Cultural assimilation is the process of becoming part of a new culture. If you’ve had to move to new place with a culture that is unfamiliar and different from your own, adjusting to life in your new setting can be difficult. But, while you may feel at first like you’ll never fit in, it will get easier with time and effort! If you’re relocating to an area where you don’t speak the local language, taking some lessons ahead of time and practicing as much as possible will help. It’s also important to get familiar with local customs and etiquette. Then you can begin finding a place for yourself in your new community.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Understanding Local Customs

  1. 1
    Find an up-to-date travel guide and read about the local culture. Before you move to a new area, take some time to get familiar with the culture. While this can be the work of a lifetime, a travel guide can be a good place to start. Buy one from a bookstore or check one out from your local library.
    • Make sure any guide books you use are recently published so you know you’re getting up-to-date information.
    • You might find it helpful to look up reviews of the book online to get an idea of how reliable it is.
    • You can also find helpful information online from websites like TripAdvisor or Fodor’s.
  2. 2
    Get advice from other people who have lived or traveled in the area. One of the best ways to learn about another culture is to talk to people who have experienced it firsthand. Talk to someone from your own culture who has lived, traveled, or worked in the culture into which you are trying to assimilate. They may be able to offer insights and advice that you won’t find in print and online travel guides.[1]
    • If possible, find a friend who is part of the culture you’re learning about. Look for someone you feel comfortable talking with about your questions and concerns.
  3. 3
    Observe how people interact with each other. As you are adjusting to a new culture, your powers of observation will be very useful to you. Watching how other people behave in a variety of situations can help you understand what to do in those same situations.[2]
    • For example, if you’ve been invited to a party at someone’s home, pay attention to how the other guests greet the host.
    • Make sure you observe both verbal and non-verbal interactions. For example, do people bow to each other? Do they shake hands? Do they take their shoes off when entering a home, or leave them on?
    • In Japan, for instance, guests typically bring a small gift for their host and greet them with a bow. You are also expected to leave your shoes at the door.[3]
  4. 4
    Ask questions if you’re not sure about what’s appropriate. When in doubt, the best thing to do is to ask. If you don’t understand something about the culture or what’s expected of you, then don’t hesitate to speak up.[4] Most people will be understanding and happy to help.
    • For example, you might say, “I’ve heard that tipping is expected in restaurants here in the U.S. Is that true? How much should I leave?”
  5. 5
    Keep an open mind. Some elements of your new culture may seem strange or even shocking to you. As much as possible, try to maintain a curious and non-judgmental attitude toward the new customs and practices that you encounter.[5]
    • This doesn’t have to mean you have to abandon your own cultural values. Just be aware and respectful of the ways in which other people’s customs, beliefs, and expectations differ from your own.
    • For example, if you come from a culture where people dress modestly, you may find it hard to adjust to living in a culture where lots of bare skin is acceptable—or vice versa! Keep dressing in a way that feels comfortable to you, but try to be accepting of the way other people dress in your new environment.
  6. 6
    Take it easy on yourself if you make a mistake. As you get used to navigating a new culture, you’re bound to commit a few faux pas. Don’t get mad at yourself if this happens—it’s a natural part of the learning process. Do your best to find the humor in the situation and learn from it so you can avoid repeating your mistakes as you move forward.[6]
    • If you accidentally offend someone, simply apologize and explain that you are still learning about local customs and etiquette.
    • For example, in many countries—such as Chile—you might raise some eyebrows or even offend your hosts if they offer you a drink and you refuse. If you forget, apologize, thank them, and accept the offer.

    Tip: Keep in mind that you may also encounter mistaken beliefs and assumptions about your own culture. Try to be patient with others when they make these mistakes. You might even look at it as an opportunity to educate the other person about your culture.

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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Learning the Language

  1. 1
    Sign up for a language class if you need structure. If you’re moving to an area where you don’t speak the language, learning to communicate can be a major challenge. While some people are great at learning languages on their own, others may benefit from the guidance and structure that you can get from a formal class. You can prepare ahead by taking a class before you travel, or sign up for a course for non-native speakers when you arrive at your destination.
    • You may also be able to take a class online in the language you’d like to learn. That way, you can work on building your skills wherever you are in the world![7]

    Tip: If you can’t afford to pay a ton of money for language lessons, try signing up for a free or affordable Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) through a service like edX, FutureLearn, Udemy, or Coursera.

