Sweating is your body's natural way of getting rid of toxins, but the stains it can leave behind on your clothing aren't so great. It's important to wear breathable clothing that allows your body to cool down, as this will help prevent sweat stains tremendously. Choosing a deodorant or antiperspirant that's right for your body, whether all-natural or not, will help reduce sweating, and using sweat stain removers should help you get rid of any set stains.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Using Deodorant or Antiperspirant

  1. 1
    Use deodorant or antiperspirant when your armpits are completely dry. If your arms are wet or sweaty when you apply your deodorant or antiperspirant, it’s not going to work as well and stains are more likely to form. Wipe off any moisture underneath your arms before applying deodorant or antiperspirant, and let the application dry completely.[1]
    • The best time to use an antiperspirant is at night before bed. This way, your sweat glands can absorb the sweat-repelling ingredients as you sleep.
  2. 2
    Apply deodorant or antiperspirant in an even, thin layer. It’s common to think that applying more deodorant or antiperspirant will help you smell or sweat less, but this isn’t necessarily the case. It’s much better to apply an even layer that is thin and controlled. Don’t apply too much, as this can cause stains.[2]
  3. 3
    Change up your deodorant or antiperspirant every 6 months. Research has shown that it's possible for your body to become immune to your antiperspirant after several months. So if you're frustrated by your deodorant or antiperspirant because it doesn't seem to be working anymore, try switching it up and trying out a different one. You can always go back to your favorite after a few months.[3]
  4. 4
    Try a prescription deodorant or antiperspirant for extreme sweating. If you find yourself constantly sweating and are looking for a better solution, think about trying a prescription deodorant or antiperspirant. These still have lots of aluminum, but they’re less likely to ruin your day-time clothes because you apply the prescription at night.
    • The prescription will most likely cause a bit of damage to your sleepwear, so throw on an old t-shirt or nightgown before going to bed.[4]
  5. 5
    Switch to a natural or chemical-free deodorant. Many deodorants have aluminum in them, which helps you sweat less. However, the aluminum causes the sweat that you do produce to leave more prominent stains on your clothing. By switching to a natural deodorant or antiperspirant, you’ll avoid all of the harmful chemicals that are in regular deodorants and help prevent stains as well.[5]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Fighting Off Sweat

  1. 1
    Choose breathable fabrics. If your clothes aren’t properly ventilated, you’re going to be sweating a lot more due to all that hot air being trapped next to your body. Pick clothing made of breathable fabrics such as cotton, linen, or chambray. The more air that’s able to pass through your clothes, the smaller your sweat stains are likely to be.
    • Stay away from fabrics such as polyester or silk, which trap heat.[6]
  2. 2
    Opt for clothes that are loose or sleeveless. When your clothing is tight against your body, there’s not a lot of room for air to help cool you down. To avoid this, choose clothing that is loose or sleeveless. If possible, pick out shirts that have low arm holes and are made of natural materials.[7]
  3. 3
    Put on an undershirt if desired. While this won’t work for every outfit, throwing on a breathable undershirt before you finish getting dressed will help soak up sweat before it gets to your outer layer. For this to work, make sure your undershirt is thin and comfortable — you don’t want it to make you sweat even more.[8]
  4. 4
    Keep a spare set of clothes with you. If you’re walking to work or waiting in the heat and know you’re going to be sweaty once you get to your destination, bring an extra set of clothes with you. This also works for unexpected sweat stains — it’s always better to have a clean shirt to throw on when the sweat takes over, no matter where you are.[9]
  5. 5
    Shower or bathe regularly. How much you sweat and the odor you put off is related to how clean your body is. Make sure you shower or take a bath often, especially if you've exercised or been outside for awhile.[10]
  6. 6
    Eat healthy foods. Filling up your body with healthy foods will actually make you sweat and smell less. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, nuts, healthy fats, and other healthy options to keep your body feeling clean. Try to eat less carbs — too many carbohydrates are a huge contributor to smelly body odor.[11]
    • Stay away from spicy foods. They create a reaction from your body similar to how your body reacts to heat — by sweating.
    • Leafy greens, foods high in magnesium, and probiotics will have you smelling fresh and clean.
  7. 7
    Stay away from caffeine. When you drink caffeinated drinks, such as coffee or soda, your body reacts to the jolt of energy by sweating more. Try to either eliminate or cut down on food and drinks with caffeine in them to reduce how much you sweat.[12]
  8. 8
    Reduce your stress levels. Stressing out causes your sweat glands to produce a thicker sweat than you do when you work out. If you find yourself stressed often, try reducing your stress levels by doing yoga, meditating, exercising, or some other stress-relieving activity. Not only will becoming less stressed reduce how much you sweat, but it’ll have you feeling calmer and happier.[13]
  9. 9
    Trim or shave the hair under your arms. It’s easier for the ingredients in deodorants and antiperspirants to reach your skin if they don’t have to go through a layer of hair first. Simply trimming the hairs under your arms will help your sweat stains become less prominent, or you can go all out and shave.[14]
  10. 10
    Use sweat shields to absorb your sweat. Sweat shields attach to the inside of your shirt’s armpits, soaking up sweat before it reaches the outside of your shirt. They’re essentially armpit pads, and they can be found at most drug stores or big-box stores.[15]
    • Sweat shields come in packs and usually cost $5-$20.
  11. 11
    Try out Botox or acupuncture to reduce sweating. Both Botox and acupuncture have been known to help prevent sweating. Botox can be pretty pricey and may not work for everyone, so weigh the pros and cons before testing this one out. Acupuncture is more affordable and works well, as long as you don’t mind all the needles.[16]
    • Since both of these methods involve needles, they're not super comfortable. However, Botox uses a very tiny needle and is said to cause minimal pain, while many people find that acupuncture doesn't hurt at all.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Removing Sweat Stains from Clothes

