Distress, depression, anxiety, restlessness, or unhappiness can all be symptoms of social dysphoria. This article teaches ways to cope with social dysphoria, which is dysphoria caused by being misgendered, deadnamed, or otherwise.[1]


Learn ways to relax.

  1. Social dysphoria can bring on stress and anxiety. Relaxing can help you to quiet your mind and feel peaceful and calm. When you relax, your body responds as well. A few ways to relieve stress and anxiety include:[3]
    • Soak in a warm bath.
    • Listen to soothing music.
    • Meditate.
    • Try tai-chi or yoga.
    • Drink something warm that doesn't contain alcohol or caffeine, such as herbal tea or warm milk.

Correct others.

  1. Don't feel bad about correcting others on your pronouns and/or name. You deserve to be treated equally and have others use your pronouns and name. Cisgender people can be called whatever they want with little to no repercussions – you are entitled to the same. It's actually quite simple to use proper pronouns, and if people regard it as a burden, they're not being respectful or compassionate enough. Your pronouns are a requirement, not a choice you "burden" others with.[4]
    • If someone refuses to use your preferred pronouns or name, ignore them, or at the least, limit contact with them.
    • To correct someone, you could say, "Actually, my pronouns are he/they," or "My name isn't [X], it's Neo."
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Find creative outlets.

  1. Painting, drawing, and writing are great ways to express your feelings. It could be a craft or handiwork, writing or playing music, participating in a non-gender-segregated sport with friends, or going out into nature. Whatever feels good and allows you to think about something else for a while, even if it doesn't alleviate the dysphoria, it's nice to get away from it for a while. [6]
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Spend time with someone.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 2,843 times.
3 votes - 67%
Co-authors: 7
Updated: January 18, 2023
Views: 2,843
Categories: LGBT | Gender Expression