  2. 2
    Work through a language workbook if you’re good at self-teaching. If you’re a good self-motivated learner, an old-fashioned language learning book can be helpful. Visit your local library or do an online search to find books about the language you’re interested in. Make it a goal to spend a little time each day working on the exercises and practicing your grammar and vocabulary.
    • Many language learning books come with bonus materials, such as audio CDs that you can practice along with.
  3. 3
    Try language-learning apps to improve your skills. Language-learning apps are making it easier than ever to study up on a wide variety of languages. While you probably won’t become fluent in your new language just from using apps, these tools are a great starting point and supplement to other language-learning tools.[8] Check out apps like:
    • Duolingo
    • Memrise
    • LinguaLift
    • HelloTalk
    • Busuu
  4. 4
    Find people to practice with to keep your skills sharp. The best way to learn a new language is to use it. Look for opportunities to converse with native speakers whenever you can. If you don’t already live in an area where your new language is spoken, try to find people you can correspond with online.[9]
    • The HelloTalk app is a great way to interact directly with native speakers of a variety of languages. You can communicate in the language of your choice via text, voice, or video.
    • Don’t be afraid of sounding silly or making mistakes. The only way to improve is to keep putting your new skills into practice!
  5. 5
    Practice with your new language every day. When it comes to learning languages, consistency is key.[10] Just taking lessons and memorizing vocabulary and grammar are not enough—you need to keep flexing your language muscles so you continue to learn and absorb the information more completely. Make it a goal to practice a little every day, even if it’s only for a few minutes.
    • To keep yourself from feeling overwhelmed, try setting some manageable goals. For example, you might focus on learning a small number of new vocabulary words every week.
    • In addition to conversing with others, you can build your skills by writing letters or journal entries in the new language, reading books or magazines, or watching TV.
  6. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Finding a Place in the Community

  1. 1
    Look for a job if you’ll be living in the area long-term. If you’re moving to a new country, there’s a good chance that you already have a job or a spot in a school program lined up. If not, it’s a good idea to start looking as soon as possible. Finding work in your new home will not only help you support yourself, but is also a great way for you to become a productive member of your new community.
    • Keep in mind that getting work in a new country can be a very complicated process. The requirements will vary depending on factors like your chosen profession, your country of origin, your qualifications, and the requirements of the country where you plan to work.
    • You will probably need a work visa, and you may need a letter of sponsorship from your prospective employer.[11]
  2. 2
    Explore your new surroundings and seek out unfamiliar experiences. In order to really become part of a new culture, you need to immerse yourself in it. While you may feel tempted to withdraw and stay within your comfort zone, you’ll have an easier time adjusting if you dive in and start trying new things. Make an effort to visit new places and seek out a variety of experiences, even if you’re nervous about it at first.[12]
    • For example, you might try different restaurants, go to a movie theater, or visit a museum.
    • Simply walking around and exploring can be a great way to start getting comfortable with your surroundings and learning new things.
    • If possible, ask someone you know who’s familiar with the culture and the area to show you around or give you advice. They can give you tips for staying safe and finding interesting things to do.
  3. 3
    Make an effort to socialize with local people. Making friends is an important part of fitting into any community. This can be extra tough when you move to a new place where you aren’t familiar with the local culture. Look for opportunities to spend time with your new co-workers, fellow students, or neighbors.[13]
    • Start by taking small steps. For example, you might make small-talk with the people who work in stores that you visit every day.
    • If you’re a student, try joining a study group or looking for a club or student organization that fits your interests.
    • If someone at school or work invites you to hang out, take them up on the offer. This is a good opportunity to get to know people and experience the culture.
  4. 4
    Stay in touch with people from your own culture. As you’re adjusting to a new culture, it’s important to maintain connections with the culture that you came from originally. Keep in touch with friends and family back home if you can. You might also seek out other people from your own culture in your new community.[14]
    • If you’re going to school in a new country, reach out to the student affairs office and find out if they have resources for foreign students. They may be able to help you connect with other students who share your background.

    Tip: It’s normal to feel anxious, isolated, or even depressed when you’re adjusting to a new culture. Staying in touch with other members of your own culture can help you feel less lonely as you make the transition.

  5. 5
    Continue to honor your own cultural traditions and beliefs. Becoming part of a new culture doesn’t have to mean abandoning your old one. Even as you learn to adjust and thrive in your new setting, make an effort to hold onto the elements of your culture that are most important to you. You can even look for opportunities to teach people in your new environment about the culture you came from.
    • For example, you might continue to celebrate your culture’s holidays or prepare traditional foods from your culture.
    • You can also continue to read books, watch TV shows and movies, and listen to music from your own culture.
    • You may feel anxious that you will “lose” your culture as you adjust to your new environment. It’s natural to feel this way, but try to put your mind at ease. The culture you came from will always be part of you.
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About This Article

Megaera Lorenz, PhD
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Megaera Lorenz, PhD. Megaera Lorenz is an Egyptologist and Writer with over 20 years of experience in public education. In 2017, she graduated with her PhD in Egyptology from The University of Chicago, where she served for several years as a content advisor and program facilitator for the Oriental Institute Museum’s Public Education office. She has also developed and taught Egyptology courses at The University of Chicago and Loyola University Chicago. This article has been viewed 25,004 times.
6 votes - 87%
Co-authors: 10
Updated: July 8, 2020
Views: 25,004
Categories: Cultural Adjustment