Lewis Hamilton is a World Champion Formula One racing driver, as well as a popular British public figure. In addition to being a champion racer, Lewis is passionate about the environment and uses his platform to promote awareness about environmental issues. You can try to contact him by sending a message or letter to his management team. You can also try to use his personal social media pages to get his attention and send him a message.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Sending Him a Message

  1. 1
    Email his management team at teamlh@lewishamilton.com. Write a formal email that explains who you are and why you’re trying to get in touch with Lewis. Use proper grammar and spelling so your message is as professional as possible. Be sure to include your contact information so Lewis or his management team can follow up with you if they choose to do so.[1]
    • If you have a business offer, or you’d like to book Lewis for an event, emailing his management team is likely to be the best way to contact him. Writing a letter is the better way to go if you want to send him fan mail.
    • You can also ask his management team to pass your note on to him if they think he’d be interested in reading it.
    • When you use email in a business situation, you should follow the format of a formal written letter.
    • If you send an attachment, see if it is correct before sending.
  2. 2
    Post a message on his contact page at https://lewishamilton.me.uk/. Lewis has a public comment page on his official website for his fans to use to send him a message. Briefly explain why you’re trying to get in contact with Lewis in the message box. Input your email, name, and website if you have one in the appropriate fields to make yourself seem more legitimate so Lewis or his management team are more likely to respond to you.[2]
    • The contact page is a good way to bring an environmental cause to Lewis’ attention or to express your appreciation.
    • Keep your message short and sweet and Lewis or his managers will follow up with you if they’re interested.
    • Because the message is public, don’t include personal information like your home address or your financial information.
    • Your email address will not be made public, so you can safely provide it.

    Tip: Click on the checkboxes next to “Notify me of new comments via email” and “Notify me of new posts via email” so you can be alerted whenever Lewis or his management team posts to or updates the contact page.

  3. 3
    Send a direct message to Lewis on Twitter. Lewis often posts his own tweets and updates his personal Twitter page, which can be found at https://twitter.com/LewisHamilton. Visit his page in a web browser or on the Twitter app and choose the option to send him a message. Write a short and direct message that clearly states who you are and why you’re trying to contact him. Include your contact information so Lewis or his management can follow up with you.[3]
    • Lewis is very passionate about environmental causes and posts about them frequently, so his Twitter may be a good place to contact him about that.
    • Because he has such a large following, Lewis may not see your direct message.
    • You can also tag his handle, @LewisHamilton, in a tweet or retweet to try to get his attention, but avoid posting personal information so other people won’t see it.
  4. 4
    Use his personal Instagram to get in touch with him. Lewis often posts very personal photographs and messages on his personal Instagram, so you may be able to get his attention with a comment or send him a message that he’ll see using his page at https://www.instagram.com/lewishamilton. Post a comment on one of his posts and tag his page, @lewishamilton, so he may see it. Alternatively, send him a short direct message that explains who you are and includes your contact information so Lewis can reach out to you if he wants to.[4]
    • Lewis often talks about his body image issues and his passion for environmental causes on his Instagram, so it could be a way for you to contact him about those subjects.
    • Comments on Instagram are public, so don’t include personal information on there.
    • After you send him a message, wait for Lewis to respond to you once he gets a chance to read it.
    • Try posting a comment that directs Lewis to your inbox so you can get his attention. For example, you could post a comment like, “Hey @lewishamilton! I sent you a message that you may be interested in seeing. Check your inbox!”
  5. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Mailing a Letter

  1. 1
    Write Lewis about a business opportunity or to send him fan mail. Write a formal letter that uses proper grammar and spelling to appear more professional. In the first paragraph, introduce yourself and tell Lewis why you’re writing him a letter. Then, take a few paragraphs to add examples or to emphasize the points that you’re trying to make so Lewis has an even clearer picture of what you’re contacting him about. Finish your letter by summarizing it and asking Lewis to get in touch with you.[5]
    • Writing a letter is a good way to express your appreciation if you’re a fan of his.
    • The introduction should briefly summarize what your letter is about.
    • Don’t use exaggerated or flowery language in the introduction or Lewis or his management team may not read the rest of the letter.
  2. 2
    Format the letter so it looks professional so Lewis is more likely to read it. Include your address and the date in the top left corner of the letter. Below the date, write the mailing address. Skip a line and begin your letter with a proper salutation such as, “Dear Mr. Hamilton.” Try to keep the letter to 1 page if possible so Lewis and his management are more likely to read it. When you’re finished, add a closing such as, “Sincerely” or “Yours Truly,” and then sign the letter.[6]
    • Print your name beneath your signature.
    • If you have a formal title, place it underneath your name.
  3. 3
    Address the letter to Lewis Hamilton’s management in London. Fold the letter and place it in a clean white envelope to make it look more professional. Write the address in the center of the front of the envelope. Include your return address in the top left corner of the envelope and add enough postage for the letter to be delivered. Stick the envelope in your mailbox to be picked up by a postal worker.[7]
    • You can speed up the delivery time by dropping the letter in a mailbox at your local post office so you don’t have to wait for it to be picked up.

    Lewis Hamilton’s Mailing Address:
    Lewis Carl Hamilton
    Lewis Hamilton Motorsport Ltd.
    The Ring, 72 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8HA

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About This Article

Tami Claytor
Co-authored by:
Etiquette Coach
This article was co-authored by Tami Claytor. Tami Claytor is an Etiquette Coach, Image Consultant, and the Owner of Always Appropriate Image and Etiquette Consulting in New York, New York. With over 20 years of experience, Tami specializes in teaching etiquette classes to individuals, students, companies, and community organizations. Tami has spent decades studying cultures through her extensive travels across five continents and has created cultural diversity workshops to promote social justice and cross-cultural awareness. She holds a BA in Economics with a concentration in International Relations from Clark University. Tami studied at the Ophelia DeVore School of Charm and the Fashion Institute of Technology, where she earned her Image Consultant Certification. This article has been viewed 51,692 times.
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Co-authors: 2
Updated: November 3, 2022
Views: 51,692
Categories: Gmail Contacts