Gender and Technology Training Guidelines
SESSION 12 - Statements of Villagers and Field Workers.
Facilitator will need to prepare cards using these statements.
Group A - Villagers’ Statements
I've always found it difficult to use machines, (specify a relevant piece of
technology hardware or technique) but I am going to try again.
The Field Worker did not explain how it works - next time I'll ask more
The field worker knows a lot of book things but very little about the
I have very little education, so people think I am don’t know how to operate a
machine, (specify a relevant piece of technology hardware or technique).
I should be at home where I belong, I don't need training.
I may not be able to read, but I know how to preserve jak fruit (substitute any
common local food procesing practise).
They must be stupid because they don’t understand the things we do when our
kids are sick.
They think I cannot understand how these machines , (specify a relevant
piece of technology hardware or technique) work because I am poor and a
Group B - Field Workers’ Statements
We know best how to help people in your situation.
We have machines, (specify a relevant piece of technology hardware or
technique) that will solve your problem.
There is a right and wrong way to use these machines. (specify a relevant piece
of technology hardware or technique)
We have tested the way of using these machines (specify a relevant piece of
technology hardware or technique) - that is the best way..
I wonder how I can be sure that these women want to learn or need to