This article was written by Angel Eyedealism and by wikiHow staff writer, Glenn Carreau. Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings.
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Leo is a confident, loving, and loyal fire sign. Scorpio, a water sign, is mysterious, bold, and incredibly passionate. When these two signs meet, the intensity and chemistry between them will be unmatched! Can Leo and Scorpio turn that initial red-hot connection into a lasting relationship, or will they eventually part ways? Read on to find out exactly how compatible these two dynamic zodiac signs are.
This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.
Leo and Scorpio at a Glance
1This is the ultimate power couple of the zodiac. Leo and Scorpio have a lot of differences that they'll need to work through first, but if they can find common ground, they'll be unstoppable. Individually, they're known for being the strongest and boldest signs of all. When they work together, they can take on the whole world!
- Leo will be fascinated by Scorpio's air of mystery, and Scorpio will be attracted to Leo's fiery confidence.
2Leo's love of the spotlight may conflict with Scorpio's need for privacy. A Leo wants to be the center of attention in any friend group, preferring to attend social events and hang out with friends often. On the other hand, Scorpio likes to hang back and observe—they're extraordinarily cautious and private. If Scorpio tries to hold Leo back as well, Leo will feel like their freedom is being limited. These signs will need to understand each other's needs and find a middle ground in their relationship.
- Leo and Scorpio should be calm and respectful as they discuss their individual desires to find the middle ground between them.
- Both signs like to be in control, but neither one can call the shots 24/7. It's possible for Scorpio to embrace the fun and adventure Leo brings to the relationship, while Leo can enjoy the moments of quiet passion Scorpio initiates.
Leo and Scorpio Sexual Compatibility
There's a ton of raw physical chemistry between Scorpio and Leo. Scorpio is ruled by Mars, the planet of passion, lust, and aggression—while it's not a fire sign, Scorpio can be downright fiery in the bedroom. Leo is ruled by the Sun, so they have the energy and fire to match Scorpio's; Leo is one of the few signs that can easily keep up with them. Both signs will get a rush from being with someone so different from them, making for a thrilling (if sometimes volatile) love life.
Leo and Scorpio Emotional Compatibility
1Both signs are incredibly passionate. They're known to give everything they have to relationships; Leo is a die-hard romantic, and Scorpio can be downright obsessive when they develop feelings for someone. Leo needs the attention that Scorpio is happy to give them, and Scorpio needs the loyalty that Leo is known for giving their partners.
- Scorpio can blow hot and cold very suddenly and intensely. A generally positive sign, Leo will need to work to understand Scorpio's moods without letting them affect Leo's warm optimism.
2Scorpio's "all or nothing" mindset in relationships can conflict with Leo. This isn't necessarily a dealbreaker; Leo is confident and independent but generally wants to know that a relationship is going somewhere before they commit. If Scorpio lets Leo see how serious they are, Leo will have no problem settling in with their Scorpio partner.
- However, Scorpio will still have to reign in their obsessive tendencies and sometimes let Leo do their own thing.
3Leo and Scorpio's egos can cause friction between them. Their nature as fixed signs is both a help and a hindrance; Leo and Scorpio have similar values regarding commitment and long-term relationships but are extremely stubborn. Neither wants to change their mind or admit to being wrong, so arguments last far longer than they have to.[1] X Research source
- These signs need to remember that the goal in a conflict is to find a resolution—not to win. As long as they stay focused on understanding each other rather than proving themselves, they can make up and move forward.[2] X Trustworthy Source HelpGuide Nonprofit organization dedicated to providing free, evidence-based mental health and wellness resources. Go to source
Leo and Scorpio Intellectual Compatibility
Leo and Scorpio both have a lot of ambition and drive to succeed.[3] X Research source Neither will give up on their goals anytime soon—and if they have similar interests, then they'll never run out of things to talk about together. Scorpio may want to have deeper conversations than a bright, casual Leo is prepared for, but as long as Scorpio is respectful and doesn't talk down to Leo, they'll get along well.
Leo and Scorpio Trust Compatibility
1As fixed signs, Leo and Scorpio both value commitment. Fixed signs are the "doers" of the zodiac, with the drive and perseverance to finish what they start. This common trait will work well for Leo and Scorpio as they build up the trust in their relationship, so long as both signs reign in their natural jealousy.
- Scorpio is a naturally mistrustful sign, and it may take time for them to open up. Leo will have to be patient and understanding for Scorpio to relax and start trusting freely.
- They can be possessive of one another, which can turn toxic if Leo and Scorpio don't openly discuss their feelings together.
2Honesty is essential for both signs. Leo and Scorpio's fiercely loyal nature will help them develop trust in one another, and they will always speak their minds truthfully. Leo and Scorpio may have different approaches to romance, but neither will be able to doubt the other's sincerity or devotion. If both signs can be honest, let their guard down, and keep absolutely no secrets from one another, their trust in each other will be rock-solid.
Leo and Scorpio: Final Thoughts
It's not a perfect match, but these signs can build a lasting relationship together. To do that, Leo and Scorpio will both need to stick around long enough to really understand the other's deepest thoughts and feelings. They both have big egos but can connect over their passionate and loyal natures. If both partners learn to let go of their innate stubbornness to meet one another halfway, they can give each other the love and care they deserve.
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