Give medicines
If rubbing the womb does not stop
the bleeding, give the
mother oxytocin, ergometrine, or
misoprostol. See page 231.
Bleeding after birth
Use 2-hand pressure on the belly
If bleeding is very heavy, and rubbing the womb does not stop the bleeding, try
2-hand pressure on the mother’s belly.
Rub the womb until it gets hard.
Cup one hand over the top of the
womb. Put your other hand above the
pubic bone and push the womb towards
your cupped hand. You should be
squeezing the womb between your two
Scoop up the womb, fold it
forward, and squeeze it hard.
As soon as the bleeding slows down
and the womb feels firm, slowly stop the
2-hand pressure.
If you know of herbs or plants that stop bleeding and are safe, you can give
those now. Do not put any herbs or plants in the vagina.
Is this the plant
you use to stop
Yes. Boil it to
make a tea, and
then have the
mother drink it.
A Book for Midwives (2010)