Baby is very small or more than 5 weeks early
2. If you cannot move the baby to a
head-down position, try to move her
to the breech position.
3. If you cannot move the baby to
either of these positions, go to a
medical center. The baby will need
to be born by cesarean surgery.
The mother bleeds before the second twin is born
(or the fi rst place nta is bo rn be fo re the se co nd twin is bo rn)
Bleeding after the birth of one twin and before the second twin may mean that
there is an early separation of the placenta (see page 184). Get the second baby
out as fast as you can.
Stimulate the nipples, break the bag of waters, and ask the mother to push
very hard.
Baby is very small or more than 5 weeks early
A baby born early or small may have problems, such as:
• a difficult or impossible birth position (like a sideways position).
• a softer skull, which means she can easily be injured during the birth.
• difficulty keeping herself warm after the birth.
• difficulty breathing and breastfeeding.
For these reasons, it is best for small or early babies to be born in a medical
center. If they are born at home, it is important that they get medical care as soon
as possible.
If you must deliver small or early babies at home, prepare carefully:
Have many warm blankets ready for the baby as soon as she is
born. Dry the baby and place her on the mother’s naked chest
and cover them both in blankets. Remember, a baby stays
warm best on the mother’s belly. Keep the baby
skin to skin with the mother. The baby should
wear only a diaper and a hat. This is also a good
way to care for a baby born on the way to a medical
Small babies should not be bathed for a few days after delivery because they can
get cold. See page 256 for how to care for babies that are early or small after they
are born.
A Book for Midwives (2010)