This wikiHow teaches you how to mark and block junk mail, also known as "spam," on the Microsoft Outlook website. Unfortunately, you can't mark messages as "junk" or edit your junk mail settings from the Outlook mobile app.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Marking Mail as Junk

  1. 1
    Open the Outlook website. Doing so will open your inbox if you're logged into Outlook.
    • If you aren't already logged in, click Sign in, enter your email address (or phone number) and password, and click Sign in.
  2. 2
    Click the checkbox to the left of an email. It's the white box in the top-left corner of an email preview. This should be an email which you intend to mark as Junk.
  3. 3
    Click Junk. This button is in the row of options above your Outlook mailbox, to the right of Archive. Clicking it will move your selected email into the "Junk" folder.
  4. 4
    Right-click (PC) or two-finger click (Mac) the "Junk" folder. It's on the left side of the Outlook page.
  5. 5
    Click Empty folder. You'll see this option on the pop-up window.
  6. 6
    Click OK. Now the Junk folder is clear of junk emails, and your selected email's sender is marked as a junk recipient.
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Changing Block Settings

  1. 1
    Open the Outlook website. Doing so will open your inbox if you're logged into Outlook.
    • If you aren't already logged in, click Sign in, enter your email address (or phone number) and password, and click Sign in.
  2. 2
    Click ⚙️. It's in the top-right corner of the Outlook page.
  3. 3
    Click Options. You'll find it at the bottom of the drop-down menu below the Settings gear.
  4. 4
    Click Junk Mail. This option is about halfway down the left side of the page. Doing so will expand the "Junk Mail" heading to show its options.
    • If there are several indented options below Junk Mail, skip this step.
  5. 5
    Click Filters and reporting. It's the fourth and final option below the "Junk Mail" heading.
  6. 6
    Click the circle to the left of Exclusive. This option is beneath the "Choose a junk email filter" heading near the top of the page. Doing so will prevent any mail not from your contacts, pre-approved email addresses, and scheduled alerts from appearing in your inbox.
  7. 7
    Click Save. It's above the "Filters and reporting" heading at the top of this page. You will see a severely reduced number of junk emails in your inbox from this point on.

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Is there a better way to prevent junk mail than this method?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Get a personal exchange server and blacklist the senders, or affiliate with spam-filtering companies.
  • Question
    How do I stop junk e-mailers from using my email address?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Use Gmail. It has Google's AI that puts 99% of junk mail in a spam folder. Rarely does it happen where Google doesn't put spam in that folder.
  • Question
    What do I do if all of my email is going to the junk mail folder?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Go into settings and change where all of your emails are turning up. If they come from a specific website (e.g. subscriptions), check the settings on that website as well. Most of the time this happens because the addresses from which you are receiving emails aren't legitimate, but fraud or fake. The settings displayed will depend on what sort of computer you're using.


  • If you do enable the "Exclusive" option for blocking junk email, make sure you add important contacts to your address book before you expect to receive emails from them (or check the Junk folder).

About this article

Jack Lloyd
Written by:
wikiHow Technology Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Jack Lloyd. Jack Lloyd is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. He has over two years of experience writing and editing technology-related articles. He is technology enthusiast and an English teacher. This article has been viewed 242,328 times.
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Co-authors: 9
Updated: October 8, 2020
Views: 242,328
Article SummaryX

1. Open Outlook.
2. Click the checkbox to the left of an email.
3. Click Junk.
4. Right-click (or two-finger click) the "Junk" folder.
5. Click Empty folder.
6. Click OK.

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