Gender and Technology Training Guidelines
PURPOSE To understand women’s capacity to adapt technology for survival
MATERIAL 3 DIH survival case studies - cassava (Case Study 3), tamarind (CS 7),
lamps(CS 6).
Copies for each participant
TIME 1 1/2 hours
Step 1 -
Step - 2
Step 3 -
Step 4 -
Step 5 -
Divide participants into 3 groups and ask them to select their facilitator and
Distribute the Case Studies. Ask participants to take 15 minutes and
individually read the Case Studies.
Ask each group to choose one case study,. Make sure that all three are
covered by the larger group. Discuss the case studies for 30 minutes
answering the following questions:
(a) what were the problems the women faced?
(b) how did they adapt technology to overcome the problem
(c) what were the obstacles they faced in adapting the technologies?
Ask each group to make a 10 minute presentation to the main group
In the main group, ask participants to give examples from their own experience
of how technologies are being adapted for survival.
Discuss. If people, and women in particular, are constantly adapting
technology for survival, what are the implications of that for extension workers?
for policy makers? How can extension workers help women overcome the
obstacles they face in adapting? Are there any changes the participants need
to make in their approach to their work?