There are many subcultures that can fall under the Alternative umbrella including: scene, emo, goth, skater, and indie. While you can take style cues from one or all of those, being alternative is a mindset more than anything else. It may be difficult to be alternative all the time, especially in the workplace, but be a confident individual and express yourself however you see fit.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Getting into the Alternative Mindset

  1. 1
    Never let anyone tell you how to dress. Be confident in your individuality and take style cues from what inspires you and not from anyone else. While a lot of people think alternative as having punk, emo, goth, or rock influences, it is up to an individual where she gets her style cues from.
  2. 2
    Accept yourself. While it’s okay to tone for certain occasions that deem certain things appropriate, you don’t have to let go of all your flair. If you are toned down but feel uncomfortable then you are bending to the norm and not being alternative.
    • For example, if you feel a bright pink mohawk is inappropriate for a job interview at an office, wear your hair down but keep pink streaks in. You will be miserable anywhere that you cannot be yourself so allow your personality to come through as much as is appropriate.
  3. 3
    Don’t let your style own you. Having an alternative style doesn’t mean that you can’t add your own personal touches. While black is associated with alternative style, you can open your colour palette as alternative is a state of mind and not a strict set of rules. Follow your gut.
  4. 4
    Adapt to the situation. There will be times when a certain style is inappropriate. For example, skulls may be seen as a staple for an alternative style but wearing skull print during a funeral may be seen as very inappropriate. Tone down anything that may seem overly offensive when necessary.
  5. 5
    Evolve naturally. Just because you don’t feel the need or have the time to dye your hair or get more piercings, doesn’t mean that you are no longer alternative. You may also ditch platforms if they have become more of a nuisance during your daily grind. Changing one or all aspects of your wardrobe doesn’t change your mindset.
  6. 6
    Experiment with shopping in different stores. Get out of your comfort zone and look for style inspiration outside of your normal stores. Changing your style is part of an alternative attitude. Wanting to change is a great sign that you are in an alternative mindset.
    • Some store market themselves as catering specifically to an alternative style. You probably already know which stores are closest to you. If that is the case, it means that a lot of alternative people are also using this resource rather than finding it on their own. Step away from the crowd and find your own resources.
  7. 7
    Declutter your wardrobe. Follow your instincts and remove anything you don’t see yourself wearing any more. Make room for new versions of alternative inspiration. Donate your old clothes or find consignment outlets to help you recover some of your spendings.
    • Use social media to find groups that hold clothing exchanges or cater specifically to people with an alternative style.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Being Alternative in the Workplace

  1. 1
    Identify with various subcultures. There are a number of subcultures that identify with being alternative including emo, punk, and grunge. You may research online for influences that may still be deemed appropriate at work.[1]
    • For example, you may have the sticker of your favourite punk band on the bag that you use in the office.
  2. 2
    Let your style choices be dictated by your music choices. If there is a certain pattern, print, or type of clothing that is trending within an alternative music scene, you may incorporate that into your office wear.[2]
    • For example, if red lips are big in the punk scene that you are listening to, use a more subtle shade of red lipstick when in the workplace.
  3. 3
    Change your hair colour. Alternative style is often associated with bright hair. While it may be too bold to dye everything a colour like green, you can still have streaks or a single inconspicuous streak.[3]
    • You may also use nail polish or have colourful accents in your clothes or accessories if your workplace is too uptight to allow you to have colourful hair.
  4. 4
    Choose specific patterns and prints. There are a lot of prints and patterns that can be seen as alternative including black lace, leather, spikes, velvet, skulls, leopard print, crosses, chains, and plaid. You can include small splashes of these patterns and prints in your wardrobe without having to commit to something too bold like a leopard print skirt.[4]
    • Make sure to consult your HR department to familiarize yourself with what is appropriate at your office as it may be different from office to office.
  5. 5
    Have fun. Dress to show off a different aspect of your personality. Just because your office does not allow something doesn’t mean you can’t be creative and find another way to express yourself. For example, just because you may not be allowed to wear a top with a large graphic skull printed on it, doesn’t mean you can’t wear a skull brooch on a more demure top.[5]
    • Take pride in the fact that not everyone can pull off your style.
  6. 6
    Curate your work outfits in advance. It may take time to discover the most toned down versions of your style. You may need to shop for accessories or pieces that look similar with the same alternative flair but with a more professional touch. Have fun creating new outfits and going through your wardrobe for edgy yet complimentary pieces.[6]
  7. 7
    Take time to let more of your personality out. Get comfortable in your work environment before you become more bold. You may be able to add prints that work with a pencil skirt. For example a top with cobwebs and insects subtly printed on it may look great with a pencil skirt and a blazer as it may just look like a black and white pattern floral pattern.[7]
    • Keep your prints and patterns inconspicuous until your coworkers know you and you have formed mutual respect.
  8. 8
    Let your work do the talking. The best way to stand out in a professional setting is it let your work do the talking. A sense of style shouldn’t impede your professional life. As long as you don’t offend anyone and your work goes above what is expected, your style should be of no question.[8]
    • It may become difficult to work if you feel it has become a hostile environment simply because people are judging you on your style. If your idea of normal is deemed as weird, make sure to politely and calmly talk to your co workers individually so you can know each other on a more personal level and they will no longer question your motives.
    • Make sure your work is appreciated. It’s okay to be a fashion outsider but make sure you’re receiving validation for your work. Don’t give your employer any reason to discipline you so make sure you’re receiving positive feedback in your work and that your outfit is within the guidelines of your HR department.
  9. 9
    Wear your hair up. If you have splashes of colour or an asymmetrical count, make the bold style less obvious by wearing your hair up. If you have the side of your head shaved, sweep your hair to make the disjointed look less noticeable.[9]
  10. 10
    Wear funky jewelry. Jewelry and accessories are a great way to express yourself without having to completely change your outfit. Find pieces that compliment your wardrobe and provide subtle splashes of personality to your outfit.[10]
    • For example, wear skull earrings or a skull ring.
  11. 11
    Be proud. Try to empathize that people see you through a different lense but be proud that you are expressing yourself as an individual and pulling off a look no one else can. Never judge anyone else as you obviously don’t want to be judged either.[11]
  12. 12
    Save it for the weekend. While it may seem difficult to tone down your personality during the week, ask yourself if your job is more important than your style. If it is, let your full personality out outside of work hours. Part of being professional is adhering to the rules of conduct.
    • If your style is more important than your job, find a job that let’s you be more comfortable while you work.
  13. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Being Alternative at School

