Calculating the slope of a line is extremely simple. It can be done with a function, as well as the using the same methods that are completed when calculating the slope by hand.


  1. 1
    In Cell B1 and C1 type "X" and "Y"
  2. 2
    Enter Coordinates in Excel : In cell B2 and C2 enter your first coordinates (x and y).
  3. 3
    In cell B3 and C3 enter your second set of coordinates.
  4. 4
    Calculate the Slope: In C4 type "=slope(C2:C3,B2:B3)"
  5. 5
    You have the slope!
  6. Advertisement
Method 1
Method 1 of 1:

To calculate without the function

  1. 1
    Repeat steps 1 - 3 above:
  2. 2
    In cell B5, calculate the difference in X coordinates by typing:
    • =B2-B3
  3. 3
    In cell C5, calculate the difference of Y coordinates by typing:
    • =C2-C3
  4. 4
    In cell C7, calculate the rise over run by typing:
    • =C5/B5
  5. Advertisement



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Co-authors: 4
Updated: April 2, 2020
Views: 267,968
Categories: Microsoft Excel