  1. 1
    Wash your sweaty clothing in cold water as soon as possible. The longer the sweat sits in your clothes, the more likely it is to cause a stain. Rinse your clothes in cold water, paying special attention to the areas where the sweat is most prominent.[17]
  2. 2
    Purchase a stain remover specifically for sweat stains if desired. Many stain removers that you would use on your laundry won't help when it comes to sweat stains, and they may even make the stains worse. Visit a big-box store or go online to find a sweat stain remover, typically costing a little under $20.[18]
    • Avoid using bleach or other harsh chemicals to remove sweat stains — the aluminum reaction can't be fixed by using bleach, and could make the stain worse.
  3. 3
    Combine dish detergent with hydrogen peroxide on white shirts. Mix together 14 cup (59 ml) of hydrogen peroxide and 2 teaspoons (9.9 ml) of dish detergent. Rub the mixture onto the sweat stains and wait 1 hour before washing it normally.[19]
    • Sprinkling a little bit of baking soda over the stains once you apply the mixture of dish detergent and hydrogen peroxide will help remove stubborn sweat stains.
    • This method is safe for most fabrics, but be careful if the fabric is silk or wool. These fabrics are best cared for by a professional.
  4. 4
    Mix together vinegar, baking soda, water, and salt for an at-home remedy. Soak the shirt in a mixture of 2 cups (470 ml) of warm water and 1 cup (240 ml) of warm white vinegar for a half hour. While your shirt is soaking, mix 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of salt, 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of hydrogen peroxide, and 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of baking soda together to create a paste. Once the shirt is done soaking, apply the paste to the sweat stains and let it sit for 20 minutes before washing the shirt.[20]
    • While this method is safe for most fabrics, it may lighten certain delicate fabrics. If you're unsure of how your fabric will react, test out a small spot first.
  5. 5
    Squeeze lemon juice onto sweat stains found on white fabrics. Cut a lemon in half and squeeze the juice onto the sweat stains. How much juice you use is up to you, but be sure to adequately cover the stains. Let the shirt sit out in the sun for the day, allowing the heat and lemon juice to bleach the stains.[21]
    • Since lemon juice bleaches clothing, it's best to use it on white clothing if you're going to be leaving it out in the sun.
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About This Article

Mohiba Tareen, MD
Co-authored by:
FAAD Board Certified Dermatologist
This article was co-authored by Mohiba Tareen, MD. Mohiba Tareen is a board certified Dermatologist and the founder of Tareen Dermatology located in Roseville, Maplewood and Faribault, Minnesota. Dr. Tareen completed medical school at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, where she was inducted into the prestigious Alpha Omega Alpha honor society. While a dermatology resident at Columbia University in New York City, she won the Conrad Stritzler award of the New York Dermatologic Society and was published in The New England Journal of Medicine. Dr. Tareen then completed a procedural fellowship which focused on dermatologic surgery, laser, and cosmetic dermatology. This article has been viewed 16,330 times.
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Co-authors: 3
Updated: March 24, 2023
Views: 16,330