When you use Waze, other drivers can see you on the map, marked by a mood icon. If you'd like to change your public icon, this wikiHow will help.


Select a new mood icon.

  1. Tap the item that best describes your mood. You'll see options like Cat, Dog, Fancy, Chase, Hopeful, Joyful, and more.
    • If you become a special Waze Map Editor with more than a certain number of edits, there's also three moods exclusive for Map Editors including T-Rex, 8bit, and Robot.
    • Recognize that your points and experience in Waze will add additional features to your mood icon appearance. These items will be changed as you level up out of the "Waze Newbie" phase you'll start out with at first.

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Co-authors: 4
Updated: November 14, 2022
Views: 48,515
Categories: Waze