babies with stools of each texture in the past 7 days by infant age M2A26, M3A27, M4A28, M5A31, M6A30, M7A30, M9A34, MXA37, MWA33
4.7 Median reported infant weight and height by the age of measurement M3A28-A31, M5A32-A35, M7A31-A34, MWA34-A37
4.8 Percent of babies hospitalized for any reason or taken to a hospital for any outpatient procedure or surgery in the past 4 weeks by infant age N69, M2A27, M3A32, M4A29, M5A36, M6A31, M7A35, M9A35, MXA38, MWA38
4.9 Median number of nights baby was in the hospital for the most recent problem by infant age, among infants hospitalized for this problem N70, M2A28, M3A33, M4A30, M5A37, M6A32, M7A36, M9A36, MXA39, MWA39
4.10 Median number of teeth baby had by infant age, among infants who had teeth at that age M3A34, M4A31, M5A38, M6A33, M7A37, M9A37, MXA40, MWA40
4.11 Percent of babies who had any serious long term medical problems by infant age N71, M2J2, M3J8, M4J2, M5J2, M6J6, M7J7, M9J9, MXJ2, MWJ6
4.12 Percent of babies who had problems caused by food, such as an allergic reaction, sensitivity, or intolerance, by infant age and selected demographics M4C1, M9C2, MWC2
4.13 Percent of babies who had a reaction the first time when they ate the food by infant age and selected demographics, among babies who had problems caused by food during these periods M4C2, M9C4, MWC4
4.14 Percent of babies who had problems caused by food they ate and who had problems caused by food they were exposed to through breast milk because of something mothers ate by infant age, among babies who had problems caused by food during these periods M4C3A-B, M9C6A-B, MWC6A-B
4.15 Percent of babies who first had a problem with food at each age by questionnaire month, among babies who had new problems caused by food during these periods M4C4, M9C5, MWC5
4.16 Percent of mothers who took their babies to a medical doctor because of problems they had with food by infant age and selected demographics, among babies who had problems caused by food during these periods M4C5, M9C7, MWC7
4.17 Percent of babies tested or examined for food allergy by each method by infant age, among babies who were tested or examined during these periods M4C6A-G, M9C8A-G, MWC8A-G
4.18 Percent of mothers whose babies were diagnosed by a medical doctor as having an allergy to any food by infant age and selected demographics, among babies taken to a doctor because of problems caused by food during these periods M4C7, M9C9, MWC9
4.19 Percent of babies who had each symptom of a problem with food by infant age, among babies who had problems caused by food during these periods M4C8A-S, M9C10A-S, MWC10A-S
4.20 Percent of babies treated in each way for their symptoms by infant age, among babies who had problems caused by food during these periods M4C9A-G, M9C11A-G, MWC11A-G
4.21 Percent of mothers indicating that the following foods caused a problem for their babies or that their babies were diagnosed as allergic to the food by infant age, among mothers of babies who had problems caused by food during these periods M4C10A_1-13, M4C10B_1-13, M9C12A_1-13, M9C12B_1-13, MWC12A_1-13, MWC12B_1-13
4.22 Percent of mothers indicating that their baby had a problem with a formula in each group by infant age, among mothers of babies who had a problem with infant formula during these periods M4C11_1-6, M9C13_1-6, MWC13_1-6
4.23 Percent of babies who had problems with each number of different infant formulas by infant age, among babies who had a problem with infant formula during these periods M4C12, M9C14, MWC14

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Chapter 5. Mothers’ Health and Dietary Practices
Table Title Variables Used
5.1 Percent of mothers who had any health conditions which made it hard or impossible for them to take care of their babies in the past 2 weeks by infant age and selected demographics M3J1, M6J1, M9J1, MWJ1
5.2 Median number of cigarettes mothers smoked on average per day by infant age, among mothers who smoked M3J2, M6J2, M9J2, MWJ2
5.3 Percent of babies’ parents who were using the following birth controls at month 3 survey M3J4A-O
5.4 Median of mothers’ current weight by infant age M3J5, M6J4, M9J4, MWJ4
5.5 Percent of mothers who changed their diet in each way while they were breastfeeding by infant age, among mothers who breastfed during these periods M2D7A-K, M5D6A-K, M7D6A-K
5.6 Percent of mothers giving each reason for eating less of each food by infant age, among mothers who ate less of these foods during each age while they were breastfeeding M2D8A1-K5, M5D7A1-K5, M7D7A1-K5
5.7 Percent of mothers giving each reason for eating more of each food by infant age, among mothers who ate more of these foods during each age while they were breastfeeding M2D9A1-K6, M5D8A1-K6, M7D8A1-K6

