Step 4
Gender and Technology Training Guidelines
Have the evaluators visit each ‘project’ in turn. The project groups will need to
introduce the different participants and explain briefly their project to the
evaluators before the evaluators start asking questions.
Step 5
Once all the groups have been ‘evaluated’ ask the evaluators to present a short
report on their observations of each ‘project’. Discuss their observations in the
larger group. Did the projects benefit women and men in the same way? Were
any needs ignored? Why? Were there any technological interventions that
could have been used to bring greater benefit to the women? to the men? Was
the project and/or technology appropriate for women and men?
PURPOSE : To help participants examine their attitude towards villagers and think about
the attitude of the villagers about them.
Facilitator’s notes:
This exercise can be used for groups of villagers as well. In this case the purpose is
'To help participants understand their attitudes towards community workers, and
think about the attitudes of community workers towards them’
1 hour 30 min
MATERIAL Statements written out separately on cards, or slips of paper (see resource
Step 1
Divide participants into two groups
Group A - Field workers
Group B - Villagers
Step 2
Distribute the statements to each group. Have one statement for each group
member. Give the field workers the villagers’ statements. Give the villagers’
the field workers’ statements.
Step 3
Ask the villagers group to individually react to the statement they have
received imagining that they are villagers hearing these statements from field
workers. In the same way, ask the field workers’ group individually to react to
the statement they have received imagining that they are field workers and
hearing these statements from villagers.
Step 4
Ask each group to discuss the statements they got and their reactions within
the group.