Most babies are born without problems, but sometimes things go
wrong, and the mother or the baby can be in serious danger. Before
most problems happen, there are warning signs.
In this section of the book, we explain what warning signs to look
for during labor so you can know if the birth is going well or if a
problem might happen. We also explain how to treat some problems,
and when to bring a woman to the hospital if she has a problem that
cannot be helped at home. To ensure the health of women and babies
during labor and birth, you, the woman, the family, and the
community should plan before the birth what to do in an emergency
(see page 106).
R emember: These are the most important warning signs that
mean a woman in labor should get medical help:
• high fever (see page 179)
• high blood pressure (see page 180)
• labor goes on too long (see page 186)
• heavy bleeding (see page 224)