Gender and Technology Training Guidelines
Gender analysis also requires taking into consideration other factors which could
influence the potential impact of the project and present opportunities or constraints
to achieving the project goals and activities. These factors are:
socio-cultural factors - social norms, social organisation, traditions, religion,
organisational and institutional arrangements
economic factors - level of poverty, inflation, infrastructure, income distribution,
economic organisations
environmental factors - quality and availability of land, availability of water, fuel,
political factors - power relationships, influence of government, legal systems,
community organisation,
demographic factors - migration, life expectancy, mortality
services - government, extension, education, health care, funding
legal - right of ownership, franchise, inheritance
The task is to assess these factors in terms of how they can influence the project.
Key issues for technology intervention
What perceptions and beliefs exist about the use of technology by women and
How can these affect the project goals and activities?
What economic issues affect women’s use of technology?
What environmental issues are crucial to women? How will these be affected by
the technology intervention?
What institutional services are important for the project?
What are the constraints (if any) in the organisation of the project?
Is there likelihood of conflicts arising due to project activities? How will the
project tackle these?
At the end of this step, you will have developed a ‘picture’ of gender roles and
relationships within the community for which your project is designed. The
situation of women within this community will emerge in terms of what conditions
they face and the status they have within the community. Once you have an idea
of the gender roles and relationships, you will be able to design activities that
meet the practical and strategic needs of women.