6. Follow the instructions on page 53 to
scrub your hands with soap and water.
Let your hands dry in the air and then
put on sterilized gloves.
Inserting the IUD
7. Feel the woman’s womb (see page 384).
• Find the position and size of the
• Make sure the woman is not pregnant.
• Make sure the womb is not enlarged or
in pain.
8. Gently insert a sterilized
speculum (see page 377).
9. Clean the cervix with antiseptic.
You can use a long swab or a ring
forceps and
sterile gauze
dipped into
10. Grasp the cervix with a tenaculum and
close the tenaculum slowly. Pull the
cervix gently to straighten the womb.
The womb must be straight while you
are inserting the sound and while you
are inserting the IUD. If this is painful
for the woman, stop. Take a break and
ask her to tell you when she is ready
to go on.
A Book for Midwives (2010)