Chapter 2: Treating health problems
First, name the problems you are facing.
You have all read how to stay
healthy in pregnancy. But not
everyone can do these things. Why?
We always have
to wait hours to
be seen at the
How can we
eat well when
there is no
money for
I hate
After you have named some of the problems in the community, choose what
to work on first. It might be the problem that is the most common, the problem
that causes the most serious harm, or the problem that can be most easily solved.
List every idea the group can think of to work on this problem. Then focus on
solutions that someone in the group can make happen.
We agree that the whole
community can help
pregnant women eat
better. But how?
I could plant
some green
vegetables in
the coffee field.
We should talk to the
storekeeper. He should
sell more beans and
rice and less liquor!
We could start
a community
We could
A Book for Midwives (2010)