  1. 1
    Dye your hair another colour. Make sure you check with the school rules before dying your hair but have fun and express yourself once you know it’s okay. Dye can wash out and hair will grow back. Check the hair dye for any harmful chemicals or consult a professional.
  2. 2
    Use temporary tattoos, piercings, and hair dye. Make sure to try everything before making it permanent. It may seem like a good idea to get a tattoo or piercing but be safe and get a temporary replacement to test out whether it suits you. You may find a piercing inconvenient or a that you find a better tattoo design.
    • Tattoos and piercings especially need a lot of thought as they are permanent and you may grow out of them. Depending on your age, your body still may be changing physically and your tattoo or piercing may look a lot different in the next few years.
  3. 3
    Find a support system. Whether you talk to your parents, older siblings, teachers, or other alternative friends, you need to find people who can relate to wanting to be different. If you stand out in school people may make fun of you for being different. Find a support system to remind yourself that being different is good and that you are who you are.
  4. 4
    Experiment with different things. Whether it’s music, fashion, or activities like skateboarding, experiment with what makes you happy. There isn’t a set of rules for being alternative so don’t let other people tell you what you can or can’t do. Just make sure that you are safe and that you aren’t hurting or offending anybody.
    • If you are trying different activities like skateboarding or parkour, remember to be safe. Always wear a helmet and safety equipment to prevent injury.
  5. 5
    Look to older students for inspiration. If you do not know how to be alternative but think a group of older students do, mimic their style. Ask them questions about where they show or what music they listen to. If you are shy, you may simply quietly observe them and do research on your own.
  6. 6
    Research online. Use social media to find alternative groups in your school or near your house. Chat with others to share resources and learn more about alternative culture. Research bands who interest you and their fan forums for inspiration. Read blogs to help give you a sense of any changes in fashion.
  7. 7
    Express yourself. There are no hardened rules to being alternative. If you feel like having green hair, dye your hair green. If you feel like wearing all black, wear all black. Only you know what makes you happy and comfortable to be yourself.
    • Make sure that your self-expression is within the rules of your school. You don’t want to get detention for an obscene shirt.
  8. 8
    Let music guide you. Music can be a large part of being alternative. Listen to podcasts, join fan pages, and explore social media to find music that inspires you. Learn about what others are listening to and what inspires your favourite artists.
    • Get out and see live bands at clubs or anywhere that supports all-ages shows. If you see a group you like, try to talk to them after the gig. Most up-and-coming groups like to talk to their fan base. Find out what music they listen to or what inspires them.
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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 22 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 112,042 times.
3 votes - 67%
Co-authors: 22
Updated: October 25, 2022
Views: 112,042
Categories: Nonconformist Styles