16. Empty the womb by slowly and gently moving
the cannula in and out while you rotate the
Do not pull the tip of the cannula out of
the womb.
If you pull the cannula tip out of the
cervix, the vacuum will be broken.
Even if you push the cannula back
into the womb, it will not pull
tissue anymore. The MVA will not
be complete.
Do not push the cannula too far
in or you could injure the womb.
Doing the MVA
17. Keep moving and turning the syringe until the womb is empty.
Usually, the womb empties within 5 minutes.
These are the signs that the womb is empty:
• There is only pinkish foam in the cannula.
• There is no more tissue in the cannula.
• When you touch the cannula tip to the inside of the womb, it feels
rough and gritty.
• The womb tightens down and “grips” the cannula.
18. W hen the womb is empty, take the syringe off the
cannula. Empty the syringe into a clear container,
like a glass jar.
Now gently pull out the cannula, and then remove
the tenaculum and take out the speculum.
A Book for Midwives (2010)