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Chapter 6. Sources of Information
Table Title Variables Used
6.1 Percent of mothers who obtained information about feeding babies from each of the following sources for this baby or a previous one by infant age M4A8A-K, MXA8A-K
6.2 Percent of mothers who obtained information about herbal or botanical preparations from each source in the past few years regardless of whether or not they gave their baby these products by infant age M3A25A-O, MXA35A-O
6.3 Percent of mothers who obtained information about breastfeeding, diet while breastfeeding, and breast pumps from each source for this baby or a previous one at month 2 survey, among mothers who ever breastfed M2D2A1-P4

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Chapter 7. Employment and Day Care
Table Title Variables Used
7.1 Percent of mothers who worked for pay at anytime from the 3 months before they became pregnant up to the end of their pregnancy by selected demographics M3H4
7.2 Percent of mothers who stopped working at different months of pregnancy by selected demographics, among mothers who worked for pay at anytime from the 3 months before they became pregnant up to the end of their pregnancy M3H5
7.3 Percent of mothers who worked for pay any time during the past 4 weeks by infant age M3H6, M6H13, M9H13, MWH13
7.4 Median infant age in weeks when mothers began working after the delivery by selected demographics, among mothers who worked after birth M3H7, M6H14, M9H14, MWH14
7.5 Percent of mothers who usually worked for each number of hours per week during the past 4 weeks by infant age and selected demographics, among mothers who worked during these periods M3H8, M6H15, M9H15, MWH15
7.6 Percent of mothers who worked in each type of setting by selected demographics, among mothers who worked during the past 4 weeks of month 3 survey M3H9
7.7 Percent of mothers who ranked their paid work with each level of satisfaction by infant age, among mothers who worked during the past 4 weeks M3H10, M6H16, M9H16, MWH16
7.8 Percent of mothers who arranged each kind of baby care while they worked by infant age, among mothers who worked during the past 4 weeks M3H11A-D, M6H17A-D, M9H18A-D, MWH17A-D
7.9 Percent of mothers indicating each level of breastfeeding support from their place of employment, among mothers who worked during the past 4 weeks M3H12, M6H18, M9H19, MWH18
7.10 Percent of mothers who used each strategy for breastfeeding while working by infant age, among mothers who breastfed and worked during the past 4 weeks M3H14A-F, M6H20A-F, M9H21A-F, MWH20A-F
7.11 Percent of mothers who experienced each problem combining breastfeeding and work by infant age, among mothers who breastfed and worked during the past 4 weeks M3H15A-I, M6H21A-I, M9H22A-I, MWH21A-I
7.12 Percent of mothers whose babies were cared for by someone other than their mother on a regular schedule during the past 4 weeks by infant age and selected demographics M3H16, M6H22, M9H24, MWH23
7.13 Percent of babies kept by each specific other person during the past 4 weeks by infant age, among babies who were cared for by someone other than their mother during these periods M3H17A-D, M6H23A-D, M9H24A-D, MWH23A-D
7.14 Percent of babies usually cared for at various settings by infant age, among babies who were cared for by someone other than their mother during the past 4 weeks M3H18A-F, M6H24A-F, M9H25A-F, MWH24A-F
7.15 Median days in an average week that babies were cared for by the regularly scheduled child care providers by infant age and selected demographics, among babies who were cared for by someone other than their mother during these periods M3H19, M6H25, M9H26, MWH25
7.16 Median hours on an average day that babies were with their regular child care provider by infant age and selected demographics, among babies who were cared for by someone other than their mother during these periods M3H20, M6H26, M9H27, MWH26
7.17 Percent of mothers indicating each level of breastfeeding support from their child care provider by infant age, among babies who were cared for by someone other than their mother during the past 4 weeks M3H21, M6H27, M9H28, MWH27
7.18 Median times per day that the child care provider fed the baby on an average day by infant age, among babies who were cared for by someone other than their mother during these periods M3H22, M6H28, M9H29, MWH28
7.19 Percent of mothers who found out with each frequency what their regularly scheduled child care provider fed their baby by infant age, among babies who were fed by their care provider M3H23, M6H29, M9H30, MWH29
7.20 Percent of mothers who indicated that each person usually provided the formula, if any, and food for babies to drink and eat under the regular child care arrangements in the past 4 weeks by infant age, among babies who were cared for outside of their home M3H24A_1-4, M3H24B_1-4, M3H24C_1-4, M6H30A_1-4, M6H30B_1-4, M6H30C_1-4, M9H31A_1-4, M9H31B_1-4, M9H31C_1-4, MWH30A_1-4, MWH30B_1-4, MWH30C_1-4
7.21 Percent of child care providers who supported breastfeeding in each way by infant age, among babies who were cared for outside of their home M3H25A-E, M6H31A-E, M9H32A-E, MWH31A-E
7.22 Percent of child care providers who kept fresh and thawed breast milk in the refrigerator for different time periods by infant age, among babies who were cared for outside of their home M3H26, M6H32, M9H33, MWH32

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Chapter 8. Sleeping Arrangement
Table Title Variables Used
8.1 Percent of babies sleeping at night at each longest interval without waking by infant age or survey month M3H1A2W, M3H1A1M, M3H1A2M, M3H1ANW, M6H1, M9H1, MWH1
8.2 Percent of mothers laying their baby down for naps most often in each position by infant age or survey month M3H1B2W, M3H1B1M, M3H1B2M, M3H1BNW, M6H2, M9H2, MWH2
8.3 Percent of mothers laying their baby down most often for sleeping at night in each position by infant age or survey month M3H1C2W, M3H1C1M, M3H1C2M, M3H1CNW, M6H3, M9H3, MWH3
8.4 Percent of babies who usually slept at night in their mother’s room or in a different room by infant age or survey month M3H1D2W, M3H1D1M, M3H1D2M, M3H1DNW, M6H4, M9H4, MWH4
8.5 Percent of babies who usually slept on each surface at night by infant age or survey month M3H1E2W, M3H1E1M, M3H1E2M, M3H1ENW, M6H5, M9H5, MWH5
8.6 Percent of mothers who lay down with or slept with their baby at night by infant age or survey month M3H1F2W1-6, M3H1F1M1-6, M3H1F2M1-6, M3H1FNW1-6, M6H6A-F, M9H6A-F, MWH6A-F
8.7 Percent of mothers who usually had the baby with them all night or part of the night by infant age or survey month, among mothers who lay down with or slept with their baby at night M3H1G2W, M3H1G1M, M3H1G2M, M3H1GNW, M6H7, M9H7, MWH7
8.8 Percent of mothers who usually lay down or slept together with their baby for each number of nights per week by infant age or survey month, among mothers who lay down with or slept with their baby at night M3H1H2W, M3H1H1M, M3H1H2M, M3H1HNW, M6H8, M9H8, MWH8
8.9 Percent of mothers who usually slept or kept awake when they lay down or slept with their baby by infant age or survey month, among mothers who lay down with or slept with their baby at night M3H1I2W, M3H1I1M, M3H1I2M, M3H1INW, M6H9, M9H9, MWH9
8.10 Percent of mothers who usually lay down with or slept with each other person in addition to their baby by infant age or survey month, among mothers who lay down with or slept with their baby at night M3H1J2W1-4, M3H1J1M1-4, M3H1J2M1-4, M3H1JNW1-4, M6H10A-D, M9H10A-D, MWH10A-D
8.11 Percent of mothers indicating each reason for bringing their baby to bed with them by infant age or survey month, among mothers who lay down with or slept with their baby at night M3H2A-J, M6H11A-J, M9H11A-J, MWH11A-J
8.12 Percent of mothers indicating each reason for not bringing their baby to bed with them by infant age or survey month, among mothers who did not lie down with or sleep with their baby M3H3A-F, M6H12A-F, M9H12A-F, MWH12A-F

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Chapter 9. Measures of the National Breastfeeding Awareness Campaign
Table Title Variables Used
9.1 Percent of mothers who have recently seen, heard, or read anything about breastfeeding or about infant formula from each place P48A1-2, P48B1-2, P48C1-2, P48D1-2, P48E1-2, P48F1-2, M7J1A1-2, M7J1B1-2, M7J1C1-2, M7J1D1-2, M7J1E1-2, M7J1F1-2
9.2 Percent of mothers who have recently seen each ad about breastfeeding P49A-G, M7J4A-G
9.3 Percent of mothers who have recently heard each type of radio ad featuring a man singing about breastfeeding P50A-D, M7J5A-D
9.4 Median number of months that mothers consider as the recommended exclusive breastfeeding duration by selected demographics N13
9.5 Percent of mothers indicating that each statement is closest to her opinion on the best way to feed a 3 month old baby M3J6
9.6 Percent of mothers indicating each level of agreement with each statement about breastfeeding M7J3