Chapter 12: Pushing – Stage 2 of labor
The baby continues to lift
his chin as the head comes
out. This way the head is
born smoothly.
The baby continues lifting his
chin until his head is born. At
first, the baby’s face is still
toward the mother’s back,
while his shoulders are
turned at an angle.
Soon the baby’s head
turns toward the
mother’s leg. Now the
baby’s face is lined up
with his shoulders.
Then the baby’s whole
body turns inside the
mother. The baby’s
shoulders are now straight
up and down. The baby
faces the mother’s leg.
The rest of the baby slips
out easily.
Note: Babies move this way if they are positioned head-first, with their
backs toward their mothers’ bellies. But many babies do not face this way.
A baby who faces the mother’s front, or who is breech, moves in a different
way. Watch each birth closely to see how babies in different positions
move differently.
A Book for Midwives (2010)