Are you having a tough time controlling your temper? Every relationship has its ups and downs, but anger in a relationship can really take its toll. If you feel like you always look for the negatives in your partner, you might be dealing with some anger issues. Fortunately, there are ways you can combat your anger and work together with your partner for the sake of your relationship. Read through these tips to control your emotions and resolve conflicts without blowing up.


Step away from the situation.


Take some deep breaths.

  1. Focus on breathing in and out slowly. If you feel yourself starting to get angry, take a deep breath in through your nose, then let it out through your mouth. Do this 5 to 10 times until you feel yourself getting calmer.[2]
    • Deep breathing also helps slow your heart rate down, which can help remove some of the physical symptoms of extreme anger.[3]
    • Practice deep breathing when you aren’t angry so you know exactly how to do it when you start to get upset.

Notice your negative thoughts.

  1. Anger is often caused by destructive thought patterns. You might not even notice that you’re thinking in a particular way. The first step to combating these negative thought patterns is identifying them, so watch out for:[8]
    • Generalizing: Saying that your partner ALWAYS does something, or NEVER does something. (“You NEVER take out the trash” or “You ALWAYS cut me off when I’m speaking”).
    • Blaming: Your first reaction is to externalize blame when something goes wrong. You may blame your partner for things that happen to you instead of taking responsibility. (If you leave your phone on a bus, you blame your partner for distracting you).
    • Mind reading: Assuming that your partner is purposefully hurting you, ignoring you, or upsetting you. (If your partner doesn’t do the dishes, you assume that they are avoiding them as a way to get back at you).
    • Looking for the final straw: Actively looking for things to be upset about or only focusing on negative things. Often, this occurs one small thing at a time, until you reach the “final straw” and explode.
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Combat your negative thought patterns.

  1. Ask yourself if your thoughts are rational and true. Oftentimes, we have reactions to situations that just aren’t helpful. When you notice that you’re thinking in an unhelpful way, pay attention to your specific thoughts and thought patterns. Then, ask yourself:[9]
    • ”Is my perception an accurate and valid approach to the situation?”
    • ”Is there something I can do about this?”
    • ”Is this ruining the rest of my day? Is this something worthy of pursuing?”
    • ”How important is this in the grand scheme of things? Is this something that greatly influences our relationship?”

Keep an “us vs. the problem” mindset.


Tell your partner clearly what you need.


Forgive your partner.

  1. Holding onto anger will hurt you both in the long run. If you’ve resolved the situation and you both feel happy with the outcome, try not to hold onto any resentments. Forgiveness doesn’t have to mean that you take responsibility or even that you think what happened was okay, but it does mean that you’re willing to let it go. When an argument is resolved, try not to bring it up again in any further disagreements.[14]
    • Some situations are so tough that they take a long time to forgive. If you aren’t sure that you can forgive your partner, it may be time to seek couple’s counseling.

Talk to a mental health professional if you need to.

  1. Anger issues can take a toll on any relationship. If your anger interferes with your relationship and causes you to hurt people, say or do things you regret, or is completely out of control, consider seeking therapy. You can work one-on-one with a therapist, or check out anger management groups, which unite people over wanting to gain better control of their anger. It’s important to know when your anger is destructive, and that it’s okay to reach out for help for your sake and for the sake of your relationship.[15]
    • If you have insurance, check with your provider to find a mental health professional in your plan.
    • If you don’t have insurance, consider a cheaper alternative like online counseling.
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Expert Q&A
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  • Question
    What causes anger in a relationship?
    Chloe Carmichael, PhD
    Chloe Carmichael, PhD
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    Chloe Carmichael, PhD is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who runs a private practice in New York City. With over a decade of psychological consulting experience, Dr. Chloe specializes in relationship issues, stress management, self esteem, and career coaching. She has also instructed undergraduate courses at Long Island University and has served as adjunct faculty at the City University of New York. Dr. Chloe completed her PhD in Clinical Psychology at Long Island University in Brooklyn, New York and her clinical training at Lenox Hill Hospital and Kings County Hospital. She is accredited by the American Psychological Association and is the author of “Nervous Energy: Harness the Power of Your Anxiety” and “Dr. Chloe's 10 Commandments of Dating.”
    Chloe Carmichael, PhD
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    Expert Answer

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    There could be any number of things leading one of you to anger, but your question raises an important point. People rarely get angry for absolutely no reason. There's something triggering that anger, so getting to the source of that problem may lead to a resolution.
  • Question
    How can I stop myself when I want to yell at my partner?
    Chloe Carmichael, PhD
    Chloe Carmichael, PhD
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    Chloe Carmichael, PhD is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who runs a private practice in New York City. With over a decade of psychological consulting experience, Dr. Chloe specializes in relationship issues, stress management, self esteem, and career coaching. She has also instructed undergraduate courses at Long Island University and has served as adjunct faculty at the City University of New York. Dr. Chloe completed her PhD in Clinical Psychology at Long Island University in Brooklyn, New York and her clinical training at Lenox Hill Hospital and Kings County Hospital. She is accredited by the American Psychological Association and is the author of “Nervous Energy: Harness the Power of Your Anxiety” and “Dr. Chloe's 10 Commandments of Dating.”
    Chloe Carmichael, PhD
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    Expert Answer

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    It seems counterintuitive, but try congratulating yourself. If you can recognize when you're about to have an outburst, that awareness can drastically bring you down to a better place.

About This Article

Chloe Carmichael, PhD
Co-authored by:
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
This article was co-authored by Chloe Carmichael, PhD and by wikiHow staff writer, Hannah Madden. Chloe Carmichael, PhD is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who runs a private practice in New York City. With over a decade of psychological consulting experience, Dr. Chloe specializes in relationship issues, stress management, self esteem, and career coaching. She has also instructed undergraduate courses at Long Island University and has served as adjunct faculty at the City University of New York. Dr. Chloe completed her PhD in Clinical Psychology at Long Island University in Brooklyn, New York and her clinical training at Lenox Hill Hospital and Kings County Hospital. She is accredited by the American Psychological Association and is the author of “Nervous Energy: Harness the Power of Your Anxiety” and “Dr. Chloe's 10 Commandments of Dating.” This article has been viewed 94,791 times.
5 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 8
Updated: January 27, 2022
Views: 94,791
Categories: Anger Management
Article SummaryX

If you are in a relationship and want to control your anger during a fight, try to give yourself time to think before you speak, so you can express yourself calmly and clearly. To calm both your body and mind, take deep breaths and repeat a calming phrase, like "relax" or "I am calm," which will remind you to keep your composure. When you express your thoughts to your partner, make sure to use "I" statements instead of "you" statements, like "I feel really angry when you say things like that." That way, your partner won't feel like you are blaming them for your emotions. However, if things escalate too much, call a timeout by explaining that you need a second to regain your composure, but still want to talk later. For more advice from our co-author, like how to avoid further conflict, read